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Kirk Kahler • 5 years ago

ya with the way the democrats are eating their own ! the way the left is wanting this new green deal ! the fact that they are at war with jews, white men, life and faith ! their double standards ! the fact that they look right at you and lie to your face ! over the past two years we have been exposed to the democrats lies, misdeeds and corruption on a weekly basis ! democrats have not one thing to offer the American people other than the new green deal that will cost 93 trillion ! raise our taxes 70% ! open our boarders to every one ! openly call for violence on any one that is not with them ! protect illegals over American citizens ! take our guns ! get rid of cows ! and so much more it hurts to think about what the democrats are wanting for us ! so I will not vote for them and I see trump having a land slide win in 2020 all cuz democrats only want power over the people and will say and do what ever it take to gain power over us and in some cases replace with their new voter base the illegals ! but what we are seeing right now all over America is the people standing up and saying no more we have states standing up for the 2nd armament 17 so far ! we have one state so far standing up for life ! we see the #walkaway gaining ground and many people are leaving the democrats ! the Jewish voters are not happy with Omar and Pelosi and there is a movement started to leave the democrats ! black and Hispanic voters are waking up and finding that they have been lied to and used for decades and are starting to pull a way ! and still the democrats promise crap to the people they have no plans to keep ! use the race card every chance they can ! pomp fake news ! ya I don't see them keeping the house come 2020 or take the white house but what I do see is the unhinged democrat party falling a part and having to rebuild !

joe • 5 years ago

They are leaving California in a hurry also. Taxes to high & RENT IS CRAZY

sommerday • 5 years ago

That's a Fox News Alternate Reality,
High taxes be d_mned, the rich keep moving to California.

Ann Lawless • 5 years ago

Same here in New Jersey! I'm Moving OUT!

David Teiwes • 5 years ago

It seems socialism is a fad that never seems to want to disappear no matter how many times it's been shown to destroy any culture that adopts it failed policies! It is guaranteed that incrementalism will be the demise of what happens to this country because as the older generation disappears from existence, the public schools keep cranking out everybody's a winner that deserves a participation award that desolves the need for self respect because why should they work when freebies are waiting to be handed to them with no effort on their part!

Monticello Shuttles • 5 years ago

Very good and concise writing. To bad we can't get ONE Democrat to read it! BTW...This is what "Free" College is teaching these days. Hard to believe.

Ektor • 5 years ago

Once again, the author gets it. It's not so much that Trump can win, it's that the Dem's policies are totally horrid and non essential. The Dem party actually peaked during WW2 and has been zigging and zagging its way lower since then. The total number of Dems in power on all levels of government has been dramatically decreasing. They are a party that is snakebit and like a wounded animal going into death throes, kicking and fighting to the very end. They have gone full extreme radical as the party of JFK has been hijacked by Marxists and very far left liberals. If they younger generations win out in the voting, they will grow to hate their decision.

OldPatriot32 • 5 years ago

Gallup poll at 50%? LOL. Look for a Trump landslide this time around; mainstream Americans and nearly all conservatives have little use for most socialist policies, let alone those unqualified leftists trumpeting them.

calmtruth • 5 years ago

Yet another red scare article by another information challenged writer. We must endure JT trotting out the obligatory Venezuela exhibit one as evidence to the horrors of socialism. Why these guys somehow overlook Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark as successful social democracies is inexplicable. These nations' populations are healthier, happier, enjoy more equality of income/wealth and their life expectancies continue to increase not decrease as in good old crony-capitalist USA. What Bernie Sanders and his democratic imitators propose is a better balance between private ownership of business (capitalism) and social democratic government as the previously mentioned nations enjoy. And by the way, JT, the free market has engineered an environmentally safe paper straw if you decide to take the plunge into politically correct territory.

dennykray • 5 years ago

We still have to be aware that the leftists are still very good at voter fraud-and the establishment republicans don't seem to care about missing ballot boxes and precincts having more votes cast than registered voters.
However, we do have a Commander-In-Chief who is ready and willing to defend the Republic against treason if necessary.
Along with The People who are with him.

MILTON Braselton • 5 years ago

J.T.Crowe: Are you an idiot....or not just old enough ??? I am a senior citizen (68 y.o.) and I remember straws before they were plastic--in fact, I remember a lot of other things before they were plastic. I graduated from John Marshall Sr. Hi. in [what was then] far north Oklahoma City in 1968 ("We're great! We rate! We're the Class of '68!) two years after Elizabeth Warren graduated from the next high school to the south, Northwest Classen (the largest in Oklahoma). No, I never met her, but I knew all the members of JM,s debate team (some of the most intelligent, worldly-wise students I knew at JM) who debated Warren's team (whose championship trophies are still sitting in the huge trophy case at NW Classen). Perhaps the hottest movie that spring was "The Graduate"--you had to be 18 y.o. to get in the theater then for that one. Remember the scene at the graduation party that Ben Braddock's parents throw for him when one of their friends takes Ben aside and tells him, "I want to tell you just one word: PLASTICS !" What was the world like before then ? --Just what was it like ??? ---I am one who still remembers. You are narrow-minded...or....narrow-focused...or...something like that. What about American innovation and ingenuity to change ? You seem to have lost that concept--the current new generations have not.

Waclaw Jerzy Borken-Hagen • 5 years ago

Democrats and Communists before them, have adopted "creeping gradualism" as a tactic to dupe masses.
From fraudulent claims about evil capitalism, polar bears, honey bees, and spotted owls to promoting the legalization of drugs and making outrageous forecasts about Global Warming.
Alcohol, class warfare, World peace, and comets have been used in the past.
The sincere idealistic souls have bought the crafty propaganda line, hook, and sinker.
Ask yourself, what if the Green New Deal is not about saving the planet, but is designed to enslave our population into a totalitarian system ruled by people who couldn't care less about the environment and only care about gaining power?
The pattern has repeated itself in every endeavor that has used Socialism as a stepping stone.
Examine the caliber, motivations, and integrity of promoters -- and WALK AWAY! Mark my words, you deserve better.

luv1nl1fe • 5 years ago

Don't get to cocky about anything you think might secure Trump's win in 2020! Clinton had a 98% chance of winning in the polls in 2016 and look what happened there. The fact that Democrats are more Socialist than Democrat matters more to the Republicans who are not leaning in the direction of Communism.

sommerday • 5 years ago

Venezuelan-style authoritarian pseudo-populist state, exaggerated by Trump as a socialism
For a normal example of socialism, you won't see on Fox News or Russia Today:
For the second year in a row, democrat-socialist Finland has been named
the happiest country in the world
by the World Happiness Report.
Finland has a strong social safety net, including a progressive, successful approach to ending homelessness.
It also has a high-quality education system.

sommerday • 5 years ago

Coincidentally, Republicans grow their poorly-educated base by cutting education programs.

calmtruth • 5 years ago

Republicans want to dumb-them-down least they discover the looting of the nation's wealth by their financial backers.

Waclaw Jerzy Borken-Hagen • 5 years ago

Democrats and Communists before them, have adopted "creeping gradualism" as a tactic to dupe masses.
From fraudulent claims about evil capitalism, polar bears, honey bees, and spotted owls to promoting the legalization of drugs and making outrageous forecasts about Global Warming.
Alcohol, class warfare, World peace, and comets have been used in the past.
The sincere idealistic souls have bought the crafty propaganda line, hook, and sinker.
Ask yourself, what if the Green New Deal is not about saving the planet, but is designed to enslave our population into a totalitarian system ruled by people who couldn't care less about the environment and only cares about gaining power?
The pattern has repeated itself in every endeavor that has used Socialism as a stepping stone.
Examine the caliber, motivations, and integrity of promoters -- and WALK AWAY! Mark my words.
You deserve better.

Drink Me • 5 years ago

If you read up on "Climate Change" one can only conclude what you have eluded to.
It's a power money grab scam.
The most compelling point to prove this: what about China, Asia and the rest of the world?
Combined their output exceeds the U.S. by 5X+
If "Climate Change" is as advertised it would require the WHOLE WIDE WORLD to stop emitting carbon.
Not just the U.S.
I don't believe anyone in our politico system is trying to get China to stop building generating facilities.
Many in the U.S. are not familiar with the Yellow Vest movement and the unrest in France.
These uprisings began with the elitists trying to implement "Climate Change" policies on the workers.
Most folks in the U.S. have no idea what the Paris Accord Scam was really about.
Since the U.S. pulled out the program is woefully underfunded.
Many would also prefer you to believe "Climate Change" is pollution.
"Climate Change" is the theory that the additional .04% Co2 emitted by humans will manifest perpetual global heating.
Pollution is a real world problem.

ralph johnson jr • 5 years ago

damnd good point there! It is easy to assuage-nay control- a throng if you keep them simple, stupid and sound-bite tuned only.

Drink Me • 5 years ago

All you folks touting the happiness of the Northern EU countries "socialistic" governments must keep in mind their populations are much more aligned to their mutual heredity and customs.
Most folks in these countries are of the same racial, religious and educated upbringing.
U.S. is the only true melting pot.

sommerday • 5 years ago

There's some truth to what you write, as well as Venezuela is not a true socialist government but an Oligarch Kleptocracy with a shallow patina of socialism.
All industrialized countries are a blend of capitalism and socialism - 100% capitalism will destroy the working-class (Gilded Age I and II), 100% socialism will destroy the working-class.
U.S. as a melting pot just has to find their own blend that brings a peace of mind and happiness to people.
(note: many European countries are melting pots too - North African, Middle-East , and Indian diaspora throughout Europe.)

readerone • 5 years ago

socialism is a blending of aspects of capitalism and communism.... the foundational axiom are nature v. nuture .... in communism , every one is perfectly equal , the lowest common denominator ... and given enough training , provided by the state , they have skills ... which are owned by the state.... the citizen is the property of the state . in capitalism , it is assumed that god made each one of us... and god never made a misstake... a+b=c you are perfectly designed for a need god has , and there is a place for every one to stand ... capitalism assumes people are good , not very smart all the time , but honest and kind ... rare is the bad person , normal is good , and rare is the angel who you wish would live for ever .... socialism is a mixture of these two foundational axioms ..... socialism can be measured by its number of surplus population , or ... number of people on public asstance .... welfare ..... in the pure capitalism and pure communism ... you have no surplus .... in socialism you have the confused who never work , never find their greatness , and lose their life , one day at a time ..... they wait all their life for some one to save them .... they are a voice in the darkness that no one has the ablity to help... because the goverment strips us of everything ... where you can almost take care of your self , and have nothing left over to help any one else.... this is what socialism actualy is.... it is compulsion.... slavery .... monsterious and vile.... they are good people... but have never looked closly at what it is they are supporting..... be kind.... but understand.... capitalism is not just right.... socialism is barbaric , monsterious and evil