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BobInBpt • 4 years ago

If they do, then that will be the last thing that they ever do as a nation !

Richard DiBenedetto • 4 years ago

President Trump has no exit strategy for a war with Iran. After Iraq and Afghanistan American voters don't wan US Troops on the ground in another costly war. Bombing alone is unlikely to change Iran's Regime or Agenda. Sanctions and negotiations are still the best bet.

Jeanne R • 4 years ago

America will not foot another bill to fight another war with any Arab country. What we could do is bomb those enemies of ours to extinction or release an EMP. That would mean they could not use their bombs because there would be no electricity to execute the missile. It would be their choice what avenue America or Israel would take. At least if it is an EMP the people would still be alive just not able to fire a missile. We then could take over their country and remove their leadership and return governing back to the people. This is just one possibility.

Nichus Block • 4 years ago

More of a delusion than a possibility. If it we're so simple it would have been tried already.

George • 4 years ago

If Iran launches any missiles towards Israel, launch a few nuclear missiles towards Tehran and wipe it off the face of the map which should eliminate most of the mullahs and revolutionary guards.

stevenL • 4 years ago

K won't dare.

18_18 • 4 years ago

Why not?
Pres. Trump, is repeating what the pusillanimous, Obama, did with his "red line" in the sand comment.

Avi Haaetz • 4 years ago

USA will NOT back Israel. Israel will stand alone, with only the help of G-D.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Mauro Biglino is zero in history, he is only a philologist who does not understand the meaning of words! those peoples idolatry & satanism Baal, etc.. were devoted to sacred prostitution, and systematically made terrifying human sacrifices!
there was no possibility for Jews to purify those peoples of demons or to be able to do exorcism! the people were not spiritually mature: in order not to be attracted too in those practices of idols and demons.
about the girls set aside for JHWH, it means that they are the part that belongs to the Levite priests: not only the infant mortality was too high, for which polygamy was expected, but if the Jew married a slave (at least 14 years old) he had to free her and become 100% Jewish.
Mauro Biglino is a hater and a slanderer, in fact he betrayed God to serve the aliens, but how can you give credibility to those who follow the aliens?
even the aliens or eloim are are demons

Mauro Biglino in storia è zero, lui è soltanto un filologo che non comprende il significato delle parole! quelle popolazioni erano dedite alla prostituzione sacra, e sistematicamente facevano sacrifici umani terrificanti!
non c'era per gli ebrei la possibilità di purificare quei popoli dai demoni o di poter fare l'esorcismo! il popolo non era spiritualmente maturo: per non essere attirato anche lui in quelle pratiche di idoli e demoni.
circa le bambine messe da parte per JHWH, significa che sono la parte che spetta ai sacerdoti leviti: non solo la mortalità infantile era troppo elevata, per cui era prevista la poligamia, ma se l'ebreo sposava una schiava(di almeno 14 anni) la doveva affrancare e diventava ebrea al 100% .
Mauro Biglino è un odiatore e un calunniatore, infatti ha tradito Dio per servire gli alieni, ma come puoi dare credidilità a chi segue gli alieni?
anche gli alieni o eloim sono sono demoni

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Ezekiel 20: 25-27 shows precisely that: 1. God condemns human sacrifices: that they were a normal custom for Canaanite peoples.
2. God condemns the High Priests of the Temple who, by writing the talmud, have contaminated the people of God: in fact, here he alludes to the laws of the Canaanites, which some still considered valid: as divine laws,
today we would say a form of religious syncretism

25. Then I gave them even bad statutes and laws for which they could not live. 26 I caused them to be contaminated in their offerings by making each of their firstborn pass through the fire, to terrify them, so that they might recognize that I am the Lord. 27 Speak therefore to the children of Israel, and say to them, "The Lord God says:" In this also your fathers offended me by acting with infidelity towards me:

Ezechiele 20:25-27 dimostra proprio che: 1. Dio condanna i sacrifici umani: che erano una normale usanza per le popolazioni cananee.
2. Dio condanna i Sommi Sacerdoti del Tempio che scrivendo il talmud hanno contaminato il popolo di Dio: infatti quì allude alle leggi dei cananei che alcuni ritenevano comunque valide: come leggi divine,
oggi diremmo una forma di sincretismo religioso

25. Allora io diedi loro perfino statuti non buoni e leggi per le quali non potevano vivere. 26 Feci sì che si contaminassero nelle loro offerte facendo passare per il fuoco ogni loro primogenito, per atterrirli, perché riconoscessero che io sono il Signore. 27 Parla dunque agli Israeliti, figlio dell'uomo, e dì loro: Dice il Signore Dio: Ancora in questo mi offesero i vostri padri agendo con infedeltà verso di me:

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Will Iran attack Israel after US cancels strike?
if SAUDI ARABIA is opposed to destroying the Iranian potential then, this shows that: 1. the dispute between Iran and Rijad is false! indeed, that Rijad is in league with the Ayatollahs to ruin ISRAEL, and this becomes the real problem!
se la Arabia SAUDITA si oppone a distruggere il potenziale iraniano poi, questo dimostra che: 1. la lite tra Iran e Rijad è falsa! anzi, che Rijad è in combutta con gli Ayatollah per rovinare ISRAELE, e diventa questo il vero problema!

kitty • 4 years ago

If thousands years old Iran did that now, (and it never has in all Israel's brief existence) it knows that the US will follow behind while then Israel ducks out because Jews prefer to have others fight for them.. Even though, the US knows Russia and China will be on the other side. So...I just don't think any of it will happen. It's just distraction to cover what Israel's doing to the Palestinians. Last time Israel and US fought wars where someone fought back they lost.

Nichus Block • 4 years ago

It's between Chump and Iran, so don't try to make it about Israel.

Nichus Block • 4 years ago

Iran doesn't need this pretext, they will wait until they are ready. And as long as they're after Israel they will attack the Saudis and gulf states as well.

JewsOwntheLand • 4 years ago

I hope they do. Mayhaps the rapture will happen

kitty • 4 years ago

It's ALL about Israel. Iran is no threat whatsoever to US. Israel uses our military like toilet paper. But Trump keeps backing down. Zionists might choose some other attack dog, a real one, next election.