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lisa • 8 years ago

I am pro Israel but this should not happened!. This very sad, good for the Israel's government remind his citizen not to take the law into their own hands. This what the different between PLO & Israel !. Hopefully Israel's leader visit the family, they can not bring him back, but to show their responsibility, mistake have been made, hopefully will not happened again in the future.

tetraHydro • 8 years ago

the Eritrean man Zerhom (RIP) was not killed by the mob. He was killed by an armed security guard who shot him while he was crawling on the floor trying to get away from the real terrorist, just like everyone else. Zerhom didn't have a knife, he didnt have a gun, he was not chasing anyone. He was stumbling around on his hands and knees when this armed guard walks up to him and shoots. I don't understand why the mob is blamed while the shooter who actually KILLED him is passed by as "just doing his job" Is the job of armed guards to shoot at anyone for no apparent reason? Has a person of African descent EVER engaged in a terrorist attack in Israel? NO!! So why shoot him? Eriteans are virtually the same people as Ethiopians. Eritrea was a former part of Ethiopia. The so called Ethiopian Jews who were migrated to Isreal are from an area close to the Eritrea border. This man Zerhom could just as easily been an Ethiopian Jew. To shoot and then mob lynch him? Well... all I can say is those that shot and beat Zerhom are animals even WORSE than the terrorists. They terrorist KNOW what they are doing. They are intentionally killing for a reason. These morons who shot beat and killed Zerhom are ANIMALS!! It is DISGUSTING!!! I feel sorry for Ethiopian Jews who can now expect to be shot and killed as terrorists in Isreal their own country when they have done NOTHING at all to deserve it. And to think that Ethiopian Jews were actually air lifted BY ISRAEL out of Ethiopia, only to be treated as second class citizens?. What a shame. Better if they had been left in Ethiopia.

ephraimf • 8 years ago

He shot him mistakenly, but he was still alive. Then the mob kicked him in his head, threw chairs on his head, etc. The guard made a mistake, and had no bad intent. The mob screwed up much more. I understand wanting to beat a terrorist, and if he were a terrorist, no tears from me. The problem is he was innocent. Bad story, bad situation. Sad all around.

tetraHydro • 8 years ago

sorry but you are WRONG!! The mob beat the guy because they ASSUMED the security guard knew he was a terrorist. How could they possibly know the guard was an idiot who would shoot someone for NO effing REASON. it makes no effing sense. Any reasonable person would assume that if a security guard shoots someone, they MUST be a terrorst. It is the IDIOT SECURITY murderer who shot an innocent person who it at fault. The mob is not at fault. They attacked someone who they assumed was a terrorist. They had a pretty good reason to assume he was a terrorist because the security shot him/ THe security on the other had HAD NO EFFING REASON to assume this Eritrean man was a threat. NONE whatsoever!!! 100% fault of the police security.

ephraimf • 8 years ago

Most security guards make close to minimum wage are not the brightest of the bunch. If they were good at their jobs, the terrorist would never have made it into the bus station. I feel bad for these people putting their lives on the line, but that's the truth. Once the guy was on the ground, he should have been arrested, and the guards, police, and soldiers that did not hold back the people beating him are also at fault. I have no love for the terrorists, but this was an innocent guy. The people that beat him deserve to go jail. Not for murder, not for life, but certainly for a few years. If one of your family were killed, you would agree. It makes no difference that we he was refugee.

Einstein 12.0 • 8 years ago

2 of the kickers are soldiers!

ephraimf • 8 years ago

What does that have anything to do with my comment?

netanayehu • 8 years ago

Israel used to be one of the blessed and loved country but now devil control them. i feel sorry to see that .

Mikronos • 8 years ago

Police view the incident with the utmost severity and will not allow .etc'. Not with enough severity to actually shoot one of them, or even arrest them. You can bet the manhunt won't be on any scale approximating that of the school boy killers. Nor will the 'retribution' unless, somehow, the Gazans get the blame.

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

If the man had a family the Israeli goverment should offer them generous compensation , You can't buy back a life but its the least that Israel could do

Guest • 8 years ago
Joel handelman • 8 years ago

Hard for anyone anywhere in the world to understand why an Israeli mob would torture and beat up an innocent man to death as he bleeds on the floor.

lyjn • 8 years ago

Disgusting lynch perpetrated by Jewish bypassers.

Good that the Israeli government doesn't celebrate the perpetrators as heroes, like the PA would do.

Mazal ve Bracha • 8 years ago

Israel is stil playing by the rules even as these muslim barbarians are showing the world what they stand for.

Israel owes you nothing!

Joel handelman • 8 years ago

You are not Israeli. Israelis do not condone the murder of this innocent man as you do.

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

For once I agree with you

netanayehu • 8 years ago

Israel used to be one of the blessed and loved country but now devil control them. i feel sorry to see that .

Guest • 8 years ago
Alexander Boston • 8 years ago


Gentle Warrier • 8 years ago

It was an accident people they did not intentionally kill this person, they thought he was Islam.
It is a disgrace but to compare with the palestinians is also wrong. It is a disgrace that Israel is getting no help from anybody else in the entire world. They are doing their best to protect their citizens and themselves. this is a major problem with people that condemn somebody because he or she is Jewish. And how do we know for sure he was an asylum seeker and not a palitstinian, because it says so in the news??? .

Mark Reichenberg • 8 years ago

This is nothing short of a disgrace and the crowd is no better than the Palestinian terrorists. Without any knowledge of the facts, they took the life of an innocent man. Who is going to compensate his family for the savage behavior of
these "animals"? Is our two faced leader Netanyahu going to order the demolition of those responsible in the crowds houses? I bet not - these animals will get off with no consequences, as will the security guard who shot an unarmed man and whose actions led to the crowd frenzy and an innocent man’s death.

As Jews, we have now lived our hour of shame!

And of greater concern is the easing of requirements for gun licenses - how many more emotional people are we going to arm to take more innocent lives in a moment of panic and emotion?

As Israeli's and Jews, we have and always must retain the moral high ground, which is what has always made us better than our enemies. Let's not repeat this disgusting incident.

Mazal ve Bracha • 8 years ago

In war things happen. period - full stop - end of story.

now lets move on!

Indigo Blu • 8 years ago

Pontius Pilate tried very hard to wash the stains of the blood of an innocent man from his hand and conscience. Lady, there is no moving on when the blood of Abel cries from the ground for justice and recognition as a human being. May you never be caught in a lynch mob beating you to death because of the colour of your skin, the cause of mistaken identity. And if that were to happen, may those who love you never have to read that another human being, perhaps a beautiful looking woman, had written "end of story. Let's move on." for it would mean that there is no hope for humanity as the beasts take over.

Joel handelman • 8 years ago

Your contempt for Jewish and Israeli values, as well as for human life, is sickening. So is your attempt to justify the murder of an innocent man.. You have nothing in common with Israel, where this murder has been vigorously denounced.

Alexander Boston • 8 years ago

Israel has Police, Prosecutions and Courts. It is up to justice system to work now.

ephraimf • 8 years ago

The worst part of this story is that this poor man is dead.

The second worst part is that the terror is working, and making people behave in these crazy ways.

A close third is that real terrorists will be emboldened and think they will not be beaten after the repercussions from this incident.

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

You are right . Their greatest victory is if they make us become like them chas v'shalom

Alan From Har Hevron • 8 years ago

I am no posek, but I think that a lynch like this is forbidden by Jewish law.

Alexander Boston • 8 years ago

Lynch and other types of criminal offense is forbidden by the laws of State of Israel.
I am not sure what "Jewish law" do you refer to and why.

ephraimf • 8 years ago

Rabbis were arguing last week if it is permissible to kill a terrorist once restrained, but this brings a new twist to the argument. How can we be sure it's a terrorist? Giving permission to kill the terrorists can have these "accidents" happen.

Mazal ve Bracha • 8 years ago

it wasnt a lynch. and stop playing judge

Alan From Har Hevron • 8 years ago

These were bystanders who are seething from the wanton terror we have been experiencing. But the man was not caught in the process of terror (he wasn't a terrorist). And I have a serious problem with seething rage being a legitimate excuse to kick a man in the head, especially when he is already shot, down and bleeding. Because that is precisely the justification that the Arabs use.

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

They just had to hold him for the police , This animalistic behavior is that of our enemies and is not the way Jews should behave , There was no need to beat the poor guy to death

Dbw • 8 years ago

I think I may be considered one of the most zionist, terrorist hater in this forum... but this video made me sad of my people... this guys are killers... and must be sent to jail.... they are no better than the terroristinians lynchers of rammalah...so sad....

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

I am considered extremely right wing but I put the torah above politics and truth be told this was a disrace against G-d and the torah a major chilil Hashem and a violation of every Jewish value that I hold dear

Elhanan Ben-Avraham • 8 years ago

This was a case of mistaken identity in a moment of murderous crisis in which people were killed and wounded by a terrorist, and the crowd was understandably angry. Elhanan

Avi Kraft • 8 years ago

The courts will hopefully take that into consideration but still an innocent human being was murdered and warrants punisment at least for man slaughter

Mark Reichenberg • 8 years ago

Bullshit - the man was unarmed - there is no excusing the taking of his life!

Joel handelman • 8 years ago

Your contempt for Jewish and Israeli values, as well as for human life, is sickening. So is your attempt to lie on the murder of an innocent man by saying it was "understandable". You have nothing in common with Israel, where this murder has been vigorously denounced.

ephraimf • 8 years ago

As a fake Jew, stop pretending to know anything about Jewish values. I agree the people there should be punished, but what was the "lie" you mentioned?

Polaroid • 8 years ago

I've heard the term "Jewish values" many times before and i did some research, but what exactly are these values and could it be that jewish values in israel are the polar opposite of jewish values in the diaspora?

Dbw • 8 years ago

Jewish values are Torah Values... which have nothing to do with the Israel Secular values... (even thought it may be influenced by it, just like people like to say the Judaic-Christian society)

Polaroid • 8 years ago

Ok, thanks. But what are "torah values" and could it be that the torah is just a more "humane" and modernized version of the talmud, just like the new testament? I'm a real newjack, was an atheist for many years and i'm still no real christian, but after reading the bible i know that christianity is the right religion for me. :)

Dbw • 8 years ago

Torah can have the meaning of the "Old Testament" (as jews don't believe in any "new testament", they also reject the term "old testament"), or the more abragent meaning of the whole collection of jewish writings and teachings. Basically, Torah values are the Talmud Values. Talmud is the Oral teachings jews received along with the Written Torah which explain all the Written Torah, they where written after Jews were expelled from Israel by fear that they would be lost. There is no Torah without the Oral Torah (Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah). To know what are the Talmud Values you would have to learn the Talmud and this is not an easy task.

Polaroid • 8 years ago

Thanks for that profound and honest answer, i'm gonna look into it. Maybe i can get rid of some anti-semitic views and learn more about the talmud.
TBH, i will probably always be an anti-semite, but i'm really interested in that religious angle.
Peace and have a nice day.

sottwell • 8 years ago

The Torah is the real thing. The Talmud is the spin that various scholars and rabbis who mostly had no concept of what life had been like in the Middle East put on it over the years centuries ago. The "Christian" scriptures are the spin that anti-Jewish Greeks put on what may or may not have been said and done by one hot-headed reformist Jew. Paul despised women, put them down every chance he got, and hung out with young men. You figure it out.

Joel handelman • 8 years ago

All those who tortured and killed this man must be arrested and sent to jail. They are a danger. Who will they attack next?

Guest • 8 years ago
ephraimf • 8 years ago

Who, the black muslims? Shhhhh. Be careful, Obama is undercover, you will blow it for him.

Guest • 8 years ago