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disqus_IK4JLhzYdo • 2 years ago

I want no part of this, and neither does anyone in my family. FB has been nice to keep up with family and friends, but it's not a necessity, for that or anything else.

Roland St Germain • 2 years ago

I will be deleting FB soon.
But I won't be happy until I see Zuckerberg standing on a street corner holding this sign: "WILL RATE CHICKS FOR FOOD".

Bonnie Clarkson • 2 years ago

Having a side conversation means someone is not getting paid attention to.

fmMD • 2 years ago

"the possible privacy and security concerns"

There's no privacy or security concerns as long as you don't sign into facebook and are sure to block all the cookies from them.

It's shocking how readily people give up all their personal data to facebook just so they can send cat videos and post their viewpoint on things that nobody cares about. People are weird.

Terrence G Brown • 2 years ago

The worst thing we do as human beings is to create technology without a means to secure it, and the presence of mind to see the effects that it will have on society at large. That was the error of most of our media and and technology. Mr. Zuckerberg abandons one dumpster fire to make another one. Not even putting out the one he left. It was unprofessional and spoiled, and in that action alone anything from him should be looked at with a wide eye of skepticism. HIs lazy attempt at protecting the masses from the poison that is misinformation should never be forgotten. FB could have easily fixed it, yet they went for that bottom line. The Cash grab, which he is doing again with Metaverse. I have begun to scrub my existence from what could have been a very decent platform.

Somebody • 2 years ago

One thing is for sure, Zuck needs to be put to death.!