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jrj90620 • 4 years ago

You're preaching to the choir.I doubt the people who are poor,with no savings,are reading this article.More likely,they hope Bernie becomes President and bails them out.

Betty DeWitt • 4 years ago

If you think Social Security is at risk of going bust you are totally ignorant of how government, and the "Deep State" operates. First and foremost, Government can't steal from something that does not exist! So I can personally guarantee that Social Security will be around for many future generations. The catch is, you had better not count on it being very much money when you get it. A drug dealer is easier on their junkies than government is when they take their cut! Socialism at its finest! Proof positive that Socialism and it's programs never work, just as prohibition never fails to fail...

jrj90620 • 4 years ago

That's correct.Government only promised you payment in Dollars.The Dollar is fiat currency,it isn't money or a store of value,so your purchasing power isn't guaranteed.

SnakePlissken • 4 years ago

The Federal Government "borrows" from Social Security to fund other programs with no intention to pay it back. It also uses Social Security funds to pay for people who claim to be disabled who really are not, gives Social Security money to states as matching funds for child support (Title IV), and gives payments to illegal immigrants who have never paid into the system and are not even at retirement age. I have been paying into the system my entire working life, and when I retire, there will be nothing left for me.

max3333444555 • 4 years ago

you are not correct on some key points. SS money is not borrowed as much as invested in government bonds

Let's talk • 4 years ago

I swear to God, Snake, I thought you were dead. :)

Tony Curran • 4 years ago

About 10 years ago when my salary rose above $127,000/year I noticed FICA/wage base limit had stopped being taken out. That level has now increased to $137,700 for 2020. So this begs the question ,,, What is there a limit ??? Everyone, no matter what income level they are at should all be paying into it.

max3333444555 • 4 years ago

its because your benefits are based on contributions and those benefits are capped also. everyone who makes income pays in to SS, at least until they hit the yearly max

max3333444555 • 4 years ago

when you take 12.6 percent of income from someone, they may not have enough left to fund a private retirement plan.

Alleged-Comment • 4 years ago

Stop Demoncraps and Retardicans from giving all your money away to foreign countries including our SWORN enemies. Stop phony spending here to buy votes (you know what I mean) and there will be so much money for SS people could retire in their 40s and 50's with practically double the money they get now and never have to worry about SS becoming insolvent.