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AshLee R Parker • 4 years ago

Mic drop
There's nothing left of say

Clarabelle • 4 years ago

Yep you nailed it. Number 7 is a big one for me as an INFJ!

Trilby16 • 4 years ago

I am INTJ and I don't find anything on this list that fits me and my patterns. Maybe this list is not meant to be about marriage relationships, I dunno. Thinking back on my 3 marriages (1st at 19, 2 yrs; 2nd at 29, 10 years, and 3rd at 39, 18 long years) just doesn't fit me at all. Sorry!

My biz • 4 years ago

Well, the article was talking about INFJ...

Drew Guttadore • 4 years ago

Well I’m an INTP not the same I get that, but given this list, is ‘happiness’ with a partner even possible, no one fits all that criteria

Ana Roth • 4 years ago

I agree with all the points!!!! Above all, 3, 4 and 7 resonated a lot with me, concerning any type of relationships, not just romantic. I have had many problem with roommate whose depressive/negative mood makes me feel horrible. At first i wanted to help them go through It, but with time i became so tired and sad and i had no energy to ask about their days because all of their problems. Also, i hate when people are so bossy and controlling with little things. So many rules make me feel trapped and anxious and not comfortable with those people.
So yeah. Everything you wrote was ON POINT 👌

Justyna • 4 years ago

So very YES. Speaking of long messages - I do that. I write long texts about life lessons and meaning, or when someone suffers and needs comfort/advice/this damned problem fixing we often offer not even asked. But then there's a long silence. Or I just send bare memes to friends with the same abstract sense of humor. But I hate constant meaningless texting about nothing.

Sharon • 4 years ago

I am a INFJ and have been married for 51 years to the same man. It can be done with a lot of patience, acceptance of differences, and dedication to keep the bond together for the entire family.
Yes, you can do it too!

Ly T • 4 years ago

Wow, so this is like the resume i should just hand over to anyone potentially wanting to date me! Fits every relationship I have ever been in...and why they didnt work. Except for choosing the wrong people LOL

Briedenhann • 3 years ago

EVERYTHING IS TOO FREAKING ACCURATE. A mirror image of my personality.

marcus813 • 3 years ago

The seventh reason was something that overwhelmed me with my last girlfriend, who I was in a long-distance relationship with. She wanted to communicate with me the entire day and I felt drained after a while.

Jewels OMG • 3 years ago


Khadijat A Jallow • 2 years ago

This is all about me, All this point are exactly why I keep quieting relationship as soon as possible with no regretting. To INFJ sometime love is just not enough to proof I can have a future with Him, I need to be understood and embraced for who I am. 1,2,7,and 9 👌

Nato Clarke • 1 year ago

Hi. ENTP here and although I think some points here are reasonable.....The rest sound like bitterness and reasons to tolerate stagnation. It's basically how I view the whole using your mbti flaws to justify mental health issues or to stay in a specific group due to elitism or a feeling of belonging.