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Jennifer Lopezgomez • 3 years ago

Since Ben Carson is an obedient Tom for KKK Nazi transphobe Dr. Death Donald Trump, it's no surprise that official US Federal Government policy under the Trump regime tells people how to spot "suspected" trans people. See, this is an evil anti-human rights use of the full power of the United States Government to institutionally treat us trans people as "criminals."

The REAL Hate Crime criminals are Dr. Death Donald and Ben "Tom" Carson. Jennifer, human rights advocate. xx

nmharleyrider • 3 years ago

That's as bad as profiling. In fact it is profiling

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

Sounds more like they are passing along old stereotypes again, now in truth there are people who can pass as the opposite gender with almost no effort. By the same token, there are some poor devils who couldn't pass with a team of Hollywood make-up artist working like mad to make them passable. That's just the way of it.
I know a trans man from back when I lived in Greensboro, NC who totally passed, I was even dancing with him and the one thing I recall was how lovely his eyes were, OMG. What gave him away is I could feel a heavily boned corset, I could feel it through his dress, and his dress was more like a prom dress. He obviously had had it tailored to him. Honestly, I seriously doubt I will ever forget him looking up at me, and he was effen beautiful.
Later on when we were talking, I asked if he'd had any surgery and he said he hadn't, everything was from his hormone therapy. Finally, I had to ask where he was sexually, and he said, "Oh, I live men, but it's hard to find men here who might actually consider a serious relationship with me in the Bible belt." Then he said, "If you ever change, please call me." While I was flattered, that just isn't my thing.

Séamus • 3 years ago

This is one of those "but I have a transgender friend" discussions, isn't it Mr. Parnell?

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

Oh, and if that is really your picture you look good too.

Séamus • 3 years ago

Oooh. Snark. :)

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

All I can tell you is what they tell me. And I can't help it a couple of them make for cute girls, seriously. If I was to ever change.....well, I know where to go.

Michelle Heinrich • 3 years ago

Use the correct pronouns bigot. trans women aren't men

Chutney • 3 years ago

Transgender women are not men. The correct pronouns are she and her, not he and him.

Russ French • 3 years ago

Some of these people act like they believe the world is flat, not round. And Trump's "how to" is disgustingly offensive.

Election Day, come fast!
Today I read of a Trump official who says the Constitution makes us a Christian nation????????

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

Oh God, the pronoun Nazis is here. Nothing personal but I'll worry about me and you can go swim the Atlantic.

Leslie • 3 years ago

Mam, every act of misgendering is an act of hate and intolerance. In your case, lady, defending your actions make it an act of hate.

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

Oh well, life goes on for me, and you are gone.

Chutney • 3 years ago

Funny thing, I’m still here. Looking around, I don’t see you anywhere

Jennifer Lopezgomez • 3 years ago

Bubba, using correct pronouns ain't rocket science. If this was a trans woman, then she was "she" and "her." Jennifer xx

Jackelope_Prime • 3 years ago

So, they can tell by someones Adam's apple, whether they are biologically male or female? I'm cis-male, and have no Adam's apple, and I've known cis-male women that have more of an Adam's apple larger than in other men. That must be part of the reason why, when I was doing drag, that I'd have to prove that I wasn't a woman.

Jennifer Lopezgomez • 3 years ago

Have we organized any snipe hunts lately, Jackelope ? :)
Jennifer xx

Ken Parnell • 3 years ago

Jack! Long time no see Buddy. Good to see you again.

Liland'ra • 3 years ago

These people are sadistic monsters. This is just petty and evil.

gSkeptic • 3 years ago

That shelters are even run by religious organizations is a scandal. Whenever religious groups get involved with “charity,” there is never enough to go around and these sick discrimination and proselytizing policies always leak in.

This is a societal failing, and should be handled by the whole society without discrimination, with sufficient public housing for all mandated by law, as it is in many other countries. No religious body that seeks to impose itself or its beliefs on those using its services is fit to run a homeless shelter, hospital, food kitchen, dog pound or for that matter a pet cemetery.

TexasBoy • 3 years ago

So is everyone going to be required to carry around "Proof of Biological Sex?"
And what exactly is considered "Proof of Biological Sex?"

Caitlyn Haiku • 3 years ago

Even a DNA test won't always be conclusive, as an estimated 14+% of transgender women are born with De la Chapelle syndrome, and have two X chromosomes. Not to mention all of the other genetic variations out there.

NosD • 3 years ago

What LGBTNation doesnt mention is that shelters have to refer trans people to shelters that do accept them. I have often wondered why trans people dont create their own shelters.

Michelle S. Andrews • 3 years ago

"I have often wondered why trans people dont create their own shelters."

I would remind that HUD's involvement means that these shelters used federal money to establish themselves, yet you cast shade on trans groups for not making their own when the same federal funding is not extended to them to establish trans only shelters..

Additionally the other reason you do not see trans only shelters, is because when trans groups do raise private funds to create a shelter, most do not exclude cisgender people who are in need, and normally they are open to all with a focus on LGBTQ people and do so as a community effort.

Then trolls like you whine that it is not just exclusively a Lesbian and Gay shelter.

Jackelope_Prime • 3 years ago

Just because those usually use Federal money, there is nothing that says a private shelter couldn't be set up. While getting Federal money would be a big help. I don't think it is mandatory.

Michelle S. Andrews • 3 years ago

I would invite you to reread where I posted that when trans groups do raise private funds to make a shelter, a lot elect not to exclude people who aren't trans and make LGBTQ+ friendly shelters.

NosD • 3 years ago

Many trans people reject your insane ideology. I am glad they do. I would be happy with gay or lesbian shelters as we experience specific violence heterosexual people dont. So I dont understand why TG movement doesnt create specialist shelters.

Chutney • 3 years ago

Are you even part of the trans community? Somehow I doubt it. Not very many of us have the funds to start a shelter. Buildings suitable for shelters are ridiculously expensive. Where do you suggest we get the funding, since churches and the trump regime aren’t going to help us?

Michelle S. Andrews • 3 years ago

"Many trans people reject your insane ideology. I am glad they do."

Yeah because you seem like the type of person that would be so in touch with what trans people think. /Sarcasm

Further many would not find it insane to look upon our own experiences of being rejected for a place of safety when we have nowhere to go, and instead of rejecting others for not being trans, welcome them to shelter, in fact many would call it compassion.

The fact that you cannot grasp this and think it insane as why trans people are more likely to be a founding effort of a shelter that welcomes all with a focus on LGBTQ people rather than trans only ones, says a lot more about you than it does about trans people.

Séamus • 3 years ago

Good point.

Aura Hazel • 3 years ago

do you know how many trans people there are? Here's a hint LESS THAN 1 PERCENT OF THE POPULATION, where do you secure funding for that? It's like saying "I feel uncomfortable round people with red hyair and brown eyes, why don't they set up their own shelter". Here's a hint, services require funding, funding requires NUMBERS, Trans people cannot easily travel from state to state and no one area has enough to set up seperate shelters. Besides seperate but equal is UNEQUAL as well anybody with a brain knows.

Jennifer Lopezgomez • 3 years ago

Plus "separate but equal" is illegal and unconstitutional. See Brown v. Board of Education, 1954. Jennifer xx

Aura Hazel • 3 years ago

eyyyup but IO don't think Trump and hios marras think of the constitution as owt but a way ta wipe their jacksies on leaving the netty.

NosD • 3 years ago

Women have alreay been sexually harassed and even raped by TG women in shelters. You dont care about women, only about your own identiy. You are the most selfish, narcissistic ideologues Ive ever dealt with.

Chutney • 3 years ago

We’ve been listening to those same claims for years. Yet to date, no credible evidence that actual trans women have raped anyone has been provided to support said claims.

Where’s the Proof?

Aura Hazel • 3 years ago

you know who else has raped women in shelters OTHER WOMEN. Your mindset seems to be "punish the innocent maybe once in awhile we'll catch a guilty person" of course that ignores the countless people who slipped under the radar because they didn't match your bigoted profiling, not to mention how many innocent people will die on the streets because of your stupid bigotry. You are as bad as a ruddy cop.

Jackelope_Prime • 3 years ago

Could you, please, share some incontrovertible proof on those claims that trans women have sexually harassed and/or raped cis-women in shelters? I think that's something almost all of us would like to see.

NosD • 3 years ago

I cannot post links here, so look up Christopher Hambrook, Canada. He identified as a woman to get access to womens shelter to rape women. This is what happens with TG self ID.

Next >
Tyler Porter, a man who
identifies as transgender, has publicly boasted on social media of
harassing women at the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (DEWC) in
Vancouver, CA.
There are more disturbing cases in Canada, you can search them yourself.
Also in the UK and the USA. Give it a try.

Chutney • 3 years ago

Essentially, you’re advocating for the blanket denial of basic civil rights for an entire demographic all of whom happen to already be the most marginalized people in society based on the actions of a very small number of men who pretended to be trans so they could gain access to sex segregated spaces to commit crimes.

What ever happened to due process of law? Or, do you think trans people have no rights?

Michelle Heinrich • 3 years ago

1 out of twenty cis women who've been sexually assaulted had another cis woman as the perpetrator. What are you going to do to keep all women safe from cis women?

Chutney • 3 years ago

None of those were transgender women. Real trans women are not a threat. And any attempt to exclude trans women from the safety of a shelter is an act of hate.

Eli • 3 years ago

So what I'm reading here is cisgendered men are abusing the ability to self idenitify to assult and hurt women. So it isn't "Transwomen" are sexually harassing or raping women but men pretending to be transwomen are doing this.

Michelle S. Andrews • 3 years ago

I remember when religious groups were trying to use this same bogeyman of sexual predators to exclude same sex attracted people from shelters.

Aura Hazel • 3 years ago

they have 1 or 2 links to GenderTrender (real unbiased source there) which they can't post here as the entire site is a hatefest.

Jackelope_Prime • 3 years ago

They still use it for bathrooms.

Cyberwulf • 3 years ago

I have often wondered why gays don't have their own changing rooms.

Andrea Hanson • 3 years ago

You feel threatened if a gay person is using the changing room next to you? Seek hrlp.

Guest • 3 years ago
Michelle Heinrich • 3 years ago

They're our shelters to and we're obtaining the legal right to be there so that future generations don't have to. It's about changing society for the better.

Guest • 3 years ago