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jeffrey • 1 year ago

Are people really that dumb to fall for a scam like this? I can't believe people actually make a living trying to scam people all day. I wonder what their success rate is?

Happy Fellow • 1 year ago

Local newspaper story. Guy needed a loan and no one would give it to him. He gets a call offering to give him the loan if he sends $1500. I don't know where he got the $1500 from since he needed a loan, but he scraped it together and sent them the money and never heard from them again. Yes, people are extremely dumb. I've heard that if they can get 0.1% of people to fall for the scam, they make money. They make millions of calls.

JamVee • 1 year ago

It appears there really are people out there that dumb, other wise these scammers would go out of business. Don't forget the "Click Payments" they get if you go on their website or click anything in their email of text link

Happy Fellow • 1 year ago

One I would get claimed they were my electric company and I could get a 15% discount because I paid on time. I called the electric company and they said no such thing and gave me a fraud number to call. I get these on answering machine as I don't answer any number I don't know.