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Jacob Metzger • 4 years ago

Saying that the rich are the villains of this country is pure 100% Communistic talk, right out of Karl Marx playbook. He is the father of Communism. If you love Communism, you should move to a Communistic country. Oh, I forgot. THEY LOVE OUR MILK AND HONEY, BUT THEY PREACH ABOUT ANOTHER WAY OF LIVING. Just go.

ERIC • 4 years ago

Check out those wealth Democrats House leader who living in 10 million dollars mansion! Still lying about who are the 1%! These are the people in the back pocket of the Big Pharma companies! Sure there are some in the Republican party. But don't forget it the DEMOCRATS HOUSE WHO CONTROL THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT!

Alleged-Comment • 4 years ago

If that is the case how come nobody is going after Demoncraps? They seem to get VERY rich after being in office and all those rich people that are NOT politicians seems to support Demoncraps.

Is this coincidence?

George Rowe • 4 years ago

The rich are villains? Unless they are left-wing democrats like WWII war criminal George Soros.

ERIC • 4 years ago

UNLESS? George Soros is the one who trying to destroy our country

Nick H64 • 4 years ago

The very rich Bill Bonner, whom I agree with most of the time, is setting up a strawman, so that he can deflect anger against the very rich. Bonner will be saying that most billionaires got rich by being great businessmen who greatly helped the economy and America. And, of course, there's some truth to that. Further, I'd agree that punitive tax rates against the super rich, JUST BECAUSE they're rich, is wrong. However, there is a REAL problem with virtually all of the rich. Just as "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely", so does "Being rich corrupts and being super rich corrupts absolutely". If one looks at the history of many countries, it's NOT the accumulation of great wealth that lead to the people's revolution, BUT RATHER the abuse of power that's often gained by or is accompanied by great wealth that leads to revolution and often to the annihilation of that class. The small difference today is that too much power/wealth is accumulated in a single company (or bank) that one person or a small group direct. Companies like J P Morgan are the personification of corruption. That's the bigger truth that cannot be denied.

ERIC • 4 years ago

If you were taught in college about finances law. You will see how lot of people get RICH. Doesn't take much common sense to figure out how to get rich by buying into STOCK AND INVESTMENT! Sure you will lose money in some of them! Remember that movie call TRADING PLACE? Trump got his wealth by investment in other business! BUT THERE IS NOT ONE DEMOCRATS HOUSE WHO CAN TELL US HOW ARE THEY ABLE TO AFFORD A TEN MILLION DOLLAR MANISON ON 174K A YEARS! We all know that the HOUSE CONTROL THE REVENUE DEMOCRATS! JUST like Trump asked CUMMINGS WERE WAS THE SEVEN MILLION THAT SUPPOSED TO BE USE FOR THE CITY OF BALTIMORE? THREE WEEKS LATER HE DEAD!

Roger Martin • 4 years ago

I have no problem with someone getting rich thru their own hard work.
It is the corrupt Socialist Democrat Establishment Elite and RINOs that get rich by taking graft, selling their country out, lying, cheating, stealing, and slandering others that I hate.

ERIC • 4 years ago

True! Obama sold out America to terrorist harbor country! Even John Kerry sold out America, Hillary Clinton sold out America. All three were together when they got Democrats House to approve the billion dollars deal with IRAN. WITHOUT GOING THROUGH THE SENATE!

saltnlight • 4 years ago

These politicians get rich out of forcing the US citizens to pay them this wealth. If a car manufacture gets rich, it because we voluntarily buy their product. I really resent the government politicians, stealing my money for their own wealthy gain. I worry much less about the scrooge ceo, and owners of businesses.

Bradford Miller • 4 years ago

There's no doubt that wealth inequality can lead to social tension (French and Russian Revolutions), but the real concern should be the viability of your economic system. There's nothing wrong with people being wealthy, but if the system breaks down because it is so out of balance, now you have a problem. What would bother me the most (and should bother everyone) is that there are things that could be done to level the playing field that don't require 'wealth taxes' such as those proposed by Elizabeth Warren. It's such a tragedy that 'wealth taxes' are the only solutions that people can come up with. Today's social tensions arise because people can't come up with win-win situations, only solutions that require some people to win while others lose.

ERIC • 4 years ago

Are you a Warren supporter? Kind of stupid you know! Do you want to be responsible for other lazy, debts, idea of living? Let put it this way. Do you want to pay the government 75% of your income? Knowing right now you only pay 35% of your income to government for TAXES! It does not take a genius to figure out what these Democrats candidate are trying to do! It the people who don't want to work who are causing the problem. If a girls get pregnant and boy who father the child refuse to support it. Then they both should get a JOB to care for the child. There are to many children without father who refuse to work with mother can get welfare and food stamps! Democrats push this back in the 80's. More of it today! Now there another problem with the people. It RACIST AND HATE! Have seen politician in my state force factory to hired only certain types of people. One who support their campaign fund. Which is wrong! Have been told those who refuse to support the Democrats candidate other on the job would assault them.

Roger Martin • 4 years ago

One way to balance the playing field would be fair competition,
another would to end the hiring of underpaid foreign labor to take our jobs and keep our wages down.

Bob • 4 years ago

Or perhaps society could put pressure on company board of directors and these ultra rich to begin to self-regulate their greed for the sake of mankind and the nation. Let's face it, no matter how good a business person is, it's unconscionable that, a CEO for example, should be compensated 5 or 7 thousand times as much, as their lowest paid emloyees. And we read about examples of such ridiculous salaries (or even worse, severance, or "golden parachute" packages) regularly.

Big business helped create the very monster that's hated by American workers, and this wealth disparity that's fueling this cultural revolution against them. Short of more
big-government, only big-business can correct this egregious trend! They need to start doing so ... YESTERDAY !!!!

Ga McDo • 4 years ago

It's turning out with Warren and Sanders unzipping the personal records of some of these billionaires, millionalirs and especially the CEOs out there stomping through the social system and treating people ad employees like worthless trinkets, Warren isn't really viffifying people who aren't villians already once you learn about them.

jrj90620 • 4 years ago

I don't hate Oprah or Letterman because they got rich.If someone wants to give them lots of money,that's not something that concerns me.What does concern me,is when people vote for politicians, to use government force to steal from me, to support overpaid govt workers and causes I don't believe in.