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Penny • 8 years ago

This isn't the first time this school has put forward their disgust for those who are gay. In July 2015, after gay marriage had become legal in America, the school sent out a newsletter urging parents to only support politicians that would not see gay marriage come to light in Australia. They also asked parents to discuss the matter with teenagers as they claimed the teenagers do not know why they've supported gay marriage by posting their profile pictures with the rainbow illusion on their Facebook pages.

I am once again disgusted by Foundation Christian College's actions, not necessarily because they don't believe in gay marriage, it is their right to do so as individual people. However, this belief should not be further communicated to the children in their care and their placement of this belief onto young children is disgraceful. The principal has used his position of power to impress his beliefs onto young children and parents which is not OK.

In this instance the young girl now not being allowed to discuss her home life at school could be damaging. Similarly, a number of children within their care could themselves be gay and the school is actively discouraging children to be themselves despite their website stating that they gently nurture children, and that each child is an individual who has been created in god's image for a higher purpose. However, being in such an environment filled with dislike towards an increasingly accepted group within society is not conducive to being nurtured as a child.

Karina • 8 years ago

It's important to bear in mind that Foundation Christian College teaches from a Biblical worldview. This means that all the morals and ethics supported and taught at the school are derived from the Bible. Not from any one person. The Bible says that homosexuality goes against God's laws (Romans 1). So the school is only being consistent to the values on which it was founded. Parents are made well aware, before enrolment, of the strong biblical teaching woven through the curriculum, and sign a form stating they agree and will support this. It might be prudent to have a good think about who is in the wrong.

roxy35 • 8 years ago

I will then assume that the children of every paren't that has committed adultery will be asked to leave. Or that every glutinous parent will withdraw their child as they have just sinned. Perhaps the ones that covet the neighbours car should also leave. I'm not quite sure how one part of the bible seems to have grown to outweigh any other part. Love they neighbours, unless they are gay.

Karl • 8 years ago

It's not that the parent "sinned" by being gay, but more that he "sinned" differently to other Christians who are quick to hide their child molesters faster than they can expose their gay members! They are quick to cherry pick verses such what is in Romans 1 without looking at what it really means (eg. Who did Paul address this to? What is the context, in relation to the culture of the day etc etc). Christians, sadly, are still quick to judge and hate others.

PaulT • 8 years ago

Paul addressed his letter to the church at Rome, and it's intended to contain truths relevant to all people for all time. I'm sure you would agree with 3:24, which says that we're made righteous by his grace. Is this too only relevant for the culture of the day, or do we instead accept that both 1:27 and 3:24 (and the rest of the letter) are God's truth for today?

carrotcakeman • 8 years ago

We have good reason to believe anything in the Bible on this subject has been altered to fit political goals relatively recently. Sorry, your book and its many conflicting translations and interpretations are no excuse for attacking this child or her parents.

Karl • 8 years ago

The context of Romans 1 was about idolatry amongst the gentiles, then Paul turns onto the Jews in Chapter 2. Picking one verse to bash gays is cherry picking.

GabeSA • 8 years ago

BRILLIANT, honestly well said. i am not a religious person as I discovered a long time ago that religion makes its own rules, whenever it feels like it. How can a ALL knowing God who created humans in his own image, discriminate against Gay people - When we are all made by God. After all, God doesnt make mistakes! Or Does He? The religious beliefs of those that supposedly follow the bible, must surely live perfect lives. Oh wait, thats not possible because why would God send his only Son to earth to die for our Sins?? So hypocritical. What happened to "Love Thy Neighbour". I dont remember it saying ...."unless they are Gay, then dont love them!

Shin • 8 years ago

Would you accept the argument that God made homophobes as well so who are you to denounce homophobes?
Neighbours I believe are specifically defined as people who showed mercy (Luke 10:36-37), not really 'anyone regardless of background'.

GFB • 8 years ago

Are their kids at the school openly discussing their parents coveting a car or having adulterous affiars?.

A country gal • 8 years ago

So they promote slavery too!

Karl • 8 years ago

and stoning of adulterers? Shhhhhh, may as well glean children from ISIS families - these would have more chance of fitting in!

carrotcakeman • 8 years ago

It is deceptive at best to suggest God hates and wants to hurt same gender couples or their children. Yes, Paul, the claimed author of "Romans," clearly hated LGBT persons as much as he hated women, but no other person ever confirmed his claim of meeting Jesus long after His death. You can't quote words of Jesus attacking LGBT because in fact, the Bible says Jesus affirmed a gay couple. Read Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:1-10. Many of us are familiar with the Gospel story where Jesus healed the servant of a Roman centurion. In the original Greek, the word that the Roman centurion uses in this passage to describe the sick man – pais – is the same word used in ancient Greek to refer to a same-gender partner. I realize some denominations prefer a false translation for political reasons. About 400 years ago, a group of religious authorities (sanctioned by King James I of England), secretly manipulated the English version of the Bible to reflect their own heterosexual attitude; they opposed the King kissing other men in public.

What is truly immoral is the attempt by this shameful principal to infect the students with the mental disorder, homophobia.

Shin • 8 years ago

Luke used doulos which unambiguously meant servant.
Pais is a multi-meaning word and one of them is servant.
You are trying very hard to reach for something that is not there.
Elsewhere Jesus affirmed marriage is a union between one man and one woman (19:4-9). That means no homosexuality, no polygamy and no divorce (unless someone was unfaithful).
Also Jesus lists sexual immorality as one of many sins that will defile somebody (Matthew 15:19). His Jewish audience will know that sexual immorality included homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22)

Joan • 8 years ago

The letter to the Romans was written 2000 years ago, so if this school wants to base its ethics and morals on 2000 year old information and understanding (and just a tiny piece out of a great big book), perhaps we the tax payers should pay the same amount we were paying back then! As there were not a lot of tax payers around in that part of the world in that era it's going to cost us zero - but would that be fair to the many good people at that school?

rplende • 8 years ago

First of all, i am not involved in Foundation Christian School. However you make the claim about the school using the word "Disgust" Can you prove what you say? I would guess you have falsely used that word in place of what was really said ie "that they disagree with" Put your money where your mouth is and provide the evidence that the school has used the word disgust.
It is a disgusting disease ridden lifestyle and that has been medically and statistically proven. And not by Christians but by those in the Medical establishment such as the CDC in the U.S. HIV infections are 44 times higher in the male homosexual population of America (which is less than 2% of the population). Breast cancer rates are higher among lesbian women than the general population. That is only the tip of the iceberg. Don't tell me it is safe and normal. The medical establishment and government bodies warn homosexuals to take precautions with what they do because they are high risk for STDs.

Fee • 8 years ago

Where are you getting your facts from? What a load of crap! You are so unbelievably misinformed I feel sorry for you. I know so so many people that have either died from cancer, or have overcome it...... And you know what..... Not any single one of them were gay, all either married.... Or just children themselves. What a bigoted statement you have made. Do you also condemn those that have divorced in your righteous ways? Because according to the bible that is also wrong. Times are changing and if you were any sort of real Christian you would be accepting of everybody and not at all judgemental as you seem to be. I feel sorry for you , for when you do meet the big man up above, your own radical beliefs may be questioned.

Shin • 8 years ago

Making that tired argument of 'bigot' as usual.

PaulT • 8 years ago

'Real' Christianity is found in the pages of the Bible. Times might be changing, but God has never changed. Be careful about speaking on God's behalf - e.g. in the area of what he judges and what he doesn't - when you don't have an understanding of what he has said about himself in the Bible.

Alicia Mison • 7 years ago

But lesbians get less cervical cancer than the general population, because they are exposed to FEWER stds... They also have the lowest rates of sexual assault, DV, and spousal murder. So maybe its just men

John oakes • 7 years ago

OMG, I can't believe that what u say is relivent in 2016. I feel u need it do some research and educate yourself. There is no proof to your wild comments

Penny • 8 years ago

Hi rplende,

I did not make a claim that the school used the word disgust. I said that this isn't the first time the school has put forward their disgust for those that are gay. I would just like to clarify the meaning of the word disgust with you.

Verb - cause (someone) to feel revulsion or strong disapproval.

I believe this is an accurate description of what the principal of the school has put forward with his comments about gay people, a strong disapproval.

Just as you used the word disgusting in your comment about how being gay is a disgusting disease, this would lead one to assume that you feel revulsion or a strong disapproval towards gay people.

I would also like that state that straight people do also suffer from STD's and so it is not something that is limited to the gay population.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Gerald • 8 years ago

This must be the dumbest comment to date, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will have cancer in their lifetime it matters not whether you are gay or hetro it has more to do with what we are eating and exposure to unatural environmental conditions. By the way look into the SV40 virus that was delivered into the population via polio vaccines, you may find that played a big role in disease among the general population. They wouldn't do that would they??
God is in us and all around us and not in bricks and mortar, you may live your entire life wearing myopic blinkers and biggoted views of who is and who isn't in the god club but God acknowledges everything. Also remember how much of history is distorted and changed, this may well include large parts of the bible, after all who writes and approves history???

Jim Alder • 8 years ago

I hope they've also banned and kids with Epilepsy as they are possessed by satan. Oh, and kids that are left handed too. They need to act quickly and test all the children for gayness - this mans daughter could have given it to them all. Worrying! Amen. Praise da lord and his infinite ignorance, sorry, wisdom.

Reina Benoir • 8 years ago

I have a question. I'm not entirely familiar with how your school system works there. This is a religious school and takes tax money. Why is it allowed to take tax money and also allowed to discriminate?

mary • 8 years ago

Because the parents are taxpayers as are the teachers and the school pays taxes - if the school closed down and the children had to go to the State run public system, it would cost the government/tax payer MORE money not less. Also the parents choose to send their kids there and sacrifice financially and pay school fees to do so.

Reina Benoir • 8 years ago

How would it cost the state more money? The state is paying for two schools one of which is discriminating, it seems like if the school wants to be able to discriminate it should eschew state money. Right now the school is having its tax money cake and eating it too. How does it cost the state more money to run two schools that don't discriminate rather than running one school and giving money to another that discriminates? Something is missing because your answer isn't logical. It makes no sense.

mary • 8 years ago

Because if the school closed down ALL of those kids (and the 30% of school children who attend private schools) who lost their funding - would need to go to state run schools. Schools are extremely expensive to build, and fit out. it is only funding the private school to an extent not FULLY - the parents pay fees and also fundraise.

Reina Benoir • 8 years ago

I don't buy it. If the state builds a school that doesn't need as many students then the building can be used for something else. Same goes for other buildings I rather doubt it would be necessary to build an entire school from scratch because this bigoted school was closed because they were forced to follow the law. Even if it were the greater evil of allowing entities that take tax money to discriminate.

Your reasoning for why this school should be allowed to take state money and discriminate is insufficient and as such your larger argument is unconvincing.

mary • 8 years ago

You are talking about 30% of children in education going to private schools. Would you also close down the vegetarian restaurant when a meat-eater when there and demanded a steak? Discrimination is thrown around too loosely - would you send your child who wanted to play soccer, to a Basketball Club? No, you would find the right fit. A lot of areas of our tax payer money goes into things you and I would disagree with and even may think immoral - that's a democracy - we are fortunate to live in one. WE have choices. Don't like the school - go and get your child into another one that fits your belief system.

Reina Benoir • 8 years ago

If you don't understand the difference between private enterprise and entities that take tax-payer dollars to run then there's really no point in continuing this conversation because you don't understand basic concepts on which the arguments are made.

The restaurant is a private business offering a meal. If it doesn't serve what I want, I can just go somewhere else for a meal. However, if that restaurant turned me away because of my race you're damn right I'm going to fight to have that place closed down by suing the shit out of them.

However, that's not the same as an education which is something that all children are entitled to nor is it the same as a school which is providing this education that all children are entitled to, taking tax money then pushing tax-payers away because the people who run the school can't mind their goddamn business about the sexual orientation of a child's parent.

If this school wants to discriminate against tax paying citizens then they need to eschew tax money. Otherwise, they need to do their job in providing the public service that is educating children.

How the hell is that anything like wanting a burger at a vegetarian joint?

mary • 8 years ago

A restaurant wouldn't turn you away because of your race - just as this school didn't turn anyone away because of their race. But a restaurant could refuse to sell you food that they didn't believe in producing - and you would have to go elsewhere. It is a simple analogy but remains true for all systems.

Are car companies in Australia private enterprise? yes, however the government subsidises them to the tune of around $100 million dollars per year - with your and my tax payer money. and I might never drive a car and might even be opposed to cars and their pollution. The government subsidises private hospitals - for instance a catholic run hospital like St John of God - that refuses to do abortions - isn't that discrimination - don't women have the legal "right" abortion? When will this hospital be sued because they turned a woman away because they refused to do an abortion. this is the world we live in.

That father could have taken his child to a secular school where education is offered to all. He made the strange decision to go to a Christian school and then wonder why they applied Christian values?

He has choices to make and discovering the right school for him and his child will certainly work out.

Reina Benoir • 8 years ago

There are restaurants that would most certainly turn me away because of my race if they could get away with it; just like this school turned this child away because her father is gay. They do not because they cannot do so and get away with it because whilst being private entities they also are open to the public. If one can expect that kind of compliance from a restaurant one most certainly should expect that kind of compliance from a school which is absolutely doing public work vis a vis education. Of course, a school could stop taking taxpayer dollars and then let in only those people they want but it seems that even in Australia the church wants to put its nose into public business whilst either not paying taxes or as is the case here, whilst taking taxpayer money.

My point that you seem to insist on not getting is that an entity taking taxpayer money should not be allowed to discriminate regardless of its religious bent. If it wants that sweet dole it can follow the rules like everyone else. Nothing in your arguments refutes that.

Good day.

Shin • 8 years ago

I don't know about restaurants who turn away races. I do know there are women-only health clubs and gyms. Are they being discriminatory since they are so clearly biased against males?

Drew Powers • 8 years ago

this is absolutely disgraceful that religious schools can openly (and legally?) defy anti-discrimination principles that every other part of our society needs to follow.

Guest • 8 years ago
Drew Powers • 8 years ago

sure i totally agree he would have known this was a Christian school, but not all Christians discriminate against homosexuals. the Pope himself has been a strong advocate for fair treatment of homosexuals. http://time.com/3975630/pop... this man just wanted an education for his daughter, it wasn't like he was shoving his gay lifestyle into everybody's faces... i totally respect the rights of Christians and whoever else to personally disapprove of homosexuality even though i may disagree with that. but i think to say a child is not welcome to a school because of his or her parent's sexual preference is crazy!

LogicWut • 8 years ago

The child was welcome despite her parent's sexual preference, and from the school's perspective, deceptive enrolment process.

What was not welcome was for her to discuss this in school.

In the same way as another child might be welcome despite having racist parents, but be muzzled from echoing those same racist sentiments in school and punished for discussing it.

Or, these days, wearing clothing that celebrates christmas in a public school.

Even secular schools enforce morality.

Lesley • 8 years ago

why would an adult feel "bullied'? Doesn't say he was. Was this the reporters perspective? This man knew he was enrolling his child into a faith based school and he knew the beliefs of that faith. Me thinks this is mischief.. just mischief. The school did not evict the child, he knew what the beliefs of the school are: sex between people of the same sex is not what God put into place for the procreation of the species : the human race. So therefore is not a part of Christian life. This young girl is being raised in a house with two males: this is not so called "homophobia" by the school, this is not disgust to the child by the schools principles, this is how it is in the world. Gay "marriage" is not law in Australia, and is not so in the majority of countries worldwide. Those who comment that someone or some organisations do not "believe" in gay "marriage" is not relevant. This is not something to "believe" in, it is against the law of the land...and this land is still a democracy and we call all "believe" or state our objection, our case, our rights in this land just as the homosexuals can. Homosexuals, do what you want, I don't have to believe in it or go against the law of the land for your so called "hurt". No one is hurting or bullying you, that is your talk not those without an agenda.

mambokinoki • 8 years ago

My religion is Catholic and I know the what the Bible had said, but honestly? Picking on a child? There are lots of Catholic and Christian schools here in the Philippines. Yes they do teach what was in the Bible. What it says about Homosexuality, but I have never heard of Expelling a student due to his/her parent being gay? The HELL...

aitch • 8 years ago

That's fair enough. I think the dad would have known the school's policy on this issue. Good luck with enrolling in a Muslim school Brendan, or is it just Christian schools that are the subject of discrimination?.

Zednem Richie • 8 years ago

He's not a follower of Jesus. He's a follower of Moses and Moses' laws. He's confused by Jesus' command to Love one another and Love God and Moses' barrage of rules which include him not being able to eat meat (but he's probably used the bible to work around that one). He forgot that Jesus went pyscho at religious leaders that separated the non-believers from themselves and tasked people to give their posessions to help the poor and needy (probably worked the bible around so he didn't need to do that either and keep taking tax dollars from the people he's discriminating against). He's just another bigot that has uses the bible for his bigotry. I'll quote the bible to support love - I wonder who will be judged harsher on judgement day; him, or me?

mary • 8 years ago

People choose to send their children to a Christian school - if you do not like the heat get out of the kitchen. Don't play that discrimination card - it is a private school. CHOICE. Also, private schools are given tax payers money because the parents are taxpayers and it saves the government money.

As noted in the just released Productivity Commission's Report on Government Services 2014, while governments invest on average $15,768 per government school student in terms of recurrent costs, the figure for private school students is only $8546. The reality is that even though Catholic and independent schools enrol 34.9 per cent of state and territory students, such schools receive only 22.4 per cent of what state and Commonwealth governments spend on education in terms of recurrent costs.

Instead of private schools ''draining government schools of much needed public resources'', as argued by Luke Mansillo in The Guardian, the fact that such schools exist frees up funds that governments can then redirect to their own schools.

Jason • 8 years ago

What absolute rubbish, why don't other Western countries adopt this policy if it is saving governments bucket loads of money??
Limited goverment resources spread between a greater number of schools where parents only pay a fraction of the fee, do the maths and wake up. This would be the case if the parents were paying full fees. This is also a way of trying to hold onto a dying conservative vote who are run by central banksters and destroying the sovereignty of many countries, it may be a little off topic but it is part and parcel of why these schools exist appart fro the fact they are business investments for the top end. Live in your delusional world if you like but when you leave this planet you will still have left it ignorant.

mary • 8 years ago

"Why don't other Western countries adopt this policy?" of course they do It would have been better Jason if you had done your research before replying - other countries in fact DO subsidise private schools - as they also use this as a way of monitoring them (we will give you money, but we will watch what you are doing - completely fair and transparent). In the U.S. they receive very little help, however in many countries in Europe they do receive extensive subsidies, as they do in Australia in New Zealand. In Ireland the Government funds Catholic schools. Do some more research - it is important that you understand that these schools follow the same curriculum as state schools.

Guest • 8 years ago
mary • 8 years ago

I had children at that school and knew many of the teachers and students - still do - and have never heard a hate-filled or homophobic word from any of them.

Adam Flanagan • 8 years ago

Sue the school
Sue the school
Sue the school

mary • 8 years ago

Yes, lets become like America - where everyone who doesn't agree with the secular agenda is sued .. good move in the wrong direction

Pam • 8 years ago

This is so wrong on any level - no one has seen God - he may be gay!
The outright arrogance of the school board and the principle - "suffer little children" how unchristian to hurt people especially little children