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Lemuel G. Abarte • 5 years ago


Tom Paniagua • 5 years ago

Really nice wildlife images:)

boogers • 5 years ago

very impressive results! All great photographers

Michele Jankelow • 5 years ago

Magnificent, impassioned photography! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your journey with wildlife and wild places!

Pablo Delano • 5 years ago

Regarding your runner up photo. Nice moment captured but one of the most important ways of showing dignity and respect when you photograph a human being is provide their full name along with the photo. By referring to the subject only by the name Mzee or "Old Man" and by not providing any name whatsoever for his wife, you echo old colonialist tropes. Despite the claims of a respectful approach, and despite sharing the colorful details of the fellow's life, you perpetuate a colonialist, racist and sexist mentality that strips these people of their identity and dignity, reducing them to nothing more than "Happy Natives" on display for a largely white audience. Any experienced photojournalist knows that when you photograph people, especially in a posed portrait, you take note of their names and include that in the caption info. What happened here? The act of white photographers depersonalizing "ethnic types" via images is well worn cliché of photographic history.

Jamie Smith • 5 years ago

Interesting comment that makes sense to me, although your leap into such dramatic racial stereotyping seems a tad overcooked.

The Rock • 5 years ago

Then it could be he asked the guy and that's the name he was given.

Reuben Ruiz • 5 years ago

It seemed tad overlooked due to your insensitivity.
Don’t white wash and be more selective in your choice of words.
Or, you may be stereotyped at some point.

Jamie Smith • 5 years ago

Seriously? Perhaps you need to get over yourself.

Rhale • 5 years ago

My heart and mind said, "Wow"!

MARTHA DIAZ • 5 years ago

These photos are super...thanks for sharing :)

Noah • 4 years ago

Right place and the right time, excellent work

Susan Downey-Yarlett • 5 years ago

Stunning photographs..so raw and real; the beauty speaks for itself..

The Rock • 5 years ago

A very impressive display. Too bad the huge diversity of life beneath Africa's seas was not represented.

gift portal • 5 years ago

wow..just...wow...the beauty ...on all levels.. this collection exudes is mesmerizing...bringing it full circle.... you now have a new fan...found myself not wanting the pictures along with their stories to end....and to sit back and absorb..soakup the details of each...adding to the appreciation and beauty of each shot was mind blowing at the very least....my thanks and admiratrion goes to each photographer for letting me borrow their windows for a glimpse at lifes beauty...mixed with a bit of jealousy of their oppertunity to be there in the moment....job well done....thanks again....

gshock • 5 years ago

Once again the judges are full of it. The spider is a nice photo, but...

"What made this image of hers stand out head-and-shoulders above the other macro entrants was that she managed to include so much of the
habitat in her capture"

Really? It's a pretty typical macro shot. The focus is very shallow and other than being able to tell that it's a curled leaf, there is no other habitat visible.

For my money the one that IS head and shoulders above the rest is the jellyfish. First off, the photog has to get in the water with stinging jellyfish! Next, he has to properly expose, focus, and frame, holding an angle that lines up the creature, the quickly setting sun, and the rock line that frames them...WHILE treading water. The photo speaks to the primordial beginning of life, an ancient creature that lives on the line that separates the golden sunlit world above the water, and the blue darkness below.

Nina • 5 years ago

Totally agree-- The skill and artistry of this image supersedes most.

johan van Jaarsveld • 4 years ago

I think to be a judge is a hard job as photography is so varied and different pics have different merits to be good or not. It comes down to personal taste and the judge on duty swings the sceptre. I have stopped
subscribing to any sort of competitions for this reason and now just like to look at all the good pics as 90% shown are very good in their own right. But getting a bit overcooked with gorillas and chimps.

KatalinX • 5 years ago

I love these powerful photos and will be back to check out Africa Geographic. Bob Ditty's portrait of the Lugandan man & wife is one of the best photo portrait's I have ever seen, bar none. I'd love to have it on my wall forever. Also found Prelena Soma Owen's white egret and bottle brush against its pale background so striking and reminiscent of Audubon. So many excellent photographers showcasing the scope & beauty of Africa. Outstanding.