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Catqueen25 • 7 years ago

The deaf like me were shipped off to insane asylums in droves. It was believed that deaf meant retarded. That is very far from the truth. We needed a way to communicate. Signed language came about through morse code. Once we could communicate, our smarts showed.

Adjudant • 7 years ago

How old are you???????????????

Catqueen25 • 7 years ago

29. I have an ancient aunt who was born deaf and lived for a time in an insane asylum. (We think she is immortal. She was born in 1908.)

SamGarrison • 7 years ago

I sort of understand the drunk father one. My dad was an abusive drunk, and due to that I have various mental illnesses. Depression, panic attacks, severe anxiety, and crippling fear of socializing, due to the thought that any man I meet will be like my father. I got lucky once and had a great man, and two kids with him, but we had our differences and separated. It was amicable and we're still friends, but not even he was enough to help the fear and panic I feel talking to men.

See, this is why I need some interstellar sex. Aliens aren't human men. I won't be afraid. PLEASE ABDUCT ME AND GIMME LOVIN', ALIENS!

Pete Olivarez • 7 years ago

Forget that noise. I'll help you out!

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

So even you won't support my position as just for the moment.

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Sorry Pony. Just woke up now myself. Totally can't remember what that was about.

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Just the one other. I only intended to make one comment and couldn't be bothered signing in. But then I commented some more so I so I thought I might as well just sign in.
If you're asking if I do that habitually - no.

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Oh gosh, dear, I gave it away myself. PLEASE don't try to track it down. When I said I didn't remember I meant I was very drunk at the time. Can we please start again?

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Sorry, I'm rather literal. I understand sarcasm and irony, but I'm rather old and it's difficult for me to translate conversations that aren't in front of my face.

RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

So that's a yes? Are you really drinking now?

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Yum yum.. So jealous. I've been on night shift for the last week. I'm quite drunk on lack of sleep and cheap wine. But I've run out of any form of alcohol. Thanks for being so understanding in your own .....way. ;).

Guest • 7 years ago
RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

Hi Pony. I'd just like to apologise for my drunken behaviour. I'm terrible when I drink after a week of night shift. I need to not post at such times. But I'm all good and back to normal now....til next time :(

RM๐Ÿ’– • 7 years ago

LOOOOOOL! Don't you cheers me. Give me wine. More wine, waiter, please. Who sang that. Hint Pantera........

Quinby • 5 years ago

#7; the curse of the eugenics movement that led to so much misery. Epileptic or autistic kids? sterilize 'em. Gay? -off to the camps with you so we can beat the gayness outta you. And we all know what happened in Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

Kelchi Dropbear • 7 years ago

Color me insane then! I tick all ten boxes on list points. Yes, that includes epilepsy. Now, where my comfy padded room pls? I could use a break and some peace and quiet ๐Ÿ˜†

Sueboody1979 • 7 years ago

Having sex with a jerk. Lol.

LuvsHorror • 7 years ago

Everyone who has slept with Trump?

Pete Olivarez • 7 years ago

Or Steven Seagal. The biggest jerk on the planet!

Kelchi Dropbear • 7 years ago


Keeblertex • 7 years ago

I think there's a lot left out of these stories. They are presented as 'this is what was reported and there are no further details'. While some seem plausible others scream for fact checking.

Keeblertex • 7 years ago

Church of Christ are different than Christian Scientists LOL. Honestly, though, I can see how anyone would go crazy studying Christian Scientist stuff.

mom424 • 7 years ago

I'm fairly certain it wasn't the reading of the material that made them crazyโ€”it's their desire to do so. Anyone who lets a child suffer when there are actual viable treatments available is worthy of a mental health check.

Anthony Zougras • 7 years ago

Anyone who lets anyone suffer when there are viable treatments available should have mental health check

Keeblertex • 7 years ago

Wow. Myself and a liberal Canadian on the same page. Surely a sign that the end of days are upon us.

โ™ก interesting post โ™ก
I knew there was a special place for women like me. The destitute and annoying bookworm with an extremely dysfunctional drunk father, who has the amazing ability to be able to spot a jerk from a mile away

Joe Hollow • 7 years ago

In that case,โ€ฆ How you doin'? ; )

Living the dream. And you?

Lisa • 4 years ago

The majority of those threatened with institutionalization were women, naturally. Yet another tool used for control and oppression. To some extent, this still holds true today.

B J Deller • 6 years ago

What about those who constantly heard voices in their heads? I believe it is an efect of Schiziphrenia. Muhammed claims to have had this problem so what if he had been born now. Would Islam have ever been thought up?

Maria Kelly • 6 years ago

I'm sure that I'm not the only person to notice that most of the reasons for commitment to an insane asylum were because women weren't doing what society thought that they should. Being committed because you're reading a book? By that standard, I would be committed for reading Listverse lists! And not being able to do that would drive me insane!

Jab Koosy • 7 years ago

interesting headline or topic
Number 7 alcoholic father and number 1, annoying the wrong, are
"real nightmares", they can absolutely drive one insane. But he forgot "Betrayal"

Jen Min • 7 years ago

Well, to be fair, anyone who spends enough time trying to make heads or tails out of Christian Science doctrine is at risk of losing their marbles. And I say that as a regular run-of-the-mill Christian. There are some nutters among us, to be sure.

Cyndi • 7 years ago

The best part of this list was reading the opinion piece linked and quoted in 7. Hilarious! We should have listened to him and now all those insane, idiotic, subnormal children he warned us about are taking over the country. http://chroniclingamerica.l...

Zeke Teke • 7 years ago

should be things that could get you sent 100 years ago

just for the moment • 7 years ago

So Miss K Sexton refused to talk. Hmm I wonder why. Every "civilised" society incarcerates apparent suicides. Oh, for their own good, of course! Accidentally overdose on sleeping pills because your husband won't seek treatment for sleep apnoea...instant involuntary incarceration. Clothes removed, belongings removed, informed of lack of rights. Husband not forced to seek treatment for said condition. Yes western word that I live in...I'm talking to you.

Eric S. Bangs • 7 years ago

The dressing like a man is completely valid. There are mountains of evidence to support the fact that homosexuality is typically brought about by abuse and/or neglect. Just like prostitution.

โ™ก interesting post โ™ก
I knew there was a special place for women like me. The destitute and annoying bookworm with an extremely dysfunctional drunk father, who has the amazing ability to be able to spot a jerk from a mile away

da Silva • 4 years ago

and a need for attention...

enbynone • 7 years ago

You shouldn't use the word 'transgendered' the term is 'transgender'.

TD • 7 years ago

Until next week...

p1t1o • 7 years ago

Meh. Non-issue.

longtimelurker • 7 years ago

Actually, the author shouldn't have made light of women's fears of sharing vulnerable spaces with males. This is the sort of spurious editorializing that doesn't belong in these lists.