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KingAdrock • 4 years ago

So it's Obama's fault?

Valeriano Diviacchi • 4 years ago

This is a distorted view of history. They are right about the power of communism to take a backward society
and rapidly bring it up to a modern level. Communism did do that for
both Russia and China: both within 25 years went from chaotic feudal
societies still using serfdom and slavery for survival to modern
industrial societies. Problem is you can say the same about fascism or
any highly authoritarian system of power. This is why the
military is what it is: in the chaos of combat, tyranny is needed to
maintain power. Problem is, once it is no longer needed, it does not
leave. The point of a successful political system is to avoid getting to
the point of being in combative chaos --- we are not doing that right
now and really cannot. “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not
commit suicide.” --- John Adams. Need to prepare for this reality and
set alternatives to tyranny or we will have tyranny.

Michael Rectenwald • 4 years ago

Try to think things through. State ownership of the oil industry made the ruination of STATE services possible. Venezuelans' dependence on that industry for social services potentiated their suffering. If Venezuelans had not relied on a state-owned oil industry, the supposed artificial price deflation would merely have ruined a few capitalists, not the entire public. The prior should be preferred by socialists.

That's one problem with state monopoly of the means of production. Another is the calculation problem. Without a market for the factors of production, there is no way to know what anything is worth, which makes socialism anti-democratic. The economic voter has no say in what is produced, and the system is necessarily irrational, with overgrowth in some sectors and artificial anemia in others.

Last but not least, Che Guevara was a homophobe and a butcher.

dsjz59 • 4 years ago

Socialism destroyed Venezuela. Socialism has never caused an economy to improve and has always caused death, suffering and despair. It is an economic system with a 100% track record of abject failure.

Big Bad Wolf • 5 years ago

Ask Maria Gabriela Chavez for a loan$

Joie Balke • 5 years ago

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. America is only about 1/3 of the worlds GDP. They have 2/3 of the world to deal with and they still can't make a go of it? Do business with Cuba, Russia, or China.

What socialist country in the world is a great country? Please name 1.

Oh....and they have been without power now for 7 days.....why don't you put that on your home page....7 days an entire country without power.

limerick4 • 5 years ago

Great discussion by Allen Nairn on DemocracyNow! today re Venezuela. Pointed out that V. was not a socialist country by definition as only 1/3 of industries were owned by government. And the money reinvested to shore up the infrastructure & schools etc was only 2% higher than that in the US. . And the 2015 Democratic election that put Maduro in office was totally aboveboard...even by the group that Jimmy Carter is a part of ....and that the voting machines used were actually more secure than those in the US. Then think how the US is holding on to a YUGE amount of V's meney..I think it is in the billions, and England refuses to give them back their gold....and even back in 2002 the CIA/US attempted a coup in V. . I am ashamed of the evil that the US perpetrates in the pursuit of thieving resources of other countries.

chelsea • 5 years ago

If you look back further the very expensive oil infrastructure in the billions for sure, was paid for by usa oil companys in an agreement for the huge upfront capital and know how so venezuela could even use the oil it sat on they split the profits not stole... well large amounts were funneled off sure by corrupt people in their country. Then chavez had a change of heart and said they were nationalized and seized the companys assets... this is the beginning of the avalanche, an the usa has been ruthless but you dont poke a grizzle with your family beside you and then say getting your head ripped off an family murdered is unfair... its just the way the world works.

Chance Willkomm • 5 years ago

Chavez and his daughter became rich once the government took over the means of production for oil. Then they pulled their money out and move it to the USA with the dollar. Why would they do that? Its called being preemptive because they knew oil prices would sink as oil prices are cyclical just like any market. This is exactly why you need to be in control of your destiny, capitalism. Not putting your faith in something or someone else. Because once Saudi Arabia the OPEC cartel leader decides to do a business strategy such as overproduction to drive the price of oil down and destroy their competitors, the people waiting on the "redistribution" will continue to wait as the resources continue to dwindle. You can't blame anything else but your self for not being self sufficient. Capitalism and Socialism will always have people at the top who hoard wealth. Capitalism is top --> down. Socialism is bottom --> top. Capitalism gives anyone an opportunity to climb the economic ladder. Socialism doesn't give you any opportunity to climb the economic ladder.

chelsea • 5 years ago

Also US oil companys helped them by sinking billions into the expensive extraction and refinement of their oil because its deep and lots of metal in it, all of this tech and money with the agreement to split the profits. Then chavez thought "hey I can nationalize it and make myself and friends super rich". So he went back on their deal seizing the US oil companys assets and proceeding with his corrupt plan. This was long before any sanctions or off shore asset seizure, he drew first blood not the US in a game they never shoulda been playing.

Camila Rodríguez • 5 years ago

Chance Willkomm What you spread is pure propaganda and manipulation.

chelsea • 5 years ago

It definately can be used as such, an the USA has been ruthless. However chavez drew first blood way before sanction or seizure in the early 2000s by going back on the deal made with US oil companys to give venezuela access to the oil because the initial investment need to reach and refine it was in the billions and they didnt have the means. He then double crossed them after they established and fulfilled their end of the bargain by nationalizing it so he could have access and seized their assets. Everyones corrupt not just the US the people will never see that money no matter how it ends unfortunately, but chavez started a fight with a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

Salomão Serra Gomes • 5 years ago

Like they care about the peaple. There's only one single reason we're acting in Venezuela: oil. They litellite speeld that they want American companies to explore oil in Venezuela.
All venezueVe did was trying to resist American imperialism. And because of that the Us broke the country by reducing oil prices, destroying their economy and turning the place in this mess.
I'm really ashamed by being an American right now. WereW supposed to be the protectors of freedom, but all werew doing is abusing other developing countries and killing then I they try to resist.

chelsea • 5 years ago

Venezuelans did nothing wrong, chavez went back on a deal struck with US oil companys to get access to more of their oil bc they didnt have the money or means to even use it. So a bargain was struck not to steal the oil but split the profits, then chavez seized their assets after they fulfilled their end of the agreement, and the people of venezuela wont see that oil money in any real way, you know how that works either way this ends itll be some corrupt person who gets ungodly rich from it. However first blood was drawn by chavez unfortunately the people always suffer the most.

Chance Willkomm • 5 years ago

Not true. You are misinformed. Saudi Arabia, the OPEC cartel leader bankrupted plenty of corporations with overproduction in oil. It was their business strategy to maintain their majority market share. When the corporations goes bankrupt, those people who lost their job go find a job with a bigger oil company that can sustain the bad weather. However, when the government control the means of production, there are no other options for the people. This is exactly what happened.

Camila Rodríguez • 5 years ago

Chance Willkomm What you spread is pure propaganda and manipulation, stupid moron.

kenvandoren • 5 years ago

Socialism works, despite all evidence to the contrary. The author is so willfully ignorant, that all I can do is shake my head. That said, we need to stop meddling just so idiots like the author can see that ultimately, socialism fails anyway. Do not give them this cover, this convenient excuse that i(our meddling) that may have an effect, but certainly does not entirely explain away the failures of socialism.

John Carter • 4 years ago

I hear what you are saying about socialism (which many way is the same as communism, although I am not sure that is true). But as far as our "meddling" is concerned though, I have to wonder why we only meddle in countries leaning towards socialist policies NOW, but yet we deliberately pulled out our forces at the last minute in every war against communist countries? Russia, Korea, Viet Nam, and maybe some other smaller ones I am not aware of. And we still bad-mouth Joseph McCarthy, and his fight to expose communist infiltration in this country, in ALL of our public schools. So, why now the strong stance against socialism??

Michael Rectenwald • 4 years ago

It's not a cover that works, however. The author is merely too indoctrinated to think and instead peddles charged rhetoric. I posted this above:

Try to think things through. State ownership of the oil industry made the ruination of STATE services possible. Venezuelans' dependence on that industry for social services potentiated their suffering. If Venezuelans had not relied on a state-owned oil industry, the supposed artificial price deflation would merely have ruined a few capitalists, not the entire public. The prior should be preferred by socialists.

That's one problem with state monopoly of the means of production. Another is the calculation problem. Without a market for the factors of production, there is no way to know what anything is worth, which makes socialism anti-democratic. The economic voter has no say in what is produced, and the system is necessarily irrational, with overgrowth in some sectors and artificial anemia in others.

Last but not least, Che Guevara was a homophobe and a butcher.

Last but not least, Che Guevara was a homophobe and a butcher.

John Carter • 4 years ago

"state monopoly"? Perhaps. But let's not kid ourselves into thinking that monopolies do not exist under Capitalism. They in fact DO. These large corporations work with (not against) one another to drive up the costs of their products, and the people have very little to no control over it. Which is why socialist policies are then favored, to bring these sectors back into control of the government, which in turn (hopefully) is under some control by the people. However, not everything is perfect in this world. :-(

Camila Rodríguez • 5 years ago

Here, the only ignorant person is you. Venezuela has 98.5% of private companies, 0.5% of mixed companies, 1% of public companies, Venezuela is more capitalist than any country in Latin America. The clear scientific socialism that works, what neoliberal capitalism does not work in the world. There is no really rich country because of the neoliberal model, in all countries with neoliberal regimes there is enormous poverty, misery and hunger. And that is a reality.

Michael Rectenwald • 4 years ago

Socialism is merely the monopolization of the means of production by the state. Socialists say it's "the people," but the state always has to "manage" the assets that supposedly belong to "the people." That's where the socialist politicos come in. As "managers" of the people's wealth, they actually manage the state monopolies, and has such merely represent a different ruling class, and one that is far worse, because much more powerful and much less knowledgeable, than any capitalist. Monopolists are the enemy, not free enterprise. It may take you a lifetime to unlearn the idiocy and overcome the indoctrination into lunacy you've been subjected to. Or, you may never recover.

John Carter • 4 years ago

So you are weighing a "monopoly" of the state VS a monopoly (yes, they are!) by private corporations, and asking which is better (or worse)? Alleging that private corporations = "free enterprise"? Do you seriously believe that?? Free enterprise in these markets does NOT exist! At least with state control there is more of a POSSIBILITY of some control by the people, and benefit to the people. With private (monopolized) control there is none! Zero.

Michael Rectenwald • 4 years ago

But they tied their social services to the oil industry and when that industry tanked, so did the state and the social services it monopolized. You could use a few lessons in intellectual inquiry and rigorous thought.

Big Bad Wolf • 5 years ago

The nonprofit Transparency International says it has identified at least 511 companies that are either wholly or majority owned by the government of Venezuela — and 70 percent of them are losing money, potentially adding to Venezuela’s economic meltdown.
The sheer number of companies under state control seems to put Venezuela in a class of its own, the group said. Brazil, which has about six times the population of Venezuela, has 130 state-run companies, and Argentina, a third larger than Venezuela, has 52.

chelsea • 5 years ago

Only the most lucrative companys are "public" I wonder why a dictator wants control of them? Neolibral model? No why there is greed and inequality is because its human nature, we have been selected by nature to be selfish and work together only in small groups or tribes. Empathy for people we dont know is disconnect and quickly dismissed... mankinds suffering is from their own nature.

John Carter • 4 years ago

You have a valid point; "why there is greed and inequality is because its human nature". And both systems are subject to this same defect.

Guy • 5 years ago

The title of this post says it all .The typical modus operndi of the Us has become "sanction the hell out of a state " in efforts to make the people scream and then go in and offer them a way out ,if only you bend over and agree with our dictates .No wonder the people lack in the major amenities and foods staples.

Good on the Venezuelan people for holding fast , the army and the OAS for that matter for not bending over.




Anvi • 5 years ago

no one want to tear Venezuella but Hugo chavez- Nicholas Maduro , who stupid enough to govern the country to ill faith socialism and ill faithcommunism . they are the one who turn oil -rich Venezuella to rag Venezuella . Don't mislead people, whole world and neighbored countries have been watching how hungry the Venezuellan during the hugo- Maduro regime

Quit claim everyone fault for US !!! this game has been playing by the commies USSR , PROC ( red china) for 70 years it's not work now

fredd • 5 years ago

did you even read the article?

Ned Ikon • 5 years ago
Kang The Kafir • 5 years ago

Here we go again. Socialism failed again, but as always, it was the mean and evil capitalist's fault. Socialism would work if only the capitalist would stop interfering.

ninerfaninwa • 5 years ago

This is one of the FUNNIEST things I've read in a good, long while
Just one recommendation.: Stay off the crack
Venezuela and the Chavismo movemment are to blame
Nice try
Make America Venezuela

SufferingSuccotash • 5 years ago

Writing in capitals doesn't actually make facts go away. That's a myth.

Danik Shah • 5 years ago

Well i must comment on few things: 1) after the collapse of the Soviet Bloc we had difficult Years during the transition period, but in all Central European And Eastern European countries the life expectancy grows And the Child mortality remains very small.all countries have improved their economy enormously And most of them joined the EU And Are doing pretty well. The ONLY exemption Are Russia And Ukraine, where life expectancy shortened due to horrible economic situation after thé collapse, followed by excessive drinking of alcohol.in Ukraine thé dramatic situation continues until Now, IT Is thé ONLY country in the former Soviet Bloc where thé conditions constantly deteoriate last 30 Years.Mainly because Its a Russian colony And thé country can't Escape from IT as Russia uses economic tools - natural gas, propaganda, puppet politicians And military agression to surpress Ucraine each time IT wants away.2) WHO told thé Authors that Putins Russia Is socialistic or that Putin Is a leftist?IT Is JUST a mixure of hard brutal capitalism, where ONLY thé 1% of thé most richiest society own almost everything, the rest Is JUST proletariat.the Social role of state Is really minimal, thé rent fór elderly people Is JUST a joke. Thé country exports oil And gas but many regions Are not even connected with the pipes do people burn wood. Thé situation Is better fór old people in the villages, because there they can grow some vegetables And cattle fór themselves, but in big cities they can not afford to buy IT.Russia Is not socialistic.forget about IT.

marco schanzer • 5 years ago

To suggest the Saud are available to commit suicide and that an oil based economy ( but Venezuela hasnt even preserved that ) is socialist...takes an extreme desire to falsify . A country with massive debt , is not moving towards socialism . A country that doesnt have an economic ( not financial , not export based ) masterplan , is in opposition to Socialism .

SufferingSuccotash • 5 years ago

The Sauds raised production in an attempt to kill the competition. Since 2014, fracking outfits have taken it on the chin. It is at best a marginal oil source, and when the margins shrink, fracking as an extraction method is too inefficient to compete.

Itwasagoodrun • 5 years ago

Saying that Saudi oil dumping was aimed at destabilizing Venezuela is just plain stupid. Saudi pumping was intended to kill the oil frackers in the US, by driving down the price of oil to under the fracking production cost.

That's it. There was no other reason.

It didn't work simply because the Saudis didn't understand that even by bankrupting the frackers, all they did was drive them into dormancy. The frackers were bought for pennies in bankruptcy auctions, and the new owners simply waited for the Saudis to crack. It was obvious the Saudis couldn't keep their pump-and-dump trade war going forever, and eventually oil prices would have to rise again.

Venezuela suffered horribly for it because the Chavez government made the entire economy petro-based. No diversity at all. Collapse was inevitable.

So yeah, socialism failed because the guy at the top was stupid.

marco schanzer • 5 years ago

Chavez was hardly stupid…...the key has to be in the choice of populism as a way to keep his vote above 50 % . Chavez was anything but , stupid . A risky game that couldnt work if results were slow to come by , and with a less talented , and greedier , leader . There are other policies , that cant fail to provide a stable economy and a level playing field….rapidly . Perhaps the key to Venezuela is not Bolivar , not the US , but the obsession of the 2 venezuelas with each other .

Itwasagoodrun • 5 years ago

Sounds like tankie bullsh*t to me, but okay.

Elton Hartzler • 6 years ago

. . . Is Maupin really that stoopit? What about Chile? They don't have any oil at all, no natural resources except copper but it's the most prosperous, wealthiest country in all of Latin America. How that happen?

Danik Shah • 5 years ago

The fact that Chile does not have oil saved Chile from economic problems.it has diverse economy.

Elton Hartzler • 5 years ago

The is a really silly statement.

Guest • 6 years ago
Ned Ikon • 5 years ago
Greg Vezina • 5 years ago

The capitalist based US government has printed $Trillions of dollars and given them free to the failed banks since 2008 when they should have gone bankrupt and the public should have owned all of them just like we did GM and Chrysler. Iceland took over all their banks and put their bankers in jail.

Socialism doesn't destroy societies it is the greed and selfishness associated with the hording of capital using tax avoidance measures that ensures that it doesn't get reinvested that does. If we had any measure of "fair enterprise" and a "fair tax" system in our global economy both capitalism and socialism would work together to improve the quality of life of all of us.

The good news is we are learning the real costs to society of throwing people to the wolves is greater than providing them with the basic minimum needs for survival. Capitalism doesn't care about anything except profits at any cost.

Providing housing for homeless is cheaper and better for society

kenvandoren • 5 years ago

Ummmmmm Not quite. Greed? How is it greed to want to keep wha you have earned, and NOT greed to want what others have earned? HOARDING? I think you mean saving, so that eventually there can be investment. A country that does not save will not prosper. But Re: banks, yes they should have been allowed to fail. Maybe next time. Oh, and Lloyd Blankfein, former CEO of Goldman Sachs should be in prision for the frauds that he and his institution perpetrated. AND TRUE capitalsim ( not the cronyist corporate welfare version that passes as same) means that the only way to help your self is to provide for the needs and wants of others. And re: homelessness- STOP the urban renewal projects that destroy 2 affordable housing units for every gentrified unit built to replace, and minimize regulations so that it is affordable to build low cost housing again, without subsidies.

Ned Ikon • 5 years ago

So you are basically saying "Socialism would work if it wasn't for those pesky humans and their human nature getting in the way!"
That is the FUNDAMENTAL FLAW in Marxism - it teaches that it will succeed when human consciousness evolves. The problem is human consciousness is devolving, not evolving. This is a fact confirmed by the MOST reliable source in the Universe - God and His Word!

marco schanzer • 5 years ago

Not providing anything , and not speculating on finance , but basing the community on taking Responsibility to produce what it needs ...is even better .

suedi • 6 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if socialism worked...but it doesn't. The whole idea of socialism falls apart. The gov't controls all industry but obviously can't control outside forces that drive their only industry down. First, you should never put all your eggs in one basket. Second, you can't control the outside forces. And, third, you can't control those in power...they are always corrupted by their own power. Capitalism, pure capitalism, is the only way to go. People work for themselves, make their own destinies. There's enough to help those in need. That's the USA. Our poor are rich compared to the poor in other countries. Keep capitalism.