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Good Citizen • 2 years ago

Useless politicians like chang is a bigger threat to Jamaica than guns. He is useless!

Vernal • 2 years ago

Me day just ruined. I am sorry I read this.

Mutty Perkins • 2 years ago

If TALK TALK Tlk could reduce crime, we would be atzero murders. Seems to be all this Minister can successfully do.

Vernal • 2 years ago

Im tyad of it.

Professor • 2 years ago

I wonder if you are not actually ashamed of your performance. I don't like to criticize people's performance, especially politicians because I know the level of bureaucracy involved one a simple decision is to be made. But Godman, Between you and Andrew something must be done. He is the minister of defense and you are the minister of national security, Christ 5 years, and these noisy bikes on the road and no one not even trying to get rid of them...now they have become a menace to the society.

Marg Walk • 2 years ago

Jamaica needs to strenghten their marine police capacity! The main culprit affecting Jamaica is Haiti! Therefore, the police can do more to protect our shoreline. In addition, there should be rigirous registration of all water crafts in Jamaica and fishermen and other operator should register a boating plan with the Marine Police or the entity similar to the air traffic control so that there is better monitoring of their movements. The bvarious countries should impose fines to the other countries for not having proper control of their shoreline. I lived in another country where the have a harbour nonitoring crew with radio capability to contact vessels or inform authority of unknown vessels at least within the 12 miles perimeter of the country!

macho loy • 2 years ago

Where illegal guns are concerned Haiti is a minute threat in comparison to our big friend further north.

Educate Yourself • 2 years ago

Simple solutions that never seems to happen in Jamaica.

reidaut • 2 years ago

Telling us what we already know Mr. Chung. Nothing New?

SNR • 2 years ago

You cannot speak on crime, seems to be to close to you

XAMYCA • 2 years ago

The region will always be highly vulnerable to illegal gun trafficking (that supplies the weapons of choice used to commit the vast majority of murders within the region) because of the loose gun laws and easy access to guns from our gun pushing neighbour to the north .... while to the south there exist economies/countries with higher levels of poverty that see easily available and lucrative drug trade as the way out .... that and our geographic location places us in the middle of the perfect storm, with modern communication technology providing the accelerant. Did I mention also that we are scattered across miles of relatively unmanned oceans with thousands of miles of coastline. Tough fight to win to say the least.