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Paul Barbara • 8 years ago

Some people actually fell for the most brazen, badly-made fake video of a big-bearded joker that even a child could see was not OBL, allegedly claiming responsibility.

The reality was that OBL gave an interview to Al Jazeera just days after 9/11, totally denying having anything to do with the 9/11 attacks, and shortly after, gave interviews to the same effect to two Pakistani newspapers. However, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell personally phoned around to the heads of the MSM, and told them not to report this, in case OBL had a 'secret code' embedded in his message (Helen Thomas complained about this in one of her books, detailing her years as a hard-hitting Washington press journalist)!

The 'Official Narrative', or 'Official Conspiracy Theory', involves so many direct contradictions, and requires immutable laws of physics and motion to be discarded, that anybody who seriously investigates the attack can see is totally impossible.

And 'Cui bono?' Ask yourselves that.

Get your heads out of the sand, and realise that is how history shows us nations 'justify' wars:
Mexican-American war (lies and a deliberate provocation, leading to the theft of a huge chunk of (now) Texas, California and New Mexico): Pearl Harbour, intentionally provoked by FDR; the US new the Japanese Task Force was on the way to Pearl, but did not warn the Pearl Harbour garrison (see 'Day of Deceit'); Vietnam 'Gulf of Tonkin LIE'; 'Operation Northwoods'; 'Gleiwitz Incident'; Reichstag Fire'; Israeli attack on the 'USS Liberty' (done in collusion with LBJ - see 'Operation Cyanide', by Peter Hounam); Pre WWI putting of 'Lusitania', loaded with ammunition as well as passengers, deliberately into 'harms way' (the Germans even put ads in New York papers warning passengers the ship was a legitimate target).
Lies and provocations, to provoke patriotic support for wars of aggression.
And, for the crack, check out 'Achille Lauro + Mossad'; and the 'Lavon Affair'.

Paul Barbara • 8 years ago

Oops, slight correction to my above post; I meant, of course, the Mexican-American War (I've corrected it now); the Spanish-American War was earlier, and that also was probably caused by a 'False Flag' event.
The US ship 'The Maine' blew up whilst in Havana Harbour; the Spanish were accused of blowing it up, but modern forensic examination shows the ship blew up from an internal, rather than en external, explosion. Also, most of the ship's officers were conveniently on shore. The Maine was used to 'justify' America's war on Spain, which the US was itching for.
The more history one learns, the more scales fall from one's eyes.

ThereisaGod • 8 years ago

If Corbyn was saying this in 2003 then this man is sharp as a tack. Most of us did not come across the evidence for this and thus realise the truth of this 'Bin Laden was framed' assertion until some years later.
WTC7 fell into its own footprint with free-fall acceleration. Therefore this was a controlled demolition. The physics irresistably forces us to this conclusion. For the twin towers too, official estimated times of collapse (9 seconds for a 417metres drop) are again at free-fall speeds. Utterly impossible for alleged 'pancake' collapses. Laws of Conservation of Momentum and Energy are impossibly broken by the official narrative.

9/11 was an 'inside job'. Most of the world is well aware of this. A very large minority of Americans and Brits also know this though we have not yet overcome the reality that the owners of all mainstream media sources are committed to this great and massively destructive lie (as well as very significant other such lies).
Those who actively protect the official lie do so by editorial mangling of the facts, abuse of 'truthers', name-calling and the like. The physical facts of the case cannot be challenged.
With other great crimes investigations start with the physical facts and the narrative of a crime cannot contradict the physical facts. Not so with 9/11.
The truth about 9/11, when you simply look at it, is actually completely OBVIOUS.

War-mongering wickedness is always sold to the public via LIES. This is a great law.
...as Jesus said, "The Truth Shall Set You Free."

Here's what that old fraud Noam Chomsky said:

".......The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit
the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate
within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident
views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going
on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being
reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."

9/11 falls within the ambit of this dictum and, of course, outside the acceptable range of public discourse.

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

Just another day in Europe...

WildwoodCastle - YouTube • 8 years ago

Another Labor nut case. God Save The Queen...

cpsoper • 8 years ago

Looks like Wed 12 Feb 2003 Page 7 in Morning Star, 'War and Deceit' by JC, though obtaining the article needs a subscription, which I am not planning on

Patrick Masika • 8 years ago

If all you guys think Jeremy is mad,how comes he is leading the opposition in the most democratic Nation under the Sun and the Moon?He probably knows world politics better than all of you combined.

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

He belongs in a mental institution.

Patrick Masika • 8 years ago

He represents the most current world view

AniTzioni • 8 years ago

Current world view is totally f'd up, starting with the Radical Islamic piece of excrement occupying the White House, to the rabid Anti Semitism disguised as anti Israeli sentiments, to the fall of Europe within the next 24 months to a complete and utter takeover by Islam and their medieval laws and practices. I personally blame it 10000% on Barack Hussein and the Democ-RATS who put him in charge.

Patrick Masika • 8 years ago

Reading your reply,am confused as to which views,yours or Jeremy's,are f'd up.

Guest • 8 years ago
david • 8 years ago

You really, really need help for your paranoia and delusional mental state.

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

Not "everybody." Just you.

G. A. • 8 years ago

Do you know how many JEWS were killed on 9.11 - ? The towers were bursting with JEWISH businessmen

Wouldn't Mossad choose a site NOT much frequented by Jews ?

I understand your slander. Plain hatred of Jews. What never fails to surprise me is STUPID slander.

Steve Loeb • 8 years ago

Poor Jeremy - I guess it didn't matter that Bin Laden himself took responsibility for it and talked about it in interviews he did subsequent to the attack

Paul J Housden • 8 years ago

This is absolute nonsense! He never once suggested bin
Laden was framed. He simply said the 9/11 tragedy was misappropriated to
whip up public opinion for the US to invade Afghanistan (a country which did not cause 9/11), which is
exactly what happened!

Sonshine Patriot • 8 years ago

Why are people like Corbyn left to roam free in an unsuspecting society totally uneducatede in the art of deception. This guy is absolutely crazy and should be medicated!

AlgorithmicAnalyst • 8 years ago


He forgot his tin foil hat :)

Ask him if crop circles are made by space aliens trying to send us a message :)

Sairah Kazim • 8 years ago

Haqqani Network should also be given a thought . The parameters for judging an individual have changed. Thats what the war is all about in Syria .

Wloddek • 8 years ago

of course Bin Laden was innocent, he was a nice guy who loved his rabbit. 9/11 was clearly a Jewish conspiracy

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

lol ;-)

Guest • 8 years ago
SteveC1 • 8 years ago

YOU carried out the 9/11 attack! I know it for a fact!


G. A. • 8 years ago

Intelligent people don't kill their own folk. (The Twin Towers were full of Jewish businesmen)

You do NOT have to be very intelligent to understand that - LOL

niklove • 8 years ago

Everybody knows the truth except Israelis and ..

richard kef • 8 years ago

bin laden claimed credit for the massacre

JTrumpeldor • 8 years ago

Details, details...

Viva Yo • 8 years ago

This is not related to the article but, can everybody see the picture above of someone slicing a banana. Couldn't have been more phallic looking if it had been purposely sculptured in clay :-)

oldfashioned2011 • 8 years ago

Sure, Jeremy Corbyn, and all the 19 hi-jackers were not Saudi nationals, but were paid agents of the Bush family.

Jayhawker • 8 years ago

how could an inept jerk like bush be able to succeed in the 9/11 attacks? he couldn't do anything right .

Jorge • 8 years ago

If British Labor elected Corbyn as its leader, it shows how far down "Great Britain" has gone

Guest • 8 years ago
WildwoodCastle - YouTube • 8 years ago

Keep hope. That turd will sink...

manjck83 • 8 years ago

Coming to prove that those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it....
Does the UK have any good memories of past Labor governments ?

I DOUBT IT...! ! !

chicagotrance • 8 years ago

That's ''Formerly Great Britain'' - use accurate terminology, please LOL

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

"Formerly" is correct.

Frank Cohen-Levin • 8 years ago


MarkyMark • 8 years ago


Frank Cohen-Levin • 8 years ago

I think he is just a placeholder until just before the elections and they will then pull the rug from under him. As much as I hate commies like him you have to admire the fact he has been a true lefty from day one, old school labour party.

Justsomeone • 8 years ago

I have a hard time seeing him leave after he got elected to party head, not at least until the general elections (which due to his radical opinions, won't end well for him I think).

Steve Loeb • 8 years ago

Yes typical knee jerking Jew hating Israel bashing Marxists

Guest • 8 years ago
Frank Cohen-Levin • 8 years ago

God knows why the commies wont wear the poppy. We had commies here, up to about 15 years ago but they seemed to have died off. Got one newsworthy commie chick but she has terminal cancer.

Viva Yo • 8 years ago

No Fatima. You admire him because he is an Arabist and an antisemite like you.

Frank Cohen-Levin • 8 years ago

May I correct you lady, my name is Frank and I am a Palestinian supporter and I love Jews.

SteveC1 • 8 years ago

And you wear a tu-tu.

G. A. • 8 years ago

Frank, do you support Gaza Hamas Palestinians who in their very Charter proclaim their belief that Jews (not Zionists but "Jews") should be killed ?

If yes, its a sort of sadistic love, right ?

GuruBoy • 8 years ago

Which accounts for many of the anti-Semitic comments you have made here such as, "The Jews control America."

Judaism will do just fine without "Jews" such as you.

JTrumpeldor • 8 years ago

Jeremy Corbyn is a symptom of a potentially fatal disease called Progressivism, marked by behaviors of fear and cowardice. If the patient survives, loss of constitutionally and hard fought individual freedoms are the result.