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Brent Jatko • 4 years ago


Benjamin Nead • 4 years ago

Yes, that map is horrifying.

S Herb • 4 years ago

thanks for the overview.

Slobodan Brčin • 4 years ago

Netherlands seem to be nice place to invest into tech companies.

Soon many places will need to live under sea level and who better to provide know how then Netherlands.

Mario Lanza • 4 years ago

What if Netherlands ends up under the sea itself?

Leonidas • 4 years ago

They have been fighting the sea for hundreds of years,I'm betting on the Dutch,they can easily handle another meter.

Slobodan Brčin • 4 years ago

Well your investment would have sunk with them.

But you will know exactly when your water stopping dams will collapse, so you can decide when you should start abandoning the land assets or to try harder to prevent them from collapsing.

Mario Lanza • 4 years ago

Or maybe it's one storm away from total obliteration like a Japanese monster tsunami.

Slobodan Brčin • 4 years ago

I really hope that they have compartments or some provision for things like this.

Mark Roest • 4 years ago

That's a VERY GOOD suggestion!!!

Sounds like your Canadian?

So if that kind of posturing can prevent talk of climate change then anyone can create a bogus party, claim a formal position of something stupid like healthcare is evil then it can no longer be talked about?
In that case lets make trickle down economics, alternative facts, hate, lies, doublethink and tax cuts official positions so they can't be talked about.
SNC Lavalin should be a verboten topic. I'm sure Conservatives will love their own tactic used against them...
This from the party of so called freedom of speech. Yet another lie.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

Elections Canada clarified: any media ad $500 or more that talks about an 'election issue' from a 'charity'/non-profit you need to 'register' as a lobbyist with Elections Canada. But anyone is allowed to talk normally on their own web site or in non-paid media interviews and non-paid text messages on any topic IIRC it was the previous Conservative government that introduced that rule to prevent leakage around another election campaign financing rule. Basically in Canada we don't want elections 'bought' by 'special interests'.

So conservatives bring in a rule that they abuse to prevent anyone talking about the preventable destruction of our planet.
Sounds Harper-esque to me.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

works both ways - Koch brothers would have to register if they spent > 500 on media advertising to support deniers

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

Nope, it's a way to shut up all the little green organizations, all the citizen movements who can't afford a fine.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

If they are truly little, would they be spending > $500 on issue media advertising during an election? They can raise awareness between elections.

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

The point is they can't talk as they wish to in the most important elections period.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

Elections Canada says they can talk, hold media interviews, post to their own website, email, message. And can even pay for some of that as ads, up to <$500. So they can talk. Is there an ad cost you (and the Koch brothers) would prefer instead of $500?

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

I see you write on Alberta Farmer express too. It could explain why you don't seem to understand the difference of a fine's impact on a little organization, and a huge corporation.

And frankly, I don't see Election Canada preventing a Big Oil corp doing whatever they want during the campaign, then paying the fine, laughing all the way making the tiny check.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

I read over the Elections Canada rules and I don't see specific penalties for breaking the rules. Presumably if taken to court, the judge would calculate a suitable penalty. For those 3rd parties spending more than 500 and registering, they need to say on their ad that who its sponsored by, and keep track and report what they spend. And the funding can't come from other countries. But otherwise can spend up to about half a million. So non-profits/3rd-parties can keep spending up to 500k, as long as they register and report, and declare their sponsorship.

Matthew • 4 years ago

It doesn't work both ways because deniers don't need to do anything, they just need to stall. The status quo already supports them.

No it does not, they are not a charity so they can do what they want.

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

works both ways - yes the rules talk about '3rd parties' and that includes non-profits and commercial interests equivalently.

Excellent, so we can hobble all conservative talking points with their own rules. Always nice when reality deniers hurt themselves.
Now to start a political party and design my views to disarm lies and hate...

Kevin McKinney • 4 years ago

I agree with Barry. While the 'leakage' concern is real and appropriate, this 'solution' is preposterous. It cannot be the case that fringe (or mainstream!) parties can politicize factual debate simply by staking out a partisan position, thereby muzzling that debate.

Robert Engle • 4 years ago

Damn, it would be sweet for us under you if we could declare abortion an election issue and tax all the organizations who exist to keep it in the news. But we only prohibit charities from talking about candidates (unless they are churches then we have rules nobody enforces).

Leonidas • 4 years ago

No country has freedom of speech like the US,not even Canada. I really like their Carbon tax ,we should unite to have a Carbon tax zone,Trump should propose it,but we all know he won't.
He did try to increase the gas tax but the Democrats wouldn't hear of it.
Both Democrats and Republican have agreed in the US for some great policy for nuclear plants fewer inspections, less red tape, new reactors, our good neighbors the Canadians have very advanced views on nuclear, together we will have new advanced reactors.

minority of one • 4 years ago

Could the IMF be the one using bloated accounting?

Doug Sanden • 4 years ago

I'm from AB. Oilsands is on-board for carbon taxation -has been for years- and even after recent provincial government killed the provincial broad-based carbon tax, the O&G and industry carbon pricing continues. It's not industry crying a storm - its what I'll call hillbilly voter attitude among the pickup / SUV driving, natgas heating, dirty-powering public. Our power grid is half natgas, 1/3 coal (wind slowly creeping up around 10+%,, a tiny bit of solar )..There's addiction to what used to be a good source of easy revenue for the provincial government - declining from 40% of revenue to < 10% and new provincial sales tax looming as AB debt climbs. An inconvenient truth for us squirming hillbillies.

Alan Wilson • 4 years ago

I hope the elections go ok .... and hope you guys dont have big wild fires like you had last year ...

molekh • 4 years ago

Elections here is nowhere near close the circus it is on our southern neighbour. We are going to vote in October and we spent the whole summer without any active campaigning (can you conceive that in US?).

While people get heated on forums and some halls, it's mostly very civilized and organized, very Canadian like :D.

Alan Wilson • 4 years ago

Well done good to see your all relaxed and calm ... hope you get some better policies and politicians .... its just a matter of time before you build a realy great southern border wall to keep the crazy southerners out ....

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

Fake news on Facebook have already decided Trudeau must go, leaving the way to Sheer, who put motor oil in its cereals.

molekh • 4 years ago

Well, the guy didn't help himself. Gafe after gafe don't instill confidence.

Even among Liberal core supporters, SNC-Lavalin fiasco and buying Kinder Morgan pipeline stung A LOT. It goes against every Liberal principle there is.

If Sheer wasn't that bad, the Conservatives would have an almost insurmountable lead by now.

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

My guess is the SNC Lavallin affair is bloated by the media, just like the "Scandale des commandites" was an almost 3 year attack on the Liberals to put Harper in command. Fun Fact. Harper was the son of a ESSO's executive.

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

Some elections... Like in the US, we are given a choice between one who does nothing against fossil fuels, and the other actively working to facilitate fossil fuels.

Alan Wilson • 4 years ago

Like l aways say we 'the world' need better politicians ...... at the moment its the only thing thats holding us back ....

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

and all around the capitalist world, it is decided in advance under the table, who is allowed to be candidate or not, sometime years ahead.
This way there is no important progressive candidate having a microphone to spread and debate changes to this corporate owned fake democracy.

Alan Wilson • 4 years ago

Careful your tinfoil hat is slipping.....

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

So tell me where are you're gonna take better politicians when all the interesting ones are depicted in the MEDIA as crazy, dreamers or stupid? (in headlines and in chosen pictures as well?) and their reputation slowly, softly and systematically undermined by the mainstream media outlets?

Are you so naive to think that CBC or whatever big media is NOT under the influence of the big corporations cartels in 2019? Wake up to the 21st century, the so called "New World Order".

The Canadian government is owned by the global corporations since Harper. The last to resist was Chrétien and Martin. Dion was trashed by the media, and since then we have clowns like Ignatief and Trudeau... and now this baby Sheer.
The conservative party is the faithful servant of Big Oil, and Trudeau do what he is told by his "counselors".

Truth is the candidates are filtered in advance. Or all potential leaders are not dumb enough to race this rigged game.

Alan Wilson • 4 years ago

Yes .... all countries need a strong anti corruption for there politicians ... put a few of them in jail for a long time ... it will scare the s$#t out of the other ones .... and just put some in jail if they make bad decisions.... oh thats all of them ... good ....

Roger Lambert • 4 years ago

Canadians are wonderful people, and Canada is a great nation. But if you go there, it becomes very evident that they simply don't care very much for the environment.

It's weird. Such polite, gentle people. But everywhere you will see evidence of industry using the enviro as one huge dumping ground. Smokestacks, slag heaps, and strip mines galore.

molekh • 4 years ago

At least in Quebec, environment is a huge issue. The problem i see is apathy. While many people do care about environment, poll after poll reflect it, we don't actually act on it. Activism up here is negligible compared with our American counterparts. What is worst, we simply don't vote politicians that can put a stop to the greedy corporations.

Individually, we care, as population, we do not. Weird indeed.

Matthew • 4 years ago

Economists call this "revealed preferences".

People prove what they care about through their actions, not their words. Canadians don't care about the environment.

djr417 • 4 years ago

Yah, because the dozen or so Canadians youve encountered are a fair representation of all of us. Kindly go and f**k yourself. polite enough?
Industry established decades ago doesnt reflect the concerns of its population, today or in the past. There are millions of Canadians who care and are passionate about the environment- many on this site. Your generalization is offensive.

Leonidas • 4 years ago

Industry does reflect it citizens.

Roger Lambert • 4 years ago

You are correct, I was wrong. Not all Canadians are polite gentle people.

You are incontrovertible proof. Congratulations.

Leonidas • 4 years ago

Compared to who?the Norwegians export every drop of oil they can find,China and Russia are true climate criminals, at least Canada has built nuclear plants the true mark of a society that cares for the planet.
Lastly,do what you wish, whoever you elect, you are the best neighbor a country ever had.The Best!!

Prad Bitt • 4 years ago

Election Canada is infected with bribery from FF companies. We are given a choice between 2 pro oil candidates. Sheer and Trudeau. Sheer is even worse. Climate change talks are illegal-like. Elections are rigged. Democracy is fukkkkd. The politic and economic systems are working against life itself.

Darko • 4 years ago

Vote green then...?