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Foucault Rules • 4 years ago

How do you do contact tracing with a urban commuter?

titus • 4 years ago

phone records. at least that is what some governments are doing.

Foucault Rules • 4 years ago

“But now is really the chance for Japan to take a bold step toward going truly digital.” The same thing was said about data privacy laws by data brokers in the tragic aftermath of 9/11.

Regarding the efficacy of contact tracing - using SIGINT is not that simple - especially when we are talking about surfaces associated with entire subway cars or subway platforms, escalator, or shopping mall? Remember infection from a virus is largely coming from surfaces. How many people stand on a subway platform or ride in a subway car or go up and down an escalator in Tokyo or Osaka in day. How do connect the dots? Even if the Japanese government were that sophisticated and interested - we have something called data privacy laws that would make that illegal. At least in Japan....Already, the government is in hot water for their use of Line and are receiving a lot of push back from social and telecom providers over the extent and duration of which they are acquiring personal data from users.

Philosopher • 4 years ago

By far, most transmissions of the virus happen because virus particles were breathed in. If respiratory droplets fall on surface, which is then touched and the hand goes to a mouth or nose, that is when you get the second most common form of transmission.

Sam • 4 years ago

SARS-CoV-2 is a respiratory virus, and as such, it is mainly
transmitted between people through "respiratory droplets" when symptomatic people sneeze or cough.

It's the same reason why we get the common cold.

Foucault Rules • 4 years ago

Please point me to the science on that.

Kabocha Kun • 4 years ago

I really appreciate what these people are trying to do but in all honesty the numbers are all wrong basically because there are barely any tests being done as one of the devs in this article points out.

Scary as hell but worth reading... https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkw...