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Noah • 6 years ago

Trump the pragmatist is becoming the Bull in the rink, with numerous Matadors (Republicans & Democrats).... He's slowing down.
He needs to bash both the Leftist media and the politicians !!!!!
Move the embassy to Jerusalem, the sky will NOT fall and the arabs will scream and shout (as usual), and the the world would be better off, and Trump will gain respect i the Arab world....

ktchnsnk1 • 6 years ago

Exactly right.

Michelle Wayne • 6 years ago

Maybe he needs Saudis permission to do that?To much money is invested in USA from Saudis and other Arabs and money tolks 😕

Noah • 6 years ago

Sadly, the Saudis donated far too much money (wasted) into Hillary's campaign, which was modeled after the Titanic.

EllyR • 6 years ago

Did you like what you wrote so much that you upvoted yourself? You must be sending emails to yourself as well... Looking at your avatar I can understand why!

Guest • 6 years ago
EllyR • 6 years ago

Who really cares what you endorse, pathetic religious nut...

HebrewProphet • 6 years ago


EllyR • 6 years ago

With winter almost over you crawled out of your hole again, older but not wiser!

BUILD BABY BUILD!!! • 6 years ago

EllyR Most Americans care I guess that excludes you?

EllyR • 6 years ago

It does, I'm not American...

Michelle Wayne • 6 years ago

Talking about youself again?

Scott Crabtree • 6 years ago

I think if Trump backs out on this, it will set certain things into motion that cannot be stopped.....

lesrun5k • 6 years ago

Yes,for one thing the disrespect would not stop on anything he promised / said.He must think he is still campaigning,a little less talk and a lot more action is what I am looking for from Trumpster.

Guest • 6 years ago
Michael • 6 years ago


EllyR • 6 years ago

Yo mama is a paid troll. Beige is the color of sick excrement, far from beautiful...

Lynda McIntyre • 6 years ago

How old are you....12? Grow up or shut up!

EllyR • 6 years ago

Very dramatic and mysterious... Did you figure out what things?

Peter Bayliss LRPS • 6 years ago

May an Englishman remind you that you made a promise early on in your advancement to the `Top Job` was to put your embassy to Jerusalem. You seemed weak now, too many threats and you have failed to keep to your word ! I`m not a Jew, but a Bible believing Christian, the Bible makes Jerusalem the Capital and you should stand firm and keep your word. You will now risk losing any respect if you now fail in your promise ! Are you bowing to evil forces ?

EllyR • 6 years ago

Evil forces? No such thing, just stinking politics...

You're a moral relativist, scumbag. Why? Well, because you hate yourself... Sleep well... LOL...

EllyR • 6 years ago

If stupidity was a crime, you would get a life sentence!

Peter Bayliss LRPS • 6 years ago

"Stinking politics" are evil, right ?

EllyR • 6 years ago

Give your definition of "evil' if you want an answer.

T2000q • 6 years ago

Now, that is becoming interesting- while Palestinians demand "East Jerusalem" as their non-existent country's capital, the Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim world refuses to accept, at least, West Jerusalem as the Israeli capital?
I guess it's high time for Western world to finally wake up from their Arab-induced lethargy and move their respective Embacies to the Capital of Jewish State of Israel - the undecided Jerusalem.

Vicki S • 6 years ago

our family voted for Trump because of his financial view, and his friendship of Israel. we will be extremely upset if he breaks his work

Lizzie Moore • 6 years ago

Yes, Vicki. Our family is the same, out here in Australia. Its pretty frightful to think that Trumpie may have given false assurances, just in order to garner votes in the States in the 2016 Prezzie campaign.

allioops • 6 years ago

be prepared. This Drumpf is quite ill. He is a pathological liar, with egomaniacal tendencies.
May Heaven save the U.S.A! and Israel of course.

Peter Bayliss LRPS • 6 years ago

Perhaps you are right !

EllyR • 6 years ago

As he is, he is much better for the USA and Israel than Hussein the Muslim and Hilary the lier and crook...

BUILD BABY BUILD!!! • 6 years ago

Liar is the correct spelling not lier.

EllyR • 6 years ago


Ron Southart • 6 years ago

He promised it, he will do it.

Peter Bayliss LRPS • 6 years ago

True, he did, but he has been frightened by the Arab hate ! So does it show the man is bold in his claims but fears the threats ? This man is quickly been shown to be very hollow, does say things without facing the difficulties.

John Whitcombe Naulu • 6 years ago

It seems the whole world fears the muslim nations. They might get upset. It is truly sad that US the greatest country in the world don't have the balls. Only one and only one nation have the guts to stand up against muslim nations. God bless my beloved ISRAEL.

Adam Kadmon • 6 years ago

The man in the Oval Office who said "I never break a promise" is about to break one now. He lied to the world about moving the U.S. embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. How can a Jew like Jared Kushner tolerate a father-in-law who doesn't keep promises?

Alex Peshansky • 6 years ago

May I borrow your time machine? You seem to be extremely informed about things that did not happen yet.

Adam Kadmon • 6 years ago

From the Book of the Prophet Amos... "lo navi anochi v'lo ben navi".. I am neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet.
Reading the daily Israeli press leads me to believe that my comment, unfortunately, will come true. God protect us from those who break promises.

Timothy Wayne Elmer • 6 years ago

Guess we will just have to wait and see. Be patient.

Adam Kadmon • 6 years ago

Thank you. All things are in God's Hands. I hope & pray for the best. Good health & long life to you and your family.

Just Watching • 6 years ago

The move should have been done already.

Gabor Ujvari • 6 years ago

MR President, the capital of the State of Israel is Jerusalem, while Tel Aviv is the biggest city. In New Zealand Wellington is the capital, while Auckland is the biggest city. Hence the US embassy is in Wellington. We just ask you that you move the US embassy from the big city of Tel Aviv to the capital city of Jerusalem. In return your name will be in Jerusalem's history for ever.

Jim Miller • 6 years ago

President Trump, please don't fail on this one, If you don't recognize Jerusalem as the eternal Capital of Israel, please stay in Tel-Aviv; to fail to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem you are LOWERING yourself to Obama's putrid swamp level, we voted for and we will do it again but, we hope you will show some American balls, an American President MUST NOT cave in nor bow before muslims like Obama did.

cammo99 • 6 years ago

I am repeating my response to comments I believe it was a Jerusalem Post report that claimed Trump was reneging on his promise to move the embassy. What that report noted was that Congress has already approved the move but it is open to review by the Presidents every 6 months, the inference being the President alone is responsible for moving the embassy. However there is also a measure being forwarded in Congress to take that power from the President so that he can not stop the move of the Embassy, that is how I read it.
I suspect and could be wrong, but it would seem to me President Trump might want to wait and allow the measure and move to be initiated by Congressional approval that already exists, for two reasons, it would show broader support for the move by the USA and it would eliminate some of the stigma the decision is somehow arbitrary. It would also put the DNC in the hot seat and the 60% or more of its Jewish constituents who are opposed to the change by always voting Democrat.
Erdogan is a like a cyst pimple. If you pop it you risk spread of infection. The man is a moral derelict he can not bring himself to admit to the Ottoman's ruthless treatment and genocide of the Armenians and other minorities. Thy got away with it then he seems to think he could get away with it now...would globalist idealists care or stop him?

Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld • 6 years ago

A most intelligent comment from cammo99! I agree. It would be a very good thing for Congress to take away that possibility of a Presidential waiver which exists now. And then the U.S. Embassy could be moved to Jerusalem whether or not Trump approves the move.

Leslie Benjamini • 6 years ago

Where did you get your information that there is a move to take away that power from the President & give it to Congress? Congress can't agree on anything. The Democrats will block it. They have a Muslim co-chair who is openly anti Semitic & anti-Israel.
There is no point to Trump moving the embassy to West Jerusalem unless he also states that in doing so he is pronouncing Jerusalem the UNDIVIDED CAPITAL of Israel. Otherwise putting the embassy in West Jerusalem effectively divides the city without saying so. It should be moved to East Jerusalem.

Michael • 6 years ago

Two different people. Candidate Trump and President Trump. The Arabs intimidated President Trump and he is caving like a NY pothole. Candidate trump did decide now President Trump is deciding to undecide. It's what politicians do.

allioops • 6 years ago

Note: Drumpf Is NOT a politician! Perhaps if we had elected someone with experience in Our Constitution and had ever read anything regarding American History we would not be in this pickle.

Charles Samuels • 6 years ago

Greater is he who protects Israel than anyone or anything that would dare to attack her. Jerusalem is still David's capital.