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Nikky Knack • 2 years ago

I am not undecided. In fact I have never been more resolute than this time round. I will not vote PLPN. I cannot tell them apart politically. In any case, we are going to have some 20% of the seats in parliament occupied by people whose only qualification is their sex. Candidates who garner more votes and are therefore more representative of the electorate will be pushed aside to make way for unelected women. Not to mention 16 year old kids who cannot even legally drive or consume alcohol, decide who runs the country. Let the country go to the dogs. Sometimes things have to get much worse before they get better. Ġaħan & Ċuċ will get the government they deserve.

Peter Borg • 2 years ago

Still undecided?

Watching the PN leader in the national debate on TVM certainly convinced me which party to vote.

Definitely NO to the PN.

fred • 2 years ago

Deciez sur aguis, jien PL u l mara PL ghal ewwel darba.

ElGreco • 2 years ago

Għalxejn ġabuk minn Brussels għax xkanatura oħra għandkom Piet

ElGreco • 2 years ago

Tell it to the marines Piet

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

"In a recent interview with Maltese media, in connection with an expected upcoming visit from representatives of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that both his party, Labour, and the Opposition, the Nationalist Party (PN), were "surprised" when the country was Greylisted by the international regulatory organization. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Nationalist Party, through its leaders, had, for months warned the public that Greylisting was imminent, due to the fact that Malta's government had not charged any of the individuals widely known to be engaged in money laundering, including the former PM, Joseph Muscat, his wife, Michelle Muscat, and several of the former, and sitting, ministers in the Cabinet. The fantasy weaved by Labour leaders, that The favourable MONEYVAL assessment would give the FATF sufficient grounds to decline Greylisting, was just that, a political ploy to deceive the voters.

Furthermore, this blog repeatedly agreed with the PN assessment, and stated that Greylisting was coming, and that Malta must start enforcing its anti-money laundering laws, or become Europe's first EU member to the Greylisted. We cannot emphasize enough that there was sufficient warning from PN, and to state otherwise is to lie to the Maltese public.

Do not believe for one minute that the FATF, in the absence of actual money laundering indictments, that actually will go to trial, conviction and sentencing to substantial prison time, will let Malta off the hook. Malta, your voters have been fed a steady stream of lies and disinformation about the FATF from the beginning, and the situation will get worse before it gets better. Wake up, before your country turns into another Beirut, drowning in corruption, debt and strife, and bankrupt, without any industry to keep it afloat.(Kenneth Rijock)

Guest • 2 years ago
mario mifsud • 2 years ago

In my view you underrate the electors. People who are going to the polling station next Saturday ,and also those who will not vote, understand much more than we give them credit that our country is at a cross road. I hope that the majority will make the best decision. In any case starting next Monday we would have a new Parliament and the problems left by the present government would not have gone away.

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

This means that ONLY with a change of government can Malta expect to be taken out of the grey list soon. So unless the Maltese public is informed what is at stake on the 26th of March, Malta would remain on the grey list for the foreseeable months.

robert • 2 years ago

Are you serious to qoute a statement from a known ex fraudster? Rijock spent the next 18 months in a storm of fake news postings .An ex convict who spent 24months in prison on fraud !! Rijock had lost “innumerable libel suits because he simply made up stuff”.Israeli attorney Steven Slom awarded damages, after being falsely accused of money laundering by Kenneth Rijock. he was accused of conducting a "scurrilous campaign" of "fake news" against a Canadian wealth management firm as "revenge" for preventing an "elderly client" from transferring funds to a dubious Florida firm for which Rijock was "chief compliance officer".Is this the man on whom you are counting your dreams??

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

You are writing a lot about the author of the post - which I cannot verify- but nothing on the contents of the message - which I find convincing.

The point raised by Rijock is that it is not true that Malta will be taken off the grey list shortly . He gave reasons why he believes this is so.

He wrote :
"Do not believe for one minute that the FATF, in the absence of actual money laundering indictments, that actually will go to trial, conviction and sentencing to substantial prison time, will let Malta off the hook. Malta, your voters have been fed a steady stream of lies and disinformation about the FATF from the beginning, and the situation will get worse before it gets better."

What do you say to these 2 sentences ?
Is this the reason why the parliament was dissolved before the end of its term and the election is to be held one week before the Pope's visit , when it was agreed with the Vatican that the election will not be held a few weeks before or after the election ? So that the whole Labour election campaign is based on a false assumption , namely that Malta will be taken off the grey list shortly.

robert • 2 years ago

Of course you can verify go on internet and read , im sure you are not illiterate were it matters most. I dont believe a criminal whatever you believe. I believe my Prime Minister and yes we will be out in June whatever you say . You are of course biest with the PN regime who only thought of themselves in goverment and let the people rot with higher bills and lower salries and no increases in pensions and nothing. You are writing in vain because no one believes PN any longer and you are trying to defend this regime. Saturday we will vote wholeheartedly LABOUR FOREVER!!

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

In 48 hours we will know the result. Today is the day of reflection. Kindly distinguish between voting in an election and betting . Betting is to pick out a winner, voting in elections is to choose what is best for the country and its people including yourself. When such a distinction is not made, it means that corruption is prevailing.

robert • 2 years ago

Try to change subject avoiding admitting Rijock is an ex convict and fraudster and you quoted him, so you are an accomplice in fraud and lies . Now just write what the hell you like we wont believe quotes from a criminal and an accomplice.

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

Your reaction whether the following corrupt practices invalidate the election:

(1)Allowing interdicted inmates in the prison to cast their votes, which is an illegal act.
(2) Getting the votes from dementia patients in the nursing homes in Malta.
(3)100 & 200 Euro vouchers sent out to everyone just prior to election date.
(4) Flat screen televisions sent as gifts to voters from sitting Labour ministers.
(5) Giving building permits to persuade the voters in advance of the elections.
(6) Gifts of petrol vouchers sent to voters to guarantee their election support.
(7) Passing out jobs for residents of Gozo to insure they cast their votes today.

mario mifsud • 2 years ago

Your subject is always the same ..labour forever. I tried to help you by distinguishing between voting in an election and betting . Betting is to pick out a winner, voting in elections is to choose what is best for the country and its people including yourself. When such a distinction is not made, it means that corruption is prevailing.

Manuel Dimech was an ex convict and fraudster but we honour him as a hero not because he was an ex convict and fraudster but for what he did after leaving prison. So grow up and leave your prejudices behind you and give people a chance to improve their lives.

Do not attack the messenger but address the message !

Scerri_M • 2 years ago

Skuzani Peter Agius, ninsab konvint li nhar is-sibt sejjer nivvota PL !

Please note li jiena gej minn familja Nazzjonalisti ! Hemm min mhux ser jivvota u hemm minn ukoll ser jivvota PL.

Tkomplix tahli l-hin Peter !

Nerga' nithajjar nivvota PN meta tnehhu lil JajSin, Peppe, Karroll, u tiddisassocjaw minn ma' tar-Republika tal-Banana !

Kun af li inti m'ilux avvicinajt hbieb tieghi li wieghduk li ser jivvotaw PN , pero qalulek hekk biex jghadduk passata.Tghidx kemm dhakna 'l bierah !

Ahjar tmur lura Brussel ghaliex qed tahli l-hin !

ittuba • 2 years ago

All these PNers who came back from Brussels made a big personal mistake in becoming part of the no hopers local brigade. At least in Brussels there they were enjoying the gravy train. Metsola was cleverer than them for sure.

Ed Straker • 2 years ago

Vote PN. Enough already.