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Stejay Bee • 6 years ago

will noone here dispute the claim that abortion is a safer than full term pregnacy? are we at all concerned that we can't make it safer for women in america to have chidren? I know, its more fun to pretend we don't get the point of the sign, but there is a valid point being made.

ciao • 6 years ago

"I feel so damn powerful".
Yes, having the legal means to kill is the ultimate power. So to "feel powerful" are you going to keep aborting and encouraging others to abort to keep that feeling of power? Intoxicating isn't it?

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

Oh & Dr. [Evangelist] Alveda King, may the LORD, Almighty God bless you & your stand for unborn human life, like that good influence of your Christian late Uncle Martin Luther King Jr. who's forever in Heaven with Him, our Heavenly Father today! Gladly, especially as Director of Civil Rights for Unborn Children, truly, you've stood up for our Savior & God-Man, our Lord Jesus Christ Who gave His best for the entire world, including the unborn! Hallelujah!❤😂

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

Hi, Victoria Garaitonandia Gisondi! Moreover, how dare that on Twitter or anywhere else, "Planned Parenthood" would tell our black [much less white] people that they're better off aborting our babies than giving birth! Heaven forbid that we should disobey & displease her King, the LORD God Almighty of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob through assassination of an unborn innocent child whom He created & made just like fearfully & wonderfully, He did create us too!

John Savell • 6 years ago

Why is anyone surprised? Planned Parenthood's entire raison d'etre was to kill black and minority kids to prevent them growing up to be minority adults. Margaret Sanger, Hillary Clinton's idol, believed minorities, especially blacks, were a strain on society and felt she could control that by convincing minority moms to kill their children. It is called eugenics and Hitler tried to do the same thing with Jews, gays, and gypsies. That was the whole purpose for Sanger's creation of Planned Parenthood, and apparently the convincing part has worked, because now more than just minorities worship at the child-sacrificing altar of PP.

Beth Van • 6 years ago

Margaret Sanger would be proud. She promoted contraception. However, she was also a strong supporter of eugenics (http://www.nationalblackpro... and there are many online reputable sites that confirm this.

SillyMimi • 6 years ago

Take a look at PP's brochures, ads, and website. Most of the women featured in them are young minorities - both Latino and Black. Don't the left-wing folks representing these groups see that, or is it okay with them? Have they sold their self-righteous souls in the interest of money? Talk about slavery!

Interestingly, the neo-Nazis love Planned Parenthood. What does that say?

kotoc • 6 years ago

Stuff like this makes me want to stand outside an abortion clinic with a sign that reads, "Don't kill your baby... he or she may save your life someday by finding the cure for cancer" or something. Just think... all those people who have benefited humanity in every way imaginable... what if THEIR mothers didn't want the inconvenience of an unwanted pregnancy? And that's what about 99% of abortions on demand are... to get rid of an "inconvenience." Sad and sick, depraved and selfish.

Joel • 6 years ago

Planned Parenthood kills unborn babies especially black babies!!

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

Yeah, by this, in the LORD's sight, "Planned Parenthood" is guilty of innocent bloodshed & racism for aborting unborn babies, mainly black ones! [Heaven forbid!]

Junior • 6 years ago

Spoken as if Margaret Sanger herself was there. Talk about racism. The Democrats/Commies are full of it, using/manipulating minorities as the puppets of society. The PP makes more $ that way.

rottenrollin • 6 years ago

Can't manage to keep your legs crossed, ladies?

Come to Planned Parenthood.

We'll make your mistakes disappear!

Indiana Conservative • 6 years ago

Very racist

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

Yeah, I'm afraid they are!

Susan • 6 years ago

Lord Jesus, I ask you to bind the hands of the Evil One. We know that Satan hates innocence and will destroy whom he can. Lord, protect the innocent. Expose Satan's lies. Free those that Satan entices to his hateful work. In your Holy and Precious Name, Amen.

Kelly Usa • 6 years ago


William M Durham • 6 years ago

Since Planned Parenthood was founded by a strict racist only concerned with controlling the number of minority babies born I do not doubt it one bit. And this is just what the Democratic party stands for, keeping the minority's down and out of their way while playing them like a drum for votes. And sadly they fall for the BS every time.

A_patriot • 6 years ago

This is precisely what the entire abortion system was built upon. Not merely 'birth control', but rather to extinguish the 'undesirables', which for Margaret Sanger meant elimination of the Black race.

Susan • 6 years ago

And really, if they were so concerned about over-population, you would think that they would just eliminate their own life. But what is the good of eliminating every one else? So the elite have more room to breathe? The whole concept is bizarre.
If they would just add a little bit of faith, they would see that God is in control of it all! If we lived inside HIS standards, all would be well.

Junior • 6 years ago

They are atheists.

Kelly Usa • 6 years ago

Worse! Those in charge of the shadow government are Luciferians, they are not ignorant of existence of God. They simply refuse to live by His rules as their chose corporal lusts and dominion over others the joys of their life. They hate God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because of His righteousness.
Sadly, they are digging their own grave. Nothing can stop this flesh from deteriorating so they are doomed to suffer for eternity lacking what they can never posses again, for Eternity.

Susan • 6 years ago

Many of them, yes. That's why I mentioned them needing some Faith. :)

Doris Will • 6 years ago

Am I the only person watching the news? At least once a week, women are being picked up by ambulance and rushed to hospital emergency rooms due to mistakes in abortion procedures. How does that make the abortion
safer than childbirth? If Margaret Sanger's plan worked as well from the beginning, the Black population of today would be half of what it is. Keep on killing cops, and supporting Planned Parenthood, and see what you has been accomplished in the next few years. Maybe football players will kneel in remembrance of dead babies. Just when do black lives start to matter?

TroutButter • 6 years ago

When Mother Teresa said "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." The first thing that instantly came to my mind is Matthew 16:25 which says "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."

All of these people having abortions, as well as supporting it, are doing the "saving their life" part. Not a part you want to be...a part of.

It's also bizarre that there are any black supporters of PP at all. It makes about as much sense as there being black supporters of the KKK. The founder of PP said at a KKK rally a long time ago that "black people are like weeds that need to be eliminated." There is so much evil in that it's hard to write.

I also find their claim that it's dangerous for black women to give birth that somehow it's killing them to be highly suspect. I see black babies and kids all the time with their mothers, sooooooo yeah. And you never hear about it being dangerous for black women to give birth from any other source than PP. Still, even if there are complications, no matter who you are, it's better to give up your life for your baby because as Jesus said, lose your life for his sake and you shall find it.

ajfontaine • 6 years ago

Good points. Unfortunately, PP has managed to hide their history, especially the racist and eugenicist pronouncements of their founder, Margaret Sanger. As usual, the MSM is complicit in helping them get away with it.
Praise God, there are black heroes and heroines (e.g. Rev. Walter Hoye, Alveda King, Star Parker) speaking out about this and refusing to be intimidated by the black "establishment" (NAACP et al.) that keep blindly supporting the Democrats and Planned [non] Parenthood.

Susan • 6 years ago

Yes, I think we must remember something about the MSM. They always seem to pretend they are here to protect the little guy, the workers, the poor. In fact, THEY pretend they are one of those. They always cry, "The President is taxing the poor and making the rich, richer!"-you know...statements like that. But we must remember that the MSM have to be wealthy people, in order to have their business of network tv. These are NOT little guys. These are HUGE people! These are probably social engineers out to manipulate The People into believing whatever fits their agenda. So of COURSE they are going to try to reach our tender hearts and lie, lie, lie, and hide the truth.
Notice that what they push are all things that make folks think we need population control.
1. the world is ending because humans are destroying it!
a. through polution
b. through global warming
c. through crowded spaces
d. through eating or destroying too much vegetation
2. vaccination control
a. Bill Gates LOVES vaccinations. I watched and heard him say so. And it was because of the possibilities of what he can do for population control. (in fact, for the one vaccine many women in ONE community alone, miscarried their babies mere hours or within one day after receiving a vaccine)
b. Instead of pursuing how a person can build up their immune strength against these horrible diseases, they 'solve the problem' by shooting us up with the dangerous stuff...and other things besides. And guess what, some of those vaccinations require the use of ABORTED BABY PARTS)

Well, I could go on with the list of lies and false impressions that the WEALTHY MSM gives the public, but I see that this post is too long already.

(rather than PLANNED Parenthood, it should be PREVENTING Parenthood.)

Susan • 6 years ago

Not only that, be we live in an era where technology and new discoveries are so rampant, that this is the SAFEST time to have children. Rather than saying abortion is safer than child birth, MAKE CHILD BIRTH SAFER.
Abortion is NOT safe for the child. It is malicious and cruel and wrong.

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

Susan, you're right as you say that: instead of saying that abortion's safer than child birth[Heaven forbid!], we should make child birth safer because abortion is never safe for that child. 👎 No! It's malicious, cruel, & wrong [especially in the eyes of the LORD our God]!

Guest • 6 years ago
AvaB • 6 years ago

Agreed and what really gets me are the women having abortions WHO CLAIM TO LOVE THE LORD. Hmmm..NOT MY GOD. He said if you kill the innocent, you will be put to death. Aren't BABIES INNOCENT?

James C. Robinson (III) • 6 years ago

It's because obviously, they refuse to worship the LORD, the only True God!

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

I used to fight against abortion every chance I got but over the years I came to realize that the one's using abortion for birth control were liberal blacks,liberal whites and liberal whatever else's so I still wont condone abortion but I wont lift a finger to stop it.Nature has its own ways of fixing its mistakes so if liberals want to self cleanse their gene pool then who am I to stand in the way of a natural process of thinning the herd of the less desirable's.

Beth Van • 6 years ago

So the politics of the mother dooms the innocent child in her womb and we shouldn't care? I have to take issue with that.

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Beth I'm glad you take issue with my comment but the fact remains that since 73 there have been over 55 million murders committed in the US alone against the unborn just because the baby's were an inconvenience to the woman and more murders of the innocent continue every day.The democrat party has abortion as a plank in their party's platform so there in lies the roadblock to getting this practice stopped.As long as you people continue to vote for democrats abortion is here to stay and judging by the election results in from last night the demo's won big so abortion is not going away any time soon.All I can do is take solace in knowing that they are dead ending there own gene pool which has a sick side benefit of keeping there numbers down.If you really want to help end the slaughter STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS.

Susan • 6 years ago

Please do not accuse some as 'you people who continue to vote democrat'. And please do not disregard the lives of human beings JUST because they might be RAISED democrat. In a way, that is actually very 'racist', so to speak. And it is not a joy to watch ANYONE die. It is a very solemn occasion, even those who deserve the death penalty.

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Susan;People on the pro life side are still voting democrat because I know some personally,they pound the pulpit decrying the evils of abortion and yet on election day pull the lever for democrats and then spend the rest of the year fighting a fruitless battle against abortion while the democrat party continue to fully fund and support these death clinics.You cant have it both ways,you either fight a winning battle at the source or you fight a losing battle using the same tired old tactics that haven't worked since 1973.Please stop throwing the racist card out so freely and dont compare death row inmates to the millions of innocent baby's who's only crime is being an inconvenience.

AvaB • 6 years ago

The House, Senate and Presidency are control by the Republicans. WHY aren't they doing something about this? I'll tell you why...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. Until WE, THE PEOPLE, get in their faces and tell them what to do, nothing will change. So, I see it as WE need to get our "stuff" together and start screaming, writing, calling and downright threatening them their terms won't have a chance.
PP is definitely targeting black women and I hope they can see that. The number just don't add up. There will always be a chance that a woman could die giving birth but the chance is slim. It doesn't make sense to kill 40,000 children just to save 11 women. This has GOT TO STOP.

A Guy In Texas • 5 years ago

So it's the Republicans fault that abortions are so readily available? Start screaming at the Democrats who support and are supported by Planned Parenthood. As of now abortion is legal because of the Democrats. As of now funding to Planned Parenthood is legal because of Democrats. The federal government cannot outlaw abortion because of Roe v. Wade and they cannot pull funding specifically from PP because that would be immediately challenged as a bill of attainder, which it wouldn't be, but it would still have to wind its way through the court system. Focus your ire on where it needs to be directed; PP, little to know or highly inaccurate sexual health education and information and the DEMOCRATS that enable and cheer and are quite proud about this slaughter of innocents that goes on daily in ALL communities but disproportionally in the black community,

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Ava feel your frustration, the repubs have been running around in circles wetting themselves over the treat by the democrats calling them sexist or racist if they do anything to stop women from from getting on demand abortion.The only good news is that nothing is going to get worse with these clowns running things but the bad news is that nothing is going to change for the better as long as the democrats are still being voted back into office.Trump said he'd sign any anti abortion legislation that congress puts on his desk but the repubs are to busy beating up on each other to get anything done,not one demo will vote for any bill restricting abortion,not a single one,aren't you glad you dont have something like that hanging around your neck the day you have to face your maker? Have a nice day and thank you for keeping up the fight.

Susan • 6 years ago

1. I understand that pro-life people may still vote democrat, but NOT all, and not necessarily those of us posting, which you seemed to imply in your statement. Which is why I spoke up.
2. I agree that you can't use the same old tactics. The game has certainly changed over the years, now that the Democrats actually RUN on pro-abortion.
3. The racist card, is not really what it claims to be, and it is OTHERS who use it too freely, not I. ANY kind of 'eliminating' of those we 'hate' is wrong, and has the same meaning as RACIST. We can label it as differently as we like, but the MEANING is exactly the same.
4. Your last statement is irrelevant. Death of a person, is death of a person. We don't want to LIKE it. I happen to be a pro-lifer who fully believes in the death penalty. But I most certainly do NOT enjoy that we must take his/her life. It doesn't give me peace, it gives me sadness that the criminal chose this. Yes, I'm grateful that justice has been done, but sad that a troubled life had to end. That is why I raised my opposite viewpoint in light of yours, that it gives you solace that they 'stopped the gene pool'.
Be blessed,

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

The self centered abortionists have invoked the expiration date on their own gene pool by killing off their own unborn,its on them not me,I just pointed out the end result of their selfish actions and I made levity of it just to further my point.Our views are probably a lot more in common than not.

Beth Van • 6 years ago

I don't vote for Democrats.

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Good,neither do I,the democrat party is the biggest evil to hit the world since Lucifer himself.

Folake Vaughn • 6 years ago

Nature doesn't kill unborn babies for ideological reasons. Killing an unborn child is MURDER! And any sensible person should oppose it. Even if the child's mother is a liberal...

Susan • 6 years ago

Speaking of nature. I had shared my miscarriage story with someone on Youtube once. and she accused me of killing my child. She said I obviously neglected or harmed my body in order for that child to die.
REALLY? This was a more liberal minded person, not some one of a religious nature, just to be clear.

It hurts me to know that so many young are growing up with so little knowledge and common sense and wisdom. :(

Folake Vaughn • 6 years ago

That person is simply ignorant. My own mother lost three daughters to miscarriage...

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

Killing the unborn is murder but the liberals dont see it that way so with the law favoring their side of the debate all I can do fight against it when I can and sit back and make the best of it when I can't.Just think the cure for cancer,aids,diabetes and a host of other horrible diseases may have already been heaven sent to us in the form of one of these inconvenient pregnancy's but was terminated when that life bearing the cure was snuffed out,we may never know but that may be one of the irony's of this man made abomination.

Borghesius • 6 years ago

I have found your attitude increasingly prevalent, especially in commenters at more "libertarian conservative" sites like Breitbart. Unfortunately, it is a betrayal of principles, and a surrender to the idea that "the end justifies the means" and is not something that a person who respects life can simply give into.

Instead, work to convert liberals even as you work to protect life.

dltaylor51 • 6 years ago

You are absolutely right but I hope you see my point,I cant stop them but I can put the responsibility for their actions right back on them where it needs to be.If they were to give the unwanted child to me I'd gladly raise it but they are to self centered to even do that.Liberals lack the same thought process that the rest of us were born with so the murder will continue.

Beth Van • 6 years ago

i have to wonder what God thinks about this. Do we commit sin if we do not do SOMETHING to prevent the slaughter of innocents? Would God say that we are not responsible after we explained that we gave up the fight to save lives because of the politics of the parent and desire to "put their actions right back on them?