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Mable • 4 years ago

The link you provided for Emerald Connect is no longer valid. They are now under the name of Broadridge Advisor Solutions - https://www.broadridgeadvis...

Erica Mito, EA, CFP® • 4 years ago

Thanks for catching that, Mable! The link has been updated.

jlepson • 3 years ago

This was very insightful Michael. Thank you.

Pat Brewer • 4 years ago

Good stuff. He could cut his spend probably in half by mixing digital and direct mail. We run at about a 60/40% split using www.americasretirementforum.org

danika waddell • 4 years ago

Intersting conversation. I have to say I REALLY bristled at Gabriel calling potential clients "buying untis". Yikes. I hope he never says that in front of an actual client/prospect. That's a very reductive way to talk about people.

Sheena • 4 years ago

Loved this episode of #FASuccess! Our firm spends 10-15% on advertising and so i could really relate to Gabriel's firm. He certainly has some fresh insight. I completely agree that advertising is a numbers game. Try things and keep data. I think where advisors fail is that they don't give it enough time. there can be a significant lag between advertising dollars spent and new clients generated. Then there's another lag between new clients generated and increased revenue to the firm. Our advertising budget is not going down because, like Gabriel, we see results. So many invaluable take-aways from this and Education sessions are something I'm very interested in trying. Thank you for sharing. Gabriel, you're a rockstar!

Kristy Dark • 4 years ago

Sheena I work for FMT. Please email me at kristy.dark@fmtsolutions.com if you would like to chat.

Brad Rosley • 4 years ago

any feedback about advisors using Snappy Kracken?