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kalyan g • 4 years ago

Hi,I want to build a PC with the components as you suggested in $ 1100 build but want to replace the mother board with
MSI B450 TAMAHAWK max or MSI B450 gaming pro . Did you notice any lags in these mother boards when paired with
Ryzen 5 2600. I am Linux user , this PC is for my office work,moderate gaming and moderate video editing.Suggest me which one is best.

Daniel • 4 years ago

Either of those motherboards would work just fine with the R5 2600! It is exceedingly unlikely that any motherboard will noticeably affect in-game performance or in-program performance, which are determined much more by the CPU and GPU. That said, between those two options, we would recommend the Gaming Pro Carbon AC if you'll be using a wireless connection and don't mind the extra cost, or the Tomahawk Max if you'll be using a wired connection and want the savings.

kalyan g • 4 years ago

Thank you

Vin S • 5 years ago

I notice Linux was largely left out of the prebuilt section, when System76 has been making great strides in this part of the market, both with their very user-friendly Pop!_OS and with their decently priced prebuilt desktops and laptops. https://system76.com/

Chris Cunningham • 5 years ago

The unfortunate problem I had with the pre-built section was "easy" availability. So essentially where you can see a range of them on Amazon, Newegg, or even bigger brick store like Best Buy etc. They are getting better though and there's some models like the NUC which I was close to including yet a lot of it came down to a price to performance choice.

It could get there though, especially as more and more people get turned off by the closed wall systems of the big OS brands but if the likes of Amazon made it easier for the likes of System76 to sell pre-configured units on there (I got up to just under $59,000 on Thelio Massive... I do love a custom config page). We've been seeing it more with the single board systems in recent years, so I think as more public awareness of them has moved up, along with availability, then it could be a different matter for our comparisons.

As ever though, we'll keep an eye on these as time goes on. I wrote the first draft of this before all the fun Huawei issue broke, so even with picking their awesome lightweight laptop might need a re-think as stock probably dries up. Plus with Apple and Microsoft, they're not opposed to throwing out the odd curve ball when it comes to OS design antics, so I suspect this guide will keep us busy for a long time to come!