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LSDFuture • 1 year ago

As usual, triggered conservatives just yap at what master tells them to yap at instead of reading the links in the article:

"The coal oven isn't going anywhere, but the city is asking pizzeria owners to install a scrubber, which recirculates the smoke into clean air."

the realamerican • 1 year ago

Empty threats, cuz he has no power, however he's right about Nyc having much bigger problems than pizza ovens

Guest • 1 year ago
LSDFuture • 1 year ago

You gimps are coming out weak today. Is it because ya boi's going to prison? 😂

nonewking • 1 year ago

This regulation was passed in 2016 and requires that smoke passing up the chimney be scrubbed using well-established processes to reduce the particulate in residential neighborhoods.

sanford1941 • 1 year ago

does portnoy ever comment on real issues or it always whining about idiocies?

DmR • 1 year ago

I guess it's the best he can come up with today.

sanford1941 • 1 year ago

".....but think of the pizzerias!!!!"

Towering Barbarian • 1 year ago

Liberalism: The haunting fear that somebody, somewhere, might be happy. 🙂

Freeordie • 1 year ago

Couldn't agree more.

ShermanDidntGoFarEnough • 1 year ago

Glad Portnoy took a break from all the sex crimes for this well-reasoned take.

Chi Ken • 1 year ago

Without wood/coal-fired pizza, NYC is just a 3rd-World chit-hole.

mlfrisch • 1 year ago


Towering Barbarian • 1 year ago

Not exactly a distraction. Petty tyranny and not so petty tyranny is always the essence of what the Left stands for and the reason they always need to be opposed. 😏

Obama's Donkey Joe Biden • 1 year ago

But how many pizzas would you have to order to equal just one trip on John Kerry’s private jet?

In 2021, Kerry’s private jet emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of carbon in less than a year.

Private jets emit up to 40 times as much CO2 per passenger as commercial flights.By
comparison, the carbon footprint of a wood-burning stove (a reasonable
facsimile of a pizza oven) is barely measurable. The 8 Billion Trees
project estimates that the “carbon footprint of wood-burning stoves” can
be up to 15.6 grams an hour or 374 grams a day. This is measured in grams, not metric tons.
Marc Morano..

An Appeal to Bigotry • 1 year ago

plagiarized copy pasta from the NY ComPost because you people are literally incapable of thinking for yourselves

An Appeal to Bigotry • 1 year ago

Climate change is a hoax
so what does it matter what comes out of a jet?

NotADeplorableTrumpet • 1 year ago

Ah, the old "you can't address a problem in any way unless you can absolutely completely solve the entire problem and all possible side effects, including unforseen side effects" argument

Obama's Donkey Joe Biden • 1 year ago

But how many pizzas would you have to order to equal just one trip on John Kerry’s private jet?

In 2021, Kerry’s private jet emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of carbon in less than a year.

Private jets emit up to 40 times as much CO2 per passenger as commercial flights.By
comparison, the carbon footprint of a wood-burning stove (a reasonable
facsimile of a pizza oven) is barely measurable. The 8 Billion Trees
project estimates that the “carbon footprint of wood-burning stoves” can
be up to 15.6 grams an hour or 374 grams a day. This is measured in grams, not metric tons.
Marc Morano

An Appeal to Bigotry • 1 year ago

Same NYCompost plagiarized copy pasta

Obama's Donkey Joe Biden • 1 year ago

Its called Math. Easy to see how much Co2 a wood oven emits. Easy to know how much Co2 John Kerry spews.

is it just coincidence that pizzas and demonic portals are round?

--tonight on fox

Jbonz • 1 year ago

Portnoy needs to lay off the 'roids. they are making him goofy.

Get a therapist already!

leave those poor horses alone, we don't need your fancy new horseless carriages!

--1905 dave portnoy

Hermetico • 1 year ago

Actually, a lot of Greens believe that.

Jrod713 • 1 year ago

What the hell is the right wing obsession with pizza parlors? As if Pizzagate wasn't stupid enough, they have to out-stupid themselves, and that bar is getting VERY low.

Gcj8 • 1 year ago

I don't know about right wingers, I'm not one , but man leave NYC pizza alone. This borders on a felony.

Jrod713 • 1 year ago

Yeah I agree mostly. But unless I read something completely different than this nutjob, I only read that they're asking for emissions controls on their ovens, not banning pizza ovens. Did I miss something?

Freeordie • 1 year ago

ITs a 20,000 dollar expense plus maintenance every month

Gcj8 • 1 year ago

I know, I'm fooling around. But pizza is serious business. 😀

Jrod713 • 1 year ago

Definitely. But they don't seem to understand that a heated oven is a heated oven, no matter what the source of the heat is. Unless they like "mesquite-smoked pizza". It's not a damn bbq brisket sandwich lol.

Freeordie • 1 year ago

Coal and wood fired pizza tastes better as most everything does

Gcj8 • 1 year ago

Lol. My son has one of those Ooni pizza makers. Have you ever tried that. Pretty good.

Jrod713 • 1 year ago

I have. A friend got a gas one as a housewarming gift. But I've seen the wood and charcoal ones as well.

Guest • 1 year ago
Jrod713 • 1 year ago

My climate cancer? Says the dumbass who voted for the idiot that said windmills cause "noise cancer". Have a seat, Bubba.

Hermetico • 1 year ago

Columbus brought the first pizza parlor to the western hemisphere.

Guest • 1 year ago
Somegeye • 1 year ago

"It would require places to install emission-control devices."

--Gee whiz. How unfair!!! Next they'll be telling everyone their cars have to have mufflers!!

😱 demonic portals everywhere!

Rupert Pupkin • 1 year ago

Dear My Team,
Drop this it’s stupid.

Gcj8 • 1 year ago

Thank you.

cleep1000 • 1 year ago

What a snowflake.

mayliz • 1 year ago

He looks like a moron flipping out over a few ovens. Take a chill pill!

Somegeye • 1 year ago

If it walks like a moron, and talks like a moron...

Hermetico • 1 year ago

I'm always impressed by people sitting at home in front of their cameras having a meltdown. The profanity clinches it.

Guest • 1 year ago
Hermetico • 1 year ago

Excrement can be recycled. If only more people were aware of that.

Guest • 1 year ago
Hermetico • 1 year ago

Au contraire, I'm gellin!