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HalfACenturian • 8 years ago

Glad it is thorough and need Cliff Notes for this article. Haven't time to read it all and I'll just add:
I was disturbed that the Rescue Mission boasted on the local news that people who leave there do so after some unGodly number of hours of Bible study. At least they admitted it as I've heard the claim it isn't "Forced" on those in need. It is a terrible thing to demand vulnerable people spend their precious time being indoctrinated in one belief system. And the rescue mission is expanding! Damn.
there are many people on the brink of homelessness including those living in unhealthy conditions due to lack of affordable housing. Homelessness isn't going to go back to being a lifestyle "Choice" for some unless housing becomes more affordable and/or a living wage is ensured for all. People on SSDI often cannot afford housing.
If you look closely at and/or call the many "Resources" listed on various flyers and handouts most are defunct and/or duplicated services such as those listed on Betty Chin's calendar; the month looks packed full but each day lists only one service and many are already available a few blocks away at the Job Market.

Guest • 8 years ago

You should read the possible conspiracy theory posted by Humboldt Observer on the latest article; the timeline and events all line up.

I suggest we look at the CALIFORNIA REDWOOD COMPANY site. What is
actually happening with this property? Didn't this company take over
$500,000 from our community? Are they current on their property tax? Did
we get any revenue from their "AUCTION" they just had? Attention ALL
HOMELESS head over to california redwood company and set up your "NEW

Old School • 8 years ago

Containerville will become very famous and this may put Eureka in the news. We are witnessing history in the making. The politicians are saying this whole container housing is for only six months. Do we have this in writing ? Can it be extended ?

sam • 8 years ago

Selective enforcement needs to come to an end .It only creates more victims .And your not helping anybody by creating more problems .

Anon • 8 years ago

Good idea bad location

I Have a DREAM • 8 years ago

I suggest we look at the CALIFORNIA REDWOOD COMPANY site. What is actually happening with this property? Didn't this company take over $500,000 from our community? Are they current on their property tax? Did we get any revenue from their "AUCTION" they just had? Attention ALL HOMELESS head over to california redwood company and set up your "NEW CITY"

guest • 8 years ago

That's a good location for the homeless! Plenty of room and they can walk the tracks to either Arcata or Eureka.

Guest • 8 years ago
It gets WORSE! • 8 years ago

Green Diamond will continue to harvest redwoods on the
nearly 393,000 acres the company owns in Del Norte and Humboldt
counties, but the company will be transitioning to other manufacturers
of redwood lumber.

It gets WORSE! • 8 years ago

Headwaters awards $750,000 for lumber marketing project; Forest Product Initiative seeks to promote redwood for decks

Jessica Cejnar/The Times-Standard/times-standard.com/

Posted: 03/28/2012 02:08:41 AM PDT

The Pup • 8 years ago

Yeah I was waiting for this don't understand how the city council didn't see this coming

Guest • 8 years ago

They did. They're just pandering and feckless politicians kickin the ole can down the road.

Chopper • 8 years ago

allowing dysfunctional adults to continue dysfunctional behaviors will drive out the people who pay taxs, the tourists, the people starting families, the doctors and nurses who would have stayed to work here. What you will end up with if its not damn close already is an apocalyptic society of drug addicts, thieves, mentally ill. If that's the goal, Eureka is about to score.

Launa Harmon-Delp • 8 years ago

Apparently there was a big meeting with land owners and business owners today that lastest 3 hours! Why were we not told of this meeting seeing as we are right in the middle of this disaster??? Cheif Mills! Want to answer that one?

Guest • 8 years ago
Launa Harmon-Delp • 8 years ago

I don't know. I was not advised of this meeting! Heard about it on the news!!

concerned citizen • 8 years ago

I say lock and load, they keep giving bums, thives and crackheads free shit and housing, more will just show up and rob and steal from you and yours, so keep 'em loaded and keep 'em close.

RHood • 8 years ago

What a bunch of delusional idiots. We understand you are all greedy and hate the idea of raising minimum wages and helping mentally ill people, and how do you make your statement? By suit against the city for money? Ha! Whose the welfare whore now? taking taxpayer money with your fancy big fish small pond lawyers!

loleta dude • 8 years ago

The attorney is a dick. I only know this by reading the letter. Never heard of him before, but he's a selfish asshole assisting selfish people. Screw these people.

LB • 8 years ago

You're so right. The people who worked hard and purchased property should be very happy to give up their property value and to put up with all the problems.

gunther • 8 years ago

Probably doomed to fail any way. A metal box gets hot during the day even in Eureka when the sun is out.

UnicornStabs • 8 years ago

So... they pack them all into shipping containers, then, what, close em up and ship em off somewhere?

shrox • 8 years ago

Those 1970s films like "Soylent Green" are coming true.

Guest • 8 years ago

Go get em Andrew Stunich Esq. Eureka's decision is delusional, irresponsible, dangerous and illegal.

Sue them • 8 years ago

Hell yeah sue the crap out of Mercer Frasier. They're the most sue-happy company in Humboldt. Fuck 'em, taste of their own medicine...

guest • 8 years ago

That's true. I've seen it.

Stan • 8 years ago

Agreed, Fuck Mercer Frasier in the ass

Possum • 8 years ago

Yes, yes! I see this amazing plan now. Get them into shipping containers...wait until their heroin high kicks in......load the container onto a ship...send them to China and make them manufacture all the shit that they steal from walmart .

Poker Face • 8 years ago
guest • 8 years ago

I hope these containers aren't going to house stupid people like the two that pushed a cart full out of Kohl's with more than $1000. Stupid amateurs don't know to keep it under the catch and release limit.

. • 8 years ago

Read your comment again. Really. See your error?

Poker Face • 8 years ago

No, it's going to be much much worse. Drug addicts and sex offenders. Basically, the people that aren't wanted ANYWHERE, even among their own "people" out in the Shrek swamp.

? • 8 years ago

Do these sex offenders already have their balls removed?

LB • 8 years ago

They'll fit in nicely with the cheer/ dance studio across the street.

suzy blah blah • 8 years ago

- i'm heading there now with a couple of cases of spray paint ***

Anchovy Rancher • 8 years ago

Maybe Eureka could get its' hands on some of those left-over trailers from Katrina? FEMA's got thousands of 'em. Yea, they smell funny (formaldehyde, mold) but it's got to be better than a cheapo job of turning a SeaLand Trailer into a studio apartment.

$$ Sense • 8 years ago

But, the cost of getting the trailers shipped to Eureka would be too great.

Anchovy Rancher • 8 years ago

BIG Benefit concert, there's all the money ya' need.

Mickey: "Hey Kids, I know...LET"S PUT ON A SHOW!"

Judy: "Nah, I want to get high."

Eureka Citizen Supporter • 8 years ago

Didn't that Eureka Citizen group submit a comprehensive plan for building a full service shelter? If memory serves, they had planned to purchase the old truck stop, build a shelter for housing 250, with service offices included, with restrictions on drug/alcohol use. Didn't they also have financing for the project, in place, so that the City had no financial liability?
City Council said no, so now it's shipping container camp?

Jim • 8 years ago

Actually Eureka Citizen never actually had a plan and when they were supposed to show up at the Supervisors meeting to show the plan that they supposedly had they did a no show and said that it had all been a practical joke.

The TRUE Eureka Citizen • 8 years ago

City council members did receive the entire plan, along with development blueprints, services to be provided, and all financial documentation. Eureka Citizen refused to disclose its financial backers, and received negative feedback from the public for doing so.

Eureka Citizen group played the "joke" card, just to stop the harassment of it's members; the group itself is still active and has pushed Council on several recent changes. Such as the recent panhandling ordinance changes.

The proposal still sits in Council possession.

Guest • 8 years ago
The REAL Eureka Citizen • 8 years ago

Unconstitutional ordinance?
The same ordinance passed court muster in Sacramento; court determined it was legal, so it is still in effect.
Eureka passed amendments to the current version to match Sacramento's.

Guest • 8 years ago
The REAL Eureka Citizen • 8 years ago

It settled, with no further action required or requested.
Additionally, if it were unconstitutional, the court would not have allowed it to be enforced.

NK • 8 years ago

Why would this company refuse to disclose it's financial statement? That sounds fishy indeed. What is this company? Do they use government funds? An "NGO" or something like that? But would it matter or would it become an entity not in the jurisdiction of the city and therefore there would be liability or insurance or legal issues with the city?

Eureka Citizen Supporter • 8 years ago

The proposal contained full liability insurance and required no City funding or liability.

The REAL Eureka Citizen • 8 years ago

EC developed a non-profit charity coalition, not a corporation. State, and Federal law didn't require disclosure of contributors.

Jim • 8 years ago

"Eureka Citizen group played the "joke" card, just to stop the harassment of it's members"

Yeah, sure they did.