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Guest • 5 years ago

Smart man... No one want go where Trump has been. That's just nasty.

My Username Sux • 5 years ago

Avenatti would suk Trumps dk on PPV.

Guest • 5 years ago

No son that job belong to the Trump Tits Suckers who also like sucking his prick

Matchless • 5 years ago


My Username Sux • 5 years ago

Everything he says.

Matchless • 5 years ago

So, it's just you projecting your weird cultism.


EVERY MAGA head fantasizes about sucking Trump's little cheeto.

My Username Sux • 5 years ago

What cult? I don't care if Trump banged her or who paid for it. Kennedy and Clinton defiled the Oval Office. Not to say if I had the chance I wouldn't, but Clinton is the worse.

That cult.

ThorsteinVeblen2012 • 5 years ago

I'm sure you would be at the head of a long line of Trumpistas to do just that.

Popeye Noir • 5 years ago

You misspelled Arpaio...I fixed it for you.

Guest • 5 years ago

You'd have to get off Trump's d1ck first to give somebody else a chance, MAGAt.

My Username Sux • 5 years ago

Why would Trump pay more than Lion's usual, $20?

MAGAts suck Trump off for free. Hell, you idiots PAY for the privilege.

My Username Sux • 5 years ago

I have nothing with Maga on it or have I referred to it, other than like I just did now.

The AntiJesus • 5 years ago

To phrase it as a lawyer would: A simple yes or no will suffice.

PirateWoman • 5 years ago

Did anyone else watch Frontline last night?
Good news!
Marine Accused Of Marching At Charlottesville Rally Kicked Out Of Service

U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Vasillios Pistolis has been kicked
out of the service 11 months after allegedly demonstrating with white supremacists at last summer’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Pistolis is allegedly a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party
and the Atomwaffen Division, two militant alt-right groups. Atomwaffen members have been charged in five murders and a bomb plot in the past year and a half.

According to Marine Corps Times, two other Marines, Sgt. Michael
Chesny and Staff Sgt. Joseph Manning, were similarly removed from the service in 2017 for ties to white supremacist groups.


Roman Cadillac • 5 years ago

Who says there's no good news?

Ana • 5 years ago

"Marine Accused Of Marching At Charlottesville Rally Kicked Out Of Service"

Terrific! Any scum that's invaded out beloved military must go. Oh wait ... there's that tiny problem with Trump. Oh well, a step at a time.

Joshua • 5 years ago

Now I know he’s F’ing lying. As soon as he said he watches porn but has not watched her porn. That’s 100% pure bullsht right there. Give me a F’ing break.

vernabc • 5 years ago

So you believe trump but not Avenatti..?

Roman Cadillac • 5 years ago

So you believe the POTUS fukked her?

Jack Daily • 5 years ago

i just LOVE how you made me skim over half the article before i reached Mr. Avenatti's answer. smart. the suspense is what i live for.

Jones • 5 years ago

Skim? It's a few paragraphs long, brainiac.

Jack Daily • 5 years ago

look at my smarty pants counting the paragraphs in the article. that's fairly impressive of you.

Jones • 5 years ago

"A few" is a estimate, not a count, genius. Try again, for the third time now, not to sound like an utter moron.

Jack Daily • 5 years ago

sorry. my brain isn't working as well as it should lately because i can't stop thinking about the times me and your mother shared together. she's so talented.

Jones • 5 years ago

Lame. Are you thirteen years old?

Jack Daily • 5 years ago

you bore me now and i'm done playing with you. go remove that tumour from your brain so you can be less of an emotional freak

The AntiJesus • 5 years ago

Yeah, but it's a short article.

Jack Daily • 5 years ago

not shorter than stormy daniels' attention span

The AntiJesus • 5 years ago

She's a stripper and a pornstar. What did you expect?

Clearly more than Spanky did.

vernabc • 5 years ago

Was it just me, or did Avenatti channel Clinton (i.e., "I've never had sexual relations with this woman") and trump ("I view her more of a sister...") in the same article...?

Elle Cloud • 5 years ago

Avenatti is a player, but makes great TV.

Ladislav Din • 5 years ago

The Bill Clinton answer -- “I’ve never had sexual relations with this woman" -- means they have had only oral sex, right?

DoubleMoutza • 5 years ago

Let the slυtsh@ming begin.

PirateWoman • 5 years ago

He's hot, and she wants him.

Roman Cadillac • 5 years ago

Well we know from her own words that she didn't find Trump attractive at all. Man, that had to have stung him.

How insulting... what they're really asking is "Have you ever violated the professional standards of your law license?"

SteppyJ412 • 5 years ago

He’s already admitted to professional ethics violations.

RichieBelding2 • 5 years ago

Isn't it kind of rude to assume she would just sleep with her lawyer?

LittleRoot_48 • 5 years ago

She's a porn star. She'll sleep with anybody and probably anyTHING.

jerseygirl77 • 5 years ago

She has sex with men for money, she has admitted it - why would it be rude to assume she has sex with her lawyer?

RichieBelding2 • 5 years ago

That's business - not personal.

LittleRoot_48 • 5 years ago

So when she bangs other people for money, it's personal and not business?

RichieBelding2 • 5 years ago

No, that's business. Can't you read?

Vanessa Trane • 5 years ago

So is a mafia murder "just business ?"

RichieBelding2 • 5 years ago

You've not seen the Sopranos?