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luke2236 • 2 years ago

(((weinberg)))...and we're surprised?

Use Brave. or SwissCows.

Number 6 • 2 years ago

Yeah I looked that one up a while ago, when someone on a tech forum said DuckDuck was just controlled opposition, to catch those awake to Googles wrongdoings, and their promise not to collect peoples personal data was basically bull**** As soon as saw the founders name I knew what they said was true and stopped using it straight away ! should have know really it was getting far too much "free" publicity

Link Hawk • 2 years ago

Are those ones owned by conspiring J__s? We need to unite a deal with the J__ problem. Too bad the Holohoax never happened. They deserve a real one.

R Zella • 2 years ago

So obvious you're one of them trying to whip up some hate and violence. You're the type that spray-paints anti-Semitic or anti-black graffiti to then accuse everybody and call for punishment for what you did yourself. False flag/ projection is your MO.

Berserker • 2 years ago

You'd be Buried in facts concerning your PHALLIC worshiping kosher kult, and like the degenerate you are
Scream victim.

ts a Trick, We Always Use It calling people _anti-Semitic)

R Zella • 2 years ago

Video is exactly right. But from your other comments you throw out the Bible, the baby with the bathwater. Khazarian Ashkenazis are not the Israelites of the Old Testament nor Jesus' kin. They've usurped the world's money and power, and the place of God's Chosen people, but it's all the Plan of the Creator, so relax. All will be sorted out in the End.

corporategreed • 2 years ago

its not hate and violence. its an honest observation. I am starting to wonder how can jews who are a super small portion of the population have control over all the big industries and government. don't you wonder how that is? this is why germany went nuts and the pattern is repeating itself again. what are the odds of that?

R Zella • 2 years ago

Of course, but advocating violence is only going to bring a lot of trouble to comment boards and sites. How many have already been shut down. They would love nothing better than shut down ALL conservative news and opinion sites with their attached Disgus commenting.

desertspeaks • 2 years ago

ohhh, weinberg? no further information necessary.. you know i've been fighting that it's the faux hebrews, but I can no longer deny the truth..

Number 6 • 2 years ago

Their names do tend to show up disproportionately in these scams, I use it as a litmus test. if a J name shows up then its most likely a scam. for example I'd already figured out nuclear weapons and associated "science" was a scam but as soon as I spotted all those j3wish names, the massive fraud and idiot Einstein (aka one stone) Oppenheimer (the banking family), Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (the couple who so the story goes, gave the fictitious technology to the soviets oy vey) to name but a few. I knew it was just one big j3wish play !
Their narcissism gets the better of them and they can't help but write themselves into the script as "leaders" and "geniuses" they want everyone to believe they are a "chosen" "master race" after all

Fred Stone • 2 years ago

Lots have adopted anglo versions so as not to seen as js. Nudelman to nuland, rodamski to Rodham, Scherff to Bush etc

Number 6 • 2 years ago

Yeah quit often they just take the Berg or the stein of the end of the name Rose for example, of course its no guarantee they are Jewish, names tend to bleed out through marriage into wider society and the jewishness gets diluted out of existence. Plus the jews at the top have strict criteria as to what constitutes a true Jew, they must have a Jewish mother, who had a jewish mother who had a jewish mother ad infinitum, as they believe the "jewish gene" is carried down the female side, because they believe they were banished to the desert by God until every male heir had died out.
Then we have people like Whoopie Goldberg who changed their name, presumably because they were smart enough to know who ran Hollywood, and that they were into nepotism.

I'd already figured out nuclear weapons and associated "science" was a scam

Can you pass me some links so I can read in about that?

Number 6 • 2 years ago

a lot of the videos on YouTube on the subject which got me into the subject have been deleted, but here one I just found on Odysee its a compilation of various videos, some better than others, the last one is snippet of a podcast which is really good full of interesting information. Ive done a lot of my own research since, there are things like black smoke in the so called nuclear tests, especially Chinas first alleged test, which denotes low temperature BURNING of hydrocarbons not "nuclear fission" Pure energy release and temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun, as they have claimed for all these years in Disney produced propaganda films. and yet our governments told us all China had the bomb, one can only conclude the so called government "scientist" who confirmed China had the bomb didn't understand basic physics.
The fact that the only reporter who was allowed to go to Hiroshima to report on the "nuclear blast" was a jew on the pentagon payroll.

Other stuff like the Star of David is slap bang in the middle of the atomic symbol, the one where the three eclipses cross.
and summing the letters of the English words Nuclear, energy, weapon, theism, Jesus Muhammad, Lucifer, cross and menorah and a few more closely connected religious Belief words and names ALL sum to 74 what a coincidence, pointing to the idea that those who made up the word "nuclear" were making nuclear physics a new religion not science.

If I get the time and find any of the old deleted videos on nuclear weapons being fake on other platforms, on my travels I'll post them here, there other videos on this odyssey playlist so watch some of those as well


Stone Skull • 2 years ago

there is a guy named Owen Benjamin - spotify banned his appearances on joe rogan. he talks about these topics, and is also on Odysee. he is a big bear with a big voice, check him out.

Number 6 • 2 years ago

Yeah I'm not overly impressed with him since he started the "I'm loosing it I'm a stereotypical crazy conspiracy theorist routine,"but he's done some good videos, haven't seen any of his stuff recently will pop over to Odysee see what he's up to, cheers mate !

Thanks for the elaborate reply! I'll watch your linked video.

Link Hawk • 2 years ago

Unite everyone you can and lets go after these enemy BERGS. Too bad the holohoax was lies.

R Zella • 2 years ago

You are an annoying pest.

Fred Stone • 2 years ago

Jews in Europe before the war 8,039,668. Jews in Europe after the war 9,374,778. Jews in Germany about 600,000 with 150,000 serving in the German armed forces. Its not likely they would kill their own families.

R Zella • 2 years ago

If I misread you I'm sorry.😌Still not sure. You sounded like a Jussie Smollett type there, pushing for violence.🤔

R Zella • 2 years ago

"Last year, the popular Twitter account Libs Of TikTok posted emails purportedly from DuckDuckGo said to demonstrate that the company discriminates against white men."

With a CEO last name 'Weinberg', I guess it's a no brainer. They hate white men and white countries because particularly white straight Christian men know what their Tribe are up to/their NWO agenda, Masters over the rest of us as slaves.
I never used DuckDuckGo ever, and I guess I never will.

Disenfranchised • 2 years ago

Best uncensored browser out there, created by one of the major developers of Firefox. Much better results than DDG and no censorship.

littlewing • 2 years ago

The founder of Mozilla was cancelled by angry gays so he created Brave.

Calvin Davis • 2 years ago

Also Dissenter browser, which is even more secure. I use Start Page to search.

VladtheSkewerer • 2 years ago

Et Tu DuckDuckGo?

Jas • 2 years ago

jews gonna jew

Alniño • 2 years ago

Sell outs everywhere! As more times passes more alternative platforms are going to sell out. Rumble is already censoring. This is why globalists doesn't give a shit.

littlewing • 2 years ago

I use Brave but didn't realize they have their own browser.
Jew browser bye bye

littlewing • 2 years ago

Why they hate the convoy.
All they have is censorship.
Back in San Francisco they had 5 black lesbians chained together.. haha .. block a freeway and it was national news (national jews).

honeymoonie • 2 years ago

Another member of THE TRIBE shutting down dissent. Surprise? Isn't there a non-partisan search engine out there somewhere?

Fred Stone • 2 years ago

Brave, Yandex, swiss cows, qant, freecore

honeymoonie • 2 years ago


littlewing • 2 years ago

Just when you thought they couldn't get more evil, they did.
Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs
Russia has now stated that the American labs in Ukraine were studying how to get birds and insects to spread race specific bioweapons.

Opini Onbot • 2 years ago

Weinburg? Hmmm .... anyway, looks like I'll be looking for another search engine. These people are the disinformation supporters. What about the disinfo that is proven BS sent out by Zelinsky and the western mainstream media (both left and right posting it). The US bio-labs will also be down the search lists too? What a (((sellout)))!

Tom • 2 years ago

This would suggest they had the code ready to go or were running it in the background already.

mumbo_jumbo • 2 years ago

Translation: I have to find another search platform to use.

Link Hawk • 2 years ago

Ya one that isn't owned by enemy Jews. Which one?

R J • 2 years ago
mumbo_jumbo • 2 years ago

Good question. Let me know when you find it.

R J • 2 years ago

Yandex. A good Russian Search engine.

Bry • 2 years ago

Disappointing sell out

J.D. Bradley • 2 years ago

Goodbye Duckduckgo

mumbo_jumbo • 2 years ago

REMINDER: Ukraine biolabs were Russian "misinformation" until Nuland let the cat out of the bag and admitted the truth.

REMINDER: Hunter's laptop was Russian "misinformation" until that truth came out and it's the reality.

Jas • 2 years ago

Brave or Startpage it is

honeymoonie • 2 years ago

Startpage is run by Google, the last I heard.

Illyricum Sacrum • 2 years ago

Cold war 2.0 Ruskies on the other side has blocked all social media when videos went viral of their war crimes and Ruskies getting smacked by Bayraktar. remember that for jewting this isn't a war, but "special operation" and you can face jail time in Russia for calling it war.

Link Hawk • 2 years ago

WeinBERG. Another "God's Chosen" conspiring against us all. Let's unite and deal with these conspiring enemies of our lives and freedoms. Clearly they waged war on us all. Hitler was clearly right about them.

R J • 2 years ago

Jews of the World Unite Against Russia. The exact SAME playbook that jews did to NS Germany :


ILLEGAL ARYAN • 2 years ago

And it was all because they posed a threat to the International Jew investment class and Banksters.
Same as today with Russian oil, gas, metals, and fertilizer exports.
Russia has been building a parallel financial system outside of IMF control.
Russia has rejected the WEF GLOBOHOMO project, and protects its national sovereign interests.
