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nani • 4 months ago

Eh, maybe I'm too old for this stuff -- but it's just not for me, after a quick peek at the first episode. Nice dusty-bleak atmospherics, but really no character-driven story to get into. I found myself a bit bored. Again, maybe to do with age. I'm sure young adult me would revel in the bonecrushing glory of it

CATTY&Co. • 4 months ago

This is absolutely lamentable. The animators know how to sculpt convincing 3d models, but not how to tell a story by making them move. Rather than me giving a theory-dump, compare the Necron sniper in the first episode of this, with the famous sniper scene in Full Metal Jacket (1987). Establishing characters and locations and motives is more important than putting little shrapnel scratches on everybody's power armour.

Related to this, if people are telling stories in film they usually learn how to switch scenes without holding up a 1910s chapter-marker card. It's like they've farmed out each scene to a different creative team, and then they've all come back with everything covered in so much brown mist that the scenes were no longer visually distinct.

The writing is even worse. I don't think they'd make someone a Necron Overseer if they kept coming out with tosh like "go forth and rectify the discrepancy of their existence." or "I care not." The Necrons don't stand as placeholders for adult viewpoints and dilemmas, they're a moronic bogeyman worthy of kids' tv - even bearing an unfortunate vocal resemblance to Lord Zedd. The writer should have resisted having them open their mouths and removing all doubt. With dignified silence they could have been raised to the lofty heights of a mime performance. But then the main character would have needed to deliver exposition as well as waffle. I was rooting for the Necron sniper who always says "This one understands," which goes to show the main character is less engaging than a Teasmade.

skaizun • 4 months ago

If I can't understand the description,
I know the program is a lost cause!
Didn't see one second of it.

Free'd Demon • 4 months ago

Good quick watch. If there's one thing I enjoy about Warhammer 40k, it's all the juicy grim dark stories they've got that always feel impactful. That being said, this gave me a couple surprise laughs in some scenes as well as wanting to shed some tears.

Golden Yak • 4 months ago

Battlemallet stuff, yeah!

Rakanarshi2 • 4 months ago

Cool, if there is anyway to get more of this.

Elrond500 • 4 months ago

hammer and bolt is here, and the exodite is on movie sites.

Free'd Demon • 4 months ago

I wanna say it's around $6-7 to watch via a subscription service which has a few other animations plus other content. Fair warning, release dates and announcements on new animation shows are fickle and far between.

Rakanarshi2 • 4 months ago

heh, I ment on here lol. Still sore over TTS and other fan animations on youtube getting taken down.