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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the goal of Islam is the annihilation of Christians! against this wickedness of Muhammad? I demand a chorus of protest!
Muslims kill 4 Christian children in the Catechism
Islamic attack on a Christian village. "In Syria, the Christian village of Al-Sekelbiya was hit by a terrorist attack yesterday. Jessica, Bashar, Angy, Suheir (age 6-10) and the catechist M'kashkash were killed during a catechism class. Six other children were injured ».
The rockets were fired from the nearby Idlib region, controlled by al-Qaeda's subsidiary, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

obiettivo dell'Islam è l'annientamento dei cristiani! contro questa malvagità di Maometto? io pretendo una voce corale di protesta!
Islamici uccidono 4 bimbi cristiani al Catechismo
Attacco islamico contro un villaggio cristiano. «In Siria il villaggio cristiano di Al-Sekelbiya ieri è stato colpito da un attacco terroristico. Jessica, Bashar, Angy, Suheir (età 6-10 anni) e la catechista M’kashkash sono stati trucidati durante una lezione di catechismo. Altri sei bambini sono stati feriti».
I razzi sono stati sparati dalla vicina regione Idlib, controllata dall’affiliata di al-Qaeda, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

Peter Cohen • 4 years ago

Allowing China to build the port in Haifa is absurd, reprehensible and dangerous.

Peter Cohen • 4 years ago

Israel should recognize Taiwan and not China, who can never be trusted. Bibi's enthusiasm for China is dangerous.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Fermare la psicopolizia antifascista: Salvini cancelli le leggi Scelba e Mancino

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the anti-fascist squads pursued and defamed: Bilderberg Democratic Party and ideological repression! Book Fair, Meluzzi "to the beautiful souls of idiot do-gooders: is Sharia anti-fascist?"
Monday, 13, May, 2019
But is Sharia anti-fascist? This year at the International Motor Show
Book the book agency of the Arab Emirates which has the name of the Law
Islamic. To the beautiful souls of politically correct and idiotic goodwill
remember that in Islam, changing religion is punished with death, which
adulterous women are punished with death or beheading and that
if you try to import a Bible they arrest you. And we here for
submission we put the red guide to those who buy us and there
invade. With my dear friend Diegofusaro at the Salone del Libro.

lo squadrismo antifascista perseguita e diffama: Partito democratico Bilderberg e repressione ideologica! Salone del Libro, Meluzzi “alle anime belle del buonismo ebete: la Sharia è antifascista?”
lunedì, 13, maggio, 2019 imolaoggi it/2019/05/13/salone-del-libro-meluzzi-alle-anime-belle-buonismo-ebete-la-sharia-e-antifascista/
Ma la Sharia è antifascista? Quest’anno al Salone Internazionale del
Libro l’agenzia dei libri degli EmiratiArabi che ha il nome della Legge
Islamica. Alla anime belle del politicallycorrect e del buonismo ebete
ricordiamo che nell’Islam cambiare religione è punito con la morte, che
le donne adultere vengono punite con la morte o la decapitazione e che
se provate ad importare una Bibbia vi arrestano. E noi qui per
sottomissione mettiamo la guida rossa a coloro che ci comprano e ci
invadono. Con il mio carissimo amico diegofusaro al Salone del Libro.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

recover a sentence from the history of facebook memory?
but not even Mussolini would have done this:
therefore they admit they are a justice and communist regime!
TREVISO, 15 MAY - The racist intervention on Facebook "incriminated" dates back to two years ago, but Vittorio Veneto's anti-fascist observatory has recovered it from the memory of the social network and today its author, a master of the Gaiarine elementary school ( Treviso, 37 years old, Tancredi Sforzin, announced his renunciation of candidacy for city councilor

recuperano una frase dalla memoria storia di facebook?
ma neanche Mussolini avrebbe fatto questo:
quindi ammettono loro di essere un regime giustizialista e comunista!
TREVISO, 15 MAG - L'intervento razzista su Facebook "incriminato" risale a due anni fa, ma l'Osservatorio antifascista di Vittorio Veneto lo ha recuperato dalla memoria del social network e oggi il suo autore, un maestro della scuola elementare di Gaiarine (Treviso) di 37 anni, Tancredi Sforzin, ha annunciato la sua rinuncia alla candidatura a consigliere comunale

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Iran-Erdogan said that the cameras have all identified them (his students and opponents) and that soon they will take care of them!
#TEHRAN, MAY 13 - Clashes at the University of Tehran, where groups of students had gathered to protest against the obligation of the Islamic veil (hijab) and other clothing restrictions in Iranian universities. Some protesters clashed with the Basij paramilitary forces of the Revolutionary Guards, which have religious police duties, which wanted to prevent the protest. Among the slogans shouted by the students, according to local media, "Down with the dictatorship", "Fundamentalists and reformists: history is ending" and "Students can die, but don't accept dishonor". In the last few years, anti-veil initiatives have spread in Iran. Among these, the groups known as 'The girls of Viale Enghelab', who took them off in public and then waved them on sticks like a flag,

Erdogan ha detto che le telecamere li hanno tutti identificati (i suoi studenti e oppositori)e che presto allah li curerà!


#TEHERAN, 13 MAG - Scontri all'università di Teheran, dove gruppi di studenti si erano riuniti per protestare contro l'obbligo del velo islamico (hijab) e altre restrizioni all'abbigliamento negli atenei iraniani. Alcuni manifestanti si sono scontrati con le forze paramilitari Basij delle Guardie della Rivoluzione, che hanno compiti di polizia religiosa, che volevano impedire la protesta. Tra gli slogan urlati dagli studenti, secondo i media locali, "Abbasso la dittatura", "Fondamentalisti e riformisti: la storia sta finendo" e "Gli studenti possono morire, ma non accettare il disonore". Negli ultimi anni si sono diffuse in Iran le iniziative contro l'obbligo del velo. Tra queste, i gruppi noti come 'Le ragazze di Viale Enghelab', che se lo sono tolte in pubblico sventolandolo poi su bastoni come una bandiera,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the wickedness of the ARAB ALLOY as a whole: sharia Islam: it must become a political response of the entire international community!
Syria: missiles on Christians, children intentionally killed!
The pontifical foundation reports it, a catechist also died
13 May 2019 "In Syria, the Christian village of Al-Sekelbiya yesterday was hit by a missile attack. Jessica, Bashar, Angy, Suheir (age 6-10) and the catechist M'kashkash were killed during a catechism class "Six more children were injured." The pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need reports this, adding that local agencies speak of "terrorist groups" action

la malvagità della LEGA ARABA nel suo insieme: islam coranico sharia: deve diventare una risposta politica di tutta la comunità internazionale!
Siria: missili su cristiani, uccisi bimbi intenzionalmente!
Lo riferisce fondazione pontificia, morta anche una catechista
13 maggio 2019 "In Siria il villaggio cristiano di Al-Sekelbiya ieri è stato colpito da un attacco missilistico. Jessica, Bashar, Angy, Suheir (età 6-10 anni) e la catechista M'kashkash sono stati trucidati durante una lezione di catechismo. Altri sei bambini sono stati feriti". Lo riferisce la fondazione pontificia Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre aggiungendo che agenzie locali parlano di azione di "gruppi terroristici"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

only the Democratic Party: Bilderberg Soros Rothschild ECB EU technocrats: with their witch hunt (slander of fascism the political opponents) only they can bring back fascism: and in fact they are already doing it: intentionally!
CasaPound student beaten by 5 red hooligans at the University
May 11, 2019 (Vox news
"Censorship and violence go hand in hand, they feed each other - underlines CasaPound - We are returning to the time of killing a fascist is not a crime ': the shameful and unjust cagnara mounted against CasaPound in recent weeks has raised the head to those who think they can attack and beat with impunity, fomenting a climate for years of lead ".
Forecast: sooner or later the dead will run away. Will be of CasaPound or Forza Nuova, or of the League. And the moral principals will be the usual bad teachers who have armed the madness of weak minds with their senseless hatred. The step between banning a book from being present at the Book Fair and killing its readers is very short. Recognized by a patch as a CasaPound sympathizer, a 20-year-old from
Terni was savagely attacked by a group of leftist students in front of
the Sapienza University of Rome. According to CPI in a note, the boy was
leaving the faculty of literature and philosophy, around 12.30am on
Friday, when he accidentally passed close to some leftist militants who
were distributing leaflets with the words "revolutionary offensive" just
outside the university gate. After a few meters, someone yelled at him
"b a s t a r d!" And attacked him from behind hitting him in the head.
At that point the 20-year-old fell to the ground: in a few moments, four
other students arrived and beat him savagely with kicks and punches for
a few minutes before moving away. The boy, who became medicated at the
hospital of Terni, was recognized seven days of prognosis with multiple
bruises and head trauma.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

left Pd: anti-fascist students: antagonists, anarchists: social centers are the violent: but: only: the rallies of Forza Nuova and Casa Paund, are forbidden by the rothschild Masonic judges: forbidden by the Police,
then, if there are real fascists in Italy? this topic has something grotesque!

sinistre: studenti antifascisti: antagonisti, anarchici: centri sociali sono i violenti: ma: soltanto: i comizi di Forza Nuova e Casa Paund, sono vietati dai giudici massoni rothschild: vietato dalla Questura,
se poi in Italia esistano veri fascisti? questo argomento ha del grottesco!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Trump sdogana Orban
it's THE TIME TO REBUILD the homeland: THAT THE MASSONI of the Pd HAVE RUINED us and robbed us!
The American president receives the anti-immigrant 'sovereignist' leader, the first Hungarian prime minister to visit the White House since 2005,

Trump sdogana Orban
Il presidente americano riceve il leader 'sovranista' anti immigrati, primo premier ungherese a visitare la Casa Bianca dal 2005,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ABSOLUTE PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITY] [Netanyahu by law against the Supreme Court:
answer. he certainly cannot: and must not: a Rothschild Freemason: to be able to undermine the governments OF THIS PLANET at his leisure!

IMMUNITà PARLAMENTARE ASSOLUTA ] [ Netanyahu per legge contro Corte Suprema:
answer. certo non può: e non deve: un giudice massone Rothschild: di poter insidiare i governi DI QUESTO PIANETA a suo piacimento!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my agenda: a real Jewish home for all Jews in the world! ] Israel: Lieberman (hawk) and Netanyahu (dove) divided:
answer. I respect the autonomy of politicians in Israel: why to know the situations well? you have to stay in it!
it is clear Netanjahu cultivates the widest possible consensus! because even if all Palestinians were deported to Syria, this would not be enough to set up a real Jewish home for all Jews!

Israele: Lieberman (falco) e Netanyahu(colomba) divisi:
answer. io rispetto la autonomia dei politici in Israele: perché per conoscere bene le situazioni? tu ci devi stare dentro!
è chiaro Netanjahu coltiva il più ampio consenso possibile! perché anche se tutti i palestinesi fossero deportati in Siria, questo non sarebbe sufficiente comunque ad impostare un vera casa ebraica per tutti gli ebrei!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

those of the Democratic Party are pathetic: they have not understood that the sharia has destroyed every possibility of integration in the whole world!
The 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, spoke of a "crisis of belonging in this country" for the LGBT community, women, immigrants, people of color, the disabled, and the need for "courageous and hopeful voices" for to unite the population in a moment of change.

quelli del partito democratico sono patetici: non hanno capito che la shariah ha distrutto ogni possibilità di integrazione in tutto il mondo!
Il 37enne sindaco di South Bend, in Indiana, ha parlato di una "crisi di appartenenza in questo paese" per la comunità Lgbt, donne, immigrati, persone di colore, disabili, e del bisogno di "voci coraggiose e piene di speranza" per unire la popolazione in un momento di cambiamento.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Donald #TRUMP] Hillary Clinton? don't trust is a fake foolish witch: with Imam Trudeau Obama? they are squalid and very low-level politicians who are advised by the priests of satan!

#Donald #TRUMP] Hillary Clinton? non ti fidare è una finta strega scema: con Imam Trudeau Obama? sono politici di squallido e infimo livello: che si fanno consigliare dai sacerdoti di satana!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

#Donald #TRUMP ] sure: you know: our demonic Owl: at bohemian Grove (cremation of cure) supernatural CIA 666 synagogue sodomitic cannibals lgbt: of: "the eye of lucifer on masonic pyramid (and his aliens abduction micro-chip): of our dear Rothschild FED FMI BCE BM NEW WORLD ORDER: maga-maghella: abra cadabra: pull the money from the cylinder from nothing!
OK, very good!
identically: there is a kabbalah (genocide for all infidels) Islamic: that is: there is a Masonic pyramid ISIS Erdogan Riad IRAN OCI sharia ummah which is the eye of lucifer Allah:
which is under the guidance: supernatural of an Imam: to RIAD: which is the same inspirer of the jihadist galaxy!
and how do we know it? so all the governments of the ARAB LEAGUE know it: and do all this terrorism against us!

TRUMP ] certo: tu conosci: il nostro demoniaco soprannaturale sinagoga CIA 666 i cannibali sodomitici lgbt: di: "l'occhio di lucifero su piramide massonica: del nostro Rothschild FED FMI BCE BM NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE: maga maghella: tira dal cilindro i soldi dal nulla!
ok, molto bene!
identicamente: esiste una kabbalah (genocidio per tutti gli infedeli) islamica: cioè: esiste una piramide massonica ISIS Erdogan Riad IRAN OCI sharia ummah che è occhio di lucifero Allah:
che è sotto la guida: soprannaturale di un Imam: a RIAD: che è lo stesso ispiratore della galassiah jihadista!
e come lo sappiamo noi? così tutti i governi della LEGA ARABA lo sanno!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" " Putin ha detto: "i cristiani? li potete friggere!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestations ] Prisoners by Country: 3 China 6 Eritrea 1 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
1 Pakistan 1 Tajikistan
View All Countries Released Prisoners
Global Response: Users of Prisoner Alert have sent encouraging letters to prisoners and petitioned officials at an amazing rate. 114,054
Government Officials Emailed 398,726
PrisonerAlert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. Find out more about VOM at [ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

persecution com/ ] christin martyr killed by: SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for sharing the gospel of Jesus To provide practical relief and spiritual support to the families of Christian martyrs.
To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to jesus of Betleem those who are opposed to the gospel in their part of the world.
To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.
To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to jesus and involvement in His Great Commission.[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if Israel: he is forced to wave his SLURTA miniskirt
in front of the green bull (demon Allah)
and in front of the red bull (the communist beast)
is it because the big brother eye lucifer beast: FED FMI NWO: satan Owl Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller?
they want to hurt to Israel!

se Israele: è costretto a sventolare la sua minigonna SLURTA
davanti al toro verde (demonio Allah)
e davanti al toro rosso ( la bestia comunista)
è perché il bestione: FED FMI NWO: satan Owl Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller?
loro voglio fare del male ad Israele!

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

It's infantile to dare the USA with ties to China at exactly this time. No need to elaborate. It is plain Chelem!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Communists and Muslims should always be looked at through the gun!
Kim Jong-un the God
he said that the US reproach on the violation of human rights that made the US is unfair:
in fact, Christians are never born in the land of Mohammed Erdogan

comunisti e mussulmani vanno sempre guardati attraverso il fucile!
Kim Jong-un il Dio
lui ha detto che il rimprovero USA sulla violazione dei diritti umani che hanno fatto gli USA è ingiusto:
infatti, non nascono mai cristiani nella terra di Maometto Erdogan

Albert Reingewirtz • 4 years ago

Crawl back into the sewage

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I know you're very angry against the executioner: Putin (gulag) Xi-Jinpig (lager) Kim Jong-un (laogai)
and that is: in your highest human values: you though you are a Jewish Dracula banking scam seigniorage: eye lucifer masonic RIVLIN: Talmud Rothschild worship the cannibals OWL (for happy goyims slaves) you want to defend innocent Christian martyrs: anyway !!!
but then? there is no need to be so vulgar: against the communists!

lo so che sei molto arrabbiato contro il boia: Putin (gulag) Xi-Jinpig (lager ) Kim Jong-un (laogai)
e che nei tuoi più alti valori umani: tu benché, tu sei un Talmud ebreo Rothschild culto i cannibali OWL (per schiavi goyims felici) tu vuoi difendere i martiri cristiani innocenti: in ogni modo!!!
ma, poi? non è il caso di essere così volgare: contro i comunisti!