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Paul • 4 years ago

Does this surprise any one and does anyone see a quid and fishy dealings by Clinton?

Bob • 4 years ago
deanbob • 4 years ago

Now there's a REAL quid pro quo!

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Yes except that Clinton is not the president.

lzib • 4 years ago

No, she was just married to one, Senator and Secretary of State...just imagine how much money she would make if she had become President!

Not to mention how much money her kid would make- seems Dem kids make a fortune off their parents public funded Jobs!

Clinton's need to cut back, in 2015 she and billy spent over $53 million just on private jet travel for the year- No wonder Bill was hitching rides on Epstines plane.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Okay I give up on M&M. I tried to reply to this post a few times, made sure no profanity or anything that would merit "moderation" but apparently only so much criticism of M&M's anointed one is allowed. maybe this will make it through but I'm done.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Actually she made a fair amount prior to the election based on the premise that a buffoon like Trump was unelectable. Of course anyone who has followed American society knows that indeed a "sucker is born every minute" and many of our citizens live in fantasyland. Thus it isn't inconceivable that a proven prolific liar, conman, serial adulterer, draft dodging insulter of POWs and Gold star families who has always existed within the bubble of wealth could be chosen. Of course he was helped by running against Clinton, a candidate nearly as crooked as him.

BTW Repub's families also benefit from the parents publicly funded jobs. For instance Trump's boys, Beavis and Butthead, travel the world staying in posh surroundings on our dime, despite their alleged vast wealth. They and their sister and her husband have been cashing in on the Trump presidency since day one. Nepotism has always been part of the government bureaucracy. it is one of the truly bipartisan issues.

Pointing out the Clintons' offenses doesn't justify or excuse Trump's.

lzib • 4 years ago

Oh, and I would rather have a serial adulterer over a serial Rapist, who also dodged the Draft, who existed withing the bubble of wealth he earned over one who Cheated and used pay for play to get their millions off their public political positions, as to hillary getting a lot of money prior to the election Yes on the promise she would be able later to repay them in her crooked way just as she had as Secretary of State. BTW the Clinton foundation lost over $100 million since she lost the election in 2016- hum if all her "charitable" donations were legitimate and not a quid pro quo for when she was president- then why have they lost about 80% of their donations all of a sudden?! Wake up lucky, yes pointing to Clinton's crimes would not justify crimes by Trump but ignoring hers or Biden's but pointing at Trump claiming crimes your side has yet to prove shows your own Bias!

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Just to be clear, I have a similar view as you do of Clinton but it's about time t rump groupies stopped giving their hero a free ride by saying that all his crimes are either all "fake news" or when that fails "well HRC (or insert a name) does or did it too."

The testimony in the current case shows trump's guilt and there is also the emoluments clause that he has been very obviously violating since he took office.

lzib • 4 years ago

Emoluments clause? Ok, so let's add up all the funds he is supposed to have profited from dignitaries choosing to sleep in his hotels against the fact that he has Given Back his Three $500k Paychecks to the govt. I am fairly sure he has given back far more then his hotels may have profited from. Grow up Lucky seriously you sound like an idiot who just looks for any excuse to criticize and hate. Oh, and not the Testimony has NOT shown any evidence of corruption, bribery, quid pro quo or corrosion ala Joe Biden's - Hey you got six hours to fire the guy or I'm leaving with the Billion dollars in aid. And son of a B.... they did it! That he confessed to voluntarily as he arrogantly bragged thinking it would make him seem like a tough guy. He should go back to picking fights with Cornpop!

And I am not saying "well HRC (or insert name) did it too" thus Trump should be let off if he committed a crime - I am saying your side needs to Prove the Crime not use unfounded third and fourth hearsay accounts, presumptions of what Trump meant, assumptions that you know what he would do, or biased, hate-filled vengeful lifetime politicians looking to even Hillarys score for her as your basis for an impeachment! When Bill was impeached he was proven guilty of 11 crimes. Prove one crime worthy of impeachment with Evidence, not hearsay or presumptions then you can say he is a criminal. As for Hillary and Biden- no real investigations were ever done, lets do them next and see what comes up shall we :)

brbg • 4 years ago

On the contrary, The testimony has proven him completely innocent of the charges. Schiff only released what he wanted to to the media. The testimony he released was 100% hearsay, gossip, personal opinion and assumptions. Those who actually had first hand info all completely exonerated him....even though Schiff held out exculpatory evidence from his secret inquisition and only released it after the testimonies were complete and most people stopped watching. He knows if he sends this to the Senate, the truth will come out that he recruited the "whistleblower" and had his staff write the complaint so he would have an excuse to open yet another "investigation". The Senate will call the witnesses that Schiff forbade them to call. They will ask the questions that Schiff forbade them to ask and no coaching of witnesses will be allowed.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

I don't know what "testimony" you watched but what I saw clearly indicated that he is deserving of impeachment. You're probably correct that the lock-step GOP controlled senate will not convict but it won't be for lack of evidence.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Trump was born into his bubble of wealth, he did not earn it, and in fact had to be bailed out by daddy when his lack of biz acumen was causing his casino to fail.

brbg • 4 years ago

He has turned his father's millions into billions. He is a very sharp businessman. Bankruptsy is a common business tactic which helps a person stay in business while fixing the problem. Trump was young and had to learn the business and learn from mistakes as we all do.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Hundreds of millions form daddy and we really don't know the present extent of his wealth due to his total lack of transparency. true that bankruptcy is a biz tactic but for those who resort to that it surely is not sign of biz acumen.

brbg • 4 years ago

The Russians even donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary's campaign. Of course, if she was a Republican that would be front and center in the media.

brbg • 4 years ago

That president you so eloquently insult has done more for this country than any other modern president, if not ANY president. If you get all your news from the MSM, then you are woefully uninformed as they do not report on any of it. He is no more of a liar than any politician in office. I realize the political left has trouble distinguishing hyperbole from lying. Sure Trump has personality issues but no one but a leftist would allow that to discount the great things he has done while being constantly persecuted, harassed and "investigated" by the coup attempts of the Democrats.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

What great thing has he done? BTW the economy continued on the track begun under Obama.

joe1cr • 4 years ago

Have you got any facts to back up you're liberal pie hole statements ???

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Wouldn't matter to you but if you look you will find. I won't waste my time trying to reason someone out of a position they didn't use reason to obtain.

lzib • 4 years ago

So, have you seen the bills for Trump's kids travel? is it in the service of their positions for the govt.? if so they are not taking a Paycheck so does it outweigh what they would be paid? if not your full of BS. Your bias and Hate is obvious and one-sided because most of the things you are accusing him of we have seen from Most of the Dem politicians. Oh, and I have seen Ivanka and her kids flying in coach (we know that because a Dem filmed himself harassing and verbally abusing her in front of her children during the flight) I do not recall EVER seeing Chealsea Clinton flying coach or Nancy or any of the Dem leadership...So again your full of BS attacking his Kids but ignoring the $16.5 Million dollars Biden's son got for a job he did not know how to do, did not speak the language, and Jo made sure his son was not investigated by his self confessed Bragging/Confession of Bribery/extortion of the Ukrainians! Grow up Lucky and let go of your Hate you are harming yourself most of all. Sad deluded Dems.

Oh, and Nepotism has always been part of both sides dear, Recall Kenedy who put his brothers in high cabinet positions? or Rosevelt whose son was an advisor, or Teddy Rs daughter who served as a sort of ambassador for the WH? And let's not forget Jimmy Carter saying he often discussed and got advise on world affairs from this then 13 yr old daughter! The last two Dem presidents kids were too young to get jobs is no doubt the only reason they were not given them!

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Examples of Trump's sons travel cost:

Neither are competent to advise anybody on anything except maybe how to be born into wealth and become a total a$$hole, the family tradition. You say Carter sought advice form his 13 yo daughter. Personally I doubt that but if so I'm sure it was more useful than anything Don Sr gets from either Beavis or Butthead which I'm sure amounts to: "Atta boy dad", "You showed'em dad" "That's great idea dad".

"Oh, and Nepotism has always been part of both sides dear" Yes dear, and if you check my previous post you'll see that I concur. I said "Nepotism has always been part of the government bureaucracy. it is one of the truly bipartisan issues"

lzib • 4 years ago

Your assessment is so completely Biased it is ridiculous that you even bother to answer at all. Yes, Carter said it in an interview while he was president- some of us are old enough to remember these things. As for Trump's kids not only do they both have Ivy league University degrees (you know those things Dems love so much) but have both successfully run more businesses in the private sector than 89% of Dem politicians ever have. So, your assessment that they are unqualified is just your own biased opinion. Sounds kinda like you are jealous they were born into wealth and have a great relationship with their father and you were not born into wealth and probably don't have a great dad...but unlike most wealth babies Trump's at least work for a living instead of jet setting or using their parent's public office to skim tax dollars off the Govt. dole.

Your hateful envy is showing.

And now you are agreeing with me about Nepotism - That is a start! Keep going Lucky and you may just develop some sane discernment. I hear TDS is curable - with a lot of treatment and dedication- don't give up
there's hope for you dear :)

Bob • 4 years ago

Izib, you have a lot of patience ... more than me! I've tried to have logical conversations, through insult-slingers with "Lucky" for months. Sometimes I think perhaps he's actually one of those Ukraine or Russian blog groups I read about, with the mission of setting public opinion against the administration to affect the 2020 election outcome.

I say this because Lucky will NOT concede that there's NO "evidence" of ANY crimes, or graft, or corruption, or skimming by the President or his family. NONE! Yet Lucky won't EVER admit the truth!

He either the most engrained Never-Trumper with the worst case of TDS on Earth, or a foreign shill!

Be well!

The lucky one • 4 years ago

His violation of the emoluments clause is so obvious even a blind man could see it. His attempts for a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian president is also obvious.

You have it mixed up. the Russian blog groups favor Trump, the man Putin knows he can easily outsmart.

brbg • 4 years ago

There has been no evidence of transgression against the emoluments clause. He doesn't charge the taxpayers for room stays for himself or his staff. He charges foreign visitors AT COST, which you should know means he gets no benefit from them using his hotels. One must derive financial benefit to run afoul of the clause.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

"He charges foreign visitors AT COST" I find that highly unlikely but if you have evidence of such please share. BTW Trump's or his lackeys' word is not sufficient. Then there is his promotion of his son's book, Conway's promotion of his daughter's business and his constant self-promotion of every thing with his name attached.. I'd also be interested to se any evidence that he "doesn't charge the taxpayers for room stays for himself or his staff". Actually I've never even heard Trump make that claim and you know he would be bellowing it at every opportunity if it was true.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

"And now you are agreeing with me about Nepotism" No actually it is you who are agreeing with me on nepotism since I pointed out its bipartisan nature first.

"work for a living instead of jet setting or using their parent's public office to skim tax dollars off the Govt. dole." LOL, you just ignore the trump families blatant use of the WH for personal gain.

If trump's kids have Ivy League degrees it shows how overvalued they are. Both make fools of themselves nearly every time they speak and when papa's obesity finally catches up with them we'l hear no more from them.

yes we can only hope that the true tds is curable and that enough of you will see the emperor has no clothes and vote him out, if he makes that far.

lzib • 4 years ago

Aww, So you really should change your sign in name, someone with that much self-delusion, bias, hate and inability to see beyond the DNC issued blinders you obviously wear is just NOT Lucky, but glad we can agree that both sides use nepotism, unfortunately, you are incapable of admitting you have zero ideas of how qualified or not Trump's kids are - they are at least as qualified as 99% of the Congress!

"If trump's kids have Ivy League degrees it shows how overvalued they are." That does not even make sense, how does having a degree makes them overvalued lol? Good luck with that TDS your case is so bad you cannot even see it. Trump 2020 and Republican Congress!!!! only way to drain this swamp.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

" they are at least as qualified as 99% of the Congress!"well you set a very low bar there but no I don't think either of his son's can clear it, Ivanka maybe could do it.

You misunderstood. I meant the Ivy League degrees are overvalued if obvious dunces like trump's kids can get one. Bush Jr. has degrees form both Yale & Harvard and we know what a dim bulb he is hough much smarter than trump's kids.

lzib • 4 years ago

Keep telling yourself you are not completely biased dear, sorry but the world can see just how "fair" your statements are.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Oh I don't deny I am biased against Trump just as I am biased against all bullies, liars and cheats. And yes the whole world can see your blind allegiance to him. You call my view TDS while yours is TBS Trump Befuddlement Syndrome.

lzib • 4 years ago

See that is where you are wrong - I do not support everything he says or does but I am fair and do not accuse him of things then say he needs to prove his innocence or ignore the wrongs others have done then hold him to a higher standard then we hold others. He is not above the law but he is not Below it either. You just condemn and convict him without giving him a fair chance!

The lucky one • 4 years ago

I tried to give a full response to your post but as usual M&M is blocking criticism of Trump even though I purposely refrained from any insulting adjectives or undocumented claims so screw it. The info is out there but I doubt you have ever done any real searching for information confirming Trump's criminality. I have done so for any Dem candidate I may support though I'm not a Democrat. That's why the best I can say about Biden is that he would be the lesser of two evils over trump. But that is based on Biden's documented history not the smear campaign of lies and innuendo promoted by the conman in chief.

lzib • 4 years ago

Maybe it's not criticism of Trump they are blocking- maybe it's just you. :(

john vieira • 4 years ago

The "lucky one" is a more polished sort of "troll"...Using innuendo and seeming condescension to actually hone their attack...a true disciple of the ex secretary of state, one of the highest offices in the USA, requiring TOP security clearance, who, by her OWN admission, was too stupid to know that "C" on official documents meant CLASSIFIED/CONFIDENTIAL...and also a believer in the "hack" that was not, as the transfer speed of the data precluded that possibility...it was a DOWNLOAD (Remember Seth Rich)...and completely missed the fact that Obama instigated Russiagate on this "spurious" contention to deflect the resulting WikiLeaks, which incidentally have NEVER been debunked, "dump" on Hillary...which eventually morphed into the "fraud" that was the Mueller inquiry...and despite the fact that Facebook could only come up with $80,000.00+/- in ads from Russian "entities", not all relating to political matters, believed that this amounted to Russian "interference"...If those "Russians" did REALLY sway the voters with $80K worth of ads, they would be, bar none, the MOST sought after political "campaign managers" in the GALAXY...

The lucky one • 4 years ago

I'll not stoop to address the utter nonsense you spewed here but please provide one instance of me defending Clinton or Obama, or you can just stfu.

brbg • 4 years ago

And half those Russian ads supported Hillary. They were attempting to foment division, not support any one candidate. Remember, the Russians gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hilary's "foundation" during her campaign.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

Could be, amounts to the same thing wherever Trump is concerned. Some sites allow just enough of alternate views to spark the faithful but not enough where they might actually become engaged real dialogue.

brbg • 4 years ago

I have found that to be true too. Many times, when I attempt to "reply" to a post, I get a red notice saying there is a problem and "please try again later". Later never comes.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

LOL, well at least we have one thing in common.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

My final word on his thread. Whatever he may be guilty of or not regarding Russian election hacking or Ukrainian quid pro quo it is exceedingly obvious from his tweets alone that he has attempted to obstruct justice.

brbg • 4 years ago

Trump is finally a strong leader and world leaders now have respect for the US again. He is NOT a "bully".

The lucky one • 4 years ago

"He is NOT a "bully". Did you not watch any of the debates or see many of his tweets? Don't mistake fear for respect. Who wouldn't fear a megalomaniac with the arsenal of the USA at his disposal?

brbg • 4 years ago

Trump's children are more than qualified and Trump needs people around him that he can trust as it is more than evident that he is surrounded by moles, informants, self promoters, and traitors. The "whistleblower" was even a CIA mole which is why they took him back when he was fired for leaking.

brbg • 4 years ago

Trump's sons can well represent their father's positions. They are highly educated and intelligent. If they are on government business, their travel SHOULD be covered.

The lucky one • 4 years ago

They are not on government business although Trump has used his equaly corrupt and inept daughter and son-in-law as such.

brbg • 4 years ago

Yes, I think JFK made his brother Attorney General.

joe1cr • 4 years ago

If she was , her secret server would still be running and still be hacked by Russia, China, others with the right money to pay the foundation.

brbg • 4 years ago

We know China had real time access to Hillary's server. That is like her husband allowing a Chinese spy scientist to escape to China with our nuclear secrets. The authorities caught him at the airport and Bill Clinton told them to stand down and allow him to leave. You can bet he benefited handsomely for selling those secrets. He should be in jail.