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Wade Johnson • 8 years ago

How about we move them into the homes and onto the estates of all these liberals blaming the US for the ongoing war over there. Lets start with the White House. Obama had a chance to stop this all before is got going heavily but he is actively supporting the terrorists that we fought in Iraq and Afghanistan now and attempting to use the to overthrow the legitimate government of the country. I say no, No more illegals and welfare moochers in this country or you can kiss this country goodbye

BaronGreenBack • 8 years ago

Let me give you a little back ground on this.We backed Islamic Militants
in Libya to oust Gadaffi.The very same people we were fighting on the
war on Terror ! We then back the very same Islamic Militants(ISIL) in
Syria to oust Assad. So in a nut shell our tax payer money has been used
to fund and support the very same people we are supposed to be fighting
on the war on terror and that have killed uk troops. Now we have two
failed states Libya and Syria due to Obama Cameron and Hague's ineptitude.So when people ask who is the blame over the refugee crisis look no further than Cameron and Hague and Obama etc.

Wade Johnson • 8 years ago

I don't know about you but I didn't support it but our Liberal islam loving president Obama did and liberal NATO did. I know the history well, Only Egypt got smart and ousted the Muslim Brotherhood out after they took over. No problems there since. This president has supported the people we were fighting in the war on terror. so I guess now we are fighting ourselves

So you are attacking "Liberals" who blame the US for the war in Syria, but also acknowledge that we are arming the Jihadis slaughtering civilians there? If we're helping the terrorists, how is it that we hold no blame for the current situation? BTW we've been aiding those Al Nusra and AL Queda fighters since long before Obama was elected.

Western intelligence created and continues to fund the same groups that destabilized Libya, spawned ISIL and Al Nusra, and continues to use them as proxies to facilitate their regime change plans across the Middle East. They even have some of these same proxy jihadists fighting in Ukraine for that western backed regime change state, ironically fighting alongside Neo-Nazis. We destabilize nations by terrifying their populations in order to force leadership changes.

The blow-back is now that a lot of these terrorized people are fleeing Syria, Libya, and other nations we have reduced to virtual wastelands. Yet the US shoulders no blame for creating these situations? The hubris of that position is hard to describe.

Amgine • 8 years ago

There are a number of countries that need to do more and accept many more refugees. Refugees are not the same as illegal immigrants or even asylum seekers because the intention is that refugees will return to their homelands when it is safe.

There is a groundswell of public outrage in Saudi Arabia that their government is not taking in Syrian refugees. So, perhaps with more state-to-state diplomatic pressure on top of that, the Saudis will do the right thing. In order to legitimately put pressure on the Saudi kingdom, the USA will have to take in more refugees itself.

Donna • 8 years ago

"Five of the wealthiest Muslim countries have taken no Syrian refugees in at all, arguing that doing so would open them up to the risk of terrorism"

Dont send them here either .

Occams • 8 years ago

Makes no difference who thinks what.... The USA IS responsible. Ostool (well, his puppeteers) created ISIS, as he wants Assad removed so they can run their oil pipeline through, steal the oil, and install a Rothschild Central Bank.

Truly amazing - like 'Tosheba' below - just how many Amerikans are completely illiterate to the FACTS.

Well said. The sad part is this formula for regime change has been carried out by the US since before WW2 all across the globe in Asia, South America, the Middle East and currently in Europe with Ukraine. There's nothing new here, just different names for the proxy groups we are using, and the same old "humanitarian" and "democracy" arguments while we starve populations with sanctions and terrify them with constant drone surveillance. And look, all these bad guys have one thing in common... No western central bank exists in their nations. If they're not on the dollar, they are a strategic enemy nowadays.

S9 • 7 years ago

When liberals begin caring about children inside the womb, then we'll begin taking them seriously when they pretend to care about children outside the womb.

quillerm • 8 years ago

When Obama declared Al Qaeda defeated and the US Forces left Iraq all our top Military advisers recommended a security force be left behind. But Obama had Won the War so the Generals be damned. ISIS was backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, which was funded by Obama. That was his first miscalculation funding terrorists with US taxpayer cash. Leaving arms and equipment for 200,000 troops was Obama's Second mistake, which will arm ISIS for decades.

desertspeaks • 8 years ago

anyone care to bet that the liberals screaming to let these people in, won't take them into their homes and personally support them financially?? Ohh noo, they want everyone else to do it!

dougdiggler • 8 years ago

Oh, only liberals blame the immigrant crisis on American policy? So do the facts.

CHUCKMAN • 8 years ago

The headline is downright dumb.

"Liberals" have nothing to do with this.

Anyone, of any political view, who genuinely understands the situation knows that the United States is to blame for the Syrian horror.

ISIS is not responsible for the horror in Syria because it
is merely a tool of outside powers, a terror weapon dropped into a beautiful,
previously peaceful country.

It is the sponsors, suppliers, and enablers of ISIS – and
other terrorist organizations like the al-Nusra Front - who are very much responsible
for the horrors.

They are the United States, Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia
(with some additional money from Qatar).

These gangs of thugs and cutthroats would not even be gangs and
they would not be in Syria without massive outside assistance.

The whole aim of the sponsors and suppliers of these horrors
is to destroy the beautiful land of Syria and effectively smash it into pieces.
The covert, proxy approach being used in Syria is different than the direct,
blundering, and murderous American invasion of Iraq, but its goal is precisely
the same in the end.

Who cares about the millions displaced, the hundreds of
thousands killed, the historic treasures destroyed? Not America. Not Israel.
Not Turkey. Not Saudi Arabia.

The chief beneficiary of all this horror is America's nasty
little colony in the Mideast.

kal98 • 8 years ago

What is the solution? I for one quit my job and paying as little taxes as possible why when so many of USA citizens write their congress, peacefully protest, why do these wars continue to be made and sponsored by a small group of corporate business wolves in sheepe clothing and suck up funds from the taxpayers-- where to start?

Pansy the Russian • 8 years ago

They may be Liberals but they know Obama's policies of not protecting
vulnerable people in their own countries has created this mess. I don't
want a single one in this country. Don't run and whine for gimne status,
stand as we did.

mobsie666 • 8 years ago

Yeah absolutely nothing to do with Bush invading them under the pretext of a lie. Gee I wish I had your grasp on total bullsh*t.

Pansy the Russian • 8 years ago

They may be Liberals but they know Obama's policies of not protecting vulnerable people in their own countries has created this mess. I don't want a single one in this country. Don't run and whine for gimne status, stand and fight as we did.

mobsie666 • 8 years ago

Yeah we see you fighting to overthrow Obama by typing words on the internet. You're so brave. My hero in fact.

kal98 • 8 years ago

Where is the flippin UN???? Saudi ArABIA GETS PLENTY OF USA TAX PAYERS FUNDS they and all Muslims countries should be providing relief for the overflow of war victims like right now! or let's just as a nation stop buying gas--how??? well everyone fill up some gas cans, then do not buy gas for a week and see what power you really have!

mobsie666 • 8 years ago

None of the refugees would go to Saudi they are all Shia.

kal98 • 8 years ago

oh I guess religion is the main reason for so much conflict, war, death and confusion amongst groups of people, I have lost my perspective on what this usa even stands for anymore except history repeats itself and once this continent was peopled with American Indians and they were systematically wiped out too for resources and land, the white man also married into tribes as a way of taking over bloodlines as well, ironically the invaders were escaping persecution but yet repeated the same here that they were escaping from! Is there any hope for mankind?