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Rick Dees • 4 years ago

I'll bet if Jamaica was a country whose majority population was Caucasian, with the same crime stats, our risk for potential terrorism would be zero.

Zena • 4 years ago

Stupid comment don't you think? Wtf is terrorism now.. Is it not in Caucasian areas kmt!

I wanna come home • 4 years ago

It has to do with someone who is brain dead, someone who has the, right, like anyone else, to prove, how dumb, how stupid he is

Rick Dees • 4 years ago

America has a mass shooting every other week and surprisingly, the none has been officially declared as a terrorist act. Gimme a guess as to the race of 96.7% of those "non-terrorist" shooters?

LucasPodolski • 4 years ago

But wait nuh dem produce the gunsπŸ€”

daviscam • 4 years ago

Report like this to a small place like that gives people ideas. Why the Caribbean? There people and country are not connected politically to anyone country ,or that may be changing. Perhaps there government needs to look in the mirror to see who is looking back at them.
Saying such a thing can damage that small place tourism product. By the way now a day terrorism comes in many form,not only in gun violence. They already have home grown terrorism. That's bad enough.

The USA is lecturing Jamaica about having a "porous border".πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I wanna come home • 4 years ago

Yes they are, and so what ? Jamaica's murder rate is ten times USA, guns are manufactured in the USA, not, in Jamaica, guns kill more Jamaican per capita than the USA.
Mr. diarrhea of the mouth, you must have overdosed on laxative

Maria Tomlin • 4 years ago

It would seem we are already under terrorist attacks daily. For the past two weeks, two women on two separate occasions were gunned down in seperate communities. May Pen is like the wild, wild west. A woman was shot in her mouth in broad day. The attacker walked free. This is only one incident among the many too numerous to mention.

In the New Kingston area, people are trailed from the bank and robbed. Bikemen ride by and take your phone while you are talking on it or if you have it in your hand.

When we see how criminals can walk into supermarkets, cambio, and other money transfer agencies and other business in broad daylight and rob and make their escape; that is terrorist attack in my view.

With the amount of guns and ammunition being found entering the country almost weekly; you would think we are fighting a war. God knows the amount that escape the authorities. People are literally afraid in this country. If you stop at a stoplight, you have to ensure all your doors and windows are locked; or a man will slipped into your car and rob you or force you to drive to on their instructions.

It's time for the government to put its money where its mouth is. They need to install camaras everywhere now. They need to have plain clothes police everywhere. It would seems there's no concerted efforts to combat crime in Jamaica and the gunmen are well aware of it. I think Dr. Tuffton would do a better job as the minister of security.

Don't even mention the syber crimes and the high increase of rape. I personally know of cases where single women are laywaited at their gates; as they drive up they are held at gunpoint and robbed of their vehicles. This happened even in so-called gated communities.The state of emergency is just a temporarily fix. Where are the guns and the gunmen? They seek refudge in other communities.

guest3 • 4 years ago

Jamaica already have its share of murderous internal terrorists,and they are already link with terrorists from other countries such as Haiti, where the drugs,meat for illegal firearms is in play.It would not surprise anyone in Jamaica if the criminal terrorist insurgents in Jamaica made links with their international Criminal counterparts.

Cerita O'nikkia • 4 years ago

Why dem trying to frighten people,,kmt,,,article was not needed, becus theres no terrorism

I wanna come home • 4 years ago

What the heck qualifies you to say what's needed or not needed, you sound as stupid as your comment portray. Intelligent people will see the article as needed, and even more are needed. See, one can draw conclusion from what people like you text. those who are the criminal, and criminal enablers, beneficiaries

guest3 • 4 years ago

Wake the foxtrot up, you are sleep walking around ok girlie.

Hugh Fernando • 4 years ago

Porous borders? Jamaica is an island. Jamaica should build a wall to keep out the terrorists... I mean tourists.

Hugh Fernando • 4 years ago

Porous borders? Jamaica is an Island. Maybe Jamaica can build a wall around the island. To keep out the "terrorists."

Neville Wright • 4 years ago

We are not going panic, or create some mass hysteria because of such a report. We are accustomed to being terrorized everyday in the Garrisons and Slumps of this country for decades upon decades.

From the mid-70's to early 80's were like that, in my mind. The infamous 1980 General Election, and the happenings that had lead up to that ....so-called Election still etched in my mind. Well, that General Election in of itself was an act of terrorism...I can't go any further...too much painful memories😞😭πŸ˜₯😷.....that to me epitomizes terrorism...

Peejay the original • 4 years ago

Lets hear statistics numbers even false numbers. Wake up JLP Anju is doing nothing but leading us into the pits of J

Peter Phillips and the PNP will take you to the promise land I suppose.

Rick Dees • 4 years ago

Show should lie to fit your warped narrative?

Good Citizen • 4 years ago

Green light maybe?

PhilT McNasty • 4 years ago

We have our own terrorists already. The domestic ones!