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PowerMeep • 8 years ago

Hoy! Would you be willing to let me play around with your Mega Man model? I'm a novice Blender user and I think it would be a fantastic learning opportunity for me to try to actually implement the changes I suggested.

Jeric Bryle Dy • 8 years ago

Hi PowerMeep, unfortunately I do not plan on releasing the 3D model anytime soon. The 3D modelling part of this game is still something I would want to do on my own (while still listen to feedbacks, of course). It's also better for you to start ground up if you really want to learn Blender. There are available downloadable 3D models online, but I would strongly recommend you to model on your own first. And unlike me, you are an artist (I Googled you, haha) I think you will end up with a far better looking model than mine.

PowerMeep • 8 years ago

Alright, fair enough. I can have a go at making my own model. Thanks for replying, and keep up the great work!

Lol and get that ledge grab working! ;)

Jeric Bryle Dy • 8 years ago

Mega Man's ledge grab always looks weird to me. Especially when he's equipped with a Mega Buster and a Vacuum Arm. Like HOW?!

PowerMeep • 8 years ago

I'm going to go with either "magnets" or "Mega Magic". Whichever one you think is funnier :P

Jeric Bryle Dy • 8 years ago

I just went ahead and made a public issue tracker. You guys can just add in any issue you can find. I'll try to fix it when I have the time: https://github.com/jericbry...

aron304 • 8 years ago

I'm just asking for other people since i know my computer meets the minimum requirements, but what are the minimum requirements?

Jeric Bryle Dy • 8 years ago

I've tried it on a laptop with the following specs:
Intel i5-5200 2.20ghz
Intel HD Grapihcs 5500
8gb ram

And it ran smoothly. It could probably still work on a even lower end. I'll need to do more tests on this.

Will Brunner • 8 years ago

You can tell it's still in progress, but I can't imagine how much work you've already put into this. The models are starting to look really nice, especially for a fan game!

Original Maincharacter • 8 years ago

When making running animations, try to avoid the 'shaking head' animation. It's way too easy for novice animators to get carried away with it.
What Trigger needs is a good torso bounce that compliments the spring in his step. That and a delay after the spring. Try devoting 8 or so frames to the actual step and a good 16 to the delay where his hind leg is still hovering behind him, cocking and ready to be moved to the front again while his front leg straightens, ready to be used again. The 8 and 16 frames may not be spot on, but it should give you some good insight to improve it from there.

Jeric Bryle Dy • 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing, I'll try updating the run animation on my next update.

Jacob D Johnston • 8 years ago

The graphics are better than the old games, but it still pretty much looks, sounds and feels the same and that's what I don't like. If Capcom ever actually finishes Legends 3, I really hope that It has a much warmer, more inviting and believable atmosphere and isn't so cold, stuffy and artificial as Legends 1 and 2 were. brighter colors, realistic lighting, beautiful and believable environments and a kickass soundtrack. These are what the third installment needs.

DonnieBlake • 8 years ago

When it comes to the running animation, it needs to go through some "polishing" To do that you need to take a look at the running action and compare it to the way that Trigger runs on the last game. Then you need to consider that you need to make him run like that or create a original running animation.

It's entirely up to you.