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Martin Brown • 3 years ago

Illness, both mental, physical, religion and financial greed will destroy human life on this planet. We are a self destructive life form. All ways have been. Now we have the technology to do it faster.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

I agree - the Orks can live underground if they wish.

Madeleine Donaldson • 3 years ago

Typical anti God believing elitists, by that I mean people who have acquired money, plenty money by money laundering, manipulating currencies, quid pro quo, stealing and other means, after destroying our, Would think they can escape and be young for ever on babies aborted blood (Andrechrome). They dont honour or fear God, only the golden calf. Wish they would all get in the sunless bunkers now and leave us alone (Make sure you take Bill gates and his evil viruses and vaccines with him

ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

The notions of underground archology and "bomb shelters" have been around in science fiction for at least 70 years. Similarly, science fiction has long envisioned communities living in self-contained "spaceship" environments indefinitely. So this notion of a "survival condo" is nothing new, though perhaps a luxury community bomb shelter in a former missile silo is a bit novel. However, it seems to me that the focus on a threat from nuclear weapons is neglecting the fact that the very existence of a spare decommissioned missile silo, in which such a community could be built, shows that the number of such weapons has been reduced. The focus on luxury in sheltered underground housing is a better advertisement for the re-purposing of such decommissioned structures. Moreover, the above video failed to highlight the environmental benefits that derive from the natural insulation of the earth and a constant exterior temperature that reduces to a very low level the need for artificial energy-demanding temperature control. It is also an ideal environment to employ local geothermal power rather than either fossil or nuclear fuels. The video did mention, however, a feature worth noting, which was a construction technique that would guard the overall structure against damage from shock. This would be protection against earthquakes just as surely as against the nuclear blast that the video cited as the threat in view when these silos were built. There are, of course, many other infrastructure and logistical details that the video did not address in its overview of the general notion of such a self-contained and sheltered community and its high living standard.

Such earth-sheltered communities as these would not likely be comfortable to everyone, but those who do enjoy them could demonstrate the benefits of self-sufficient communities for more general application to above-ground communities that could be equally self-sufficient, reducing energy use for transportation of foods and waste disposal, and making better use of local energy production from solar collectors. Such local self-sufficiency would then allow highway, pipeline and electrical grid interconnections to be tailored for greater efficiency in the commercial sharing or trading of resources, as well as for inter-communal socialization.

ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

One additional consideration that I would like to add to my thoughts above about "many other infrastructure and logistical details that the video did not address in its overview of the general notion of such a self-contained and sheltered community and its [intentionally] high living standard" is about something which has been encountered more recently than when this video was prepared. In the event of major disruptions such as the current viral pandemic and its aftermath, localized self-sufficient communities of this sort tend to provide natural isolation in an economic structure that is less dependent upon mass commercial gatherings which increase public susceptibility to spreading infection. It would likely also offer greater control over the inspection of delivered incoming supplies and visitors, to detect and interdict the intrusion of infection. Its centralized environmental controls might even support extraordinary measures to purify recirculated air from biological or other contaminants. The video also did not address, of course, the details of distributed local environmental controls which might be able to isolate dwellings within the overall community structure. So this sort of community design demonstrates a degree of protection against several kinds of disaster, including earthquake, tornado, nuclear blast, and potentially also against chemical or biological intrusions, and certainly from external rioting. Whether it could also provide protection from flooding would be yet another consideration, but not an unlikely one. Protection against loneliness and boredom due to isolation is another matter, which leads to the interaction with other communities that I cited in my previous response.

Guest • 3 years ago
Grace Joy • 3 years ago

Twilight Zone's "Time Enough at Last:" youtube.com/watch?v=e4R4jyt...

There was also "Beneath the Planet of the Apes," where mutant survivors lived underground & worshipped the bomb youtube.com/watch?v=Y2BF20f....

I imagine the wealthy would have a better setup than these others; but even so, I agree with you, I wouldn't want to live like that.

Guest • 3 years ago
Grace Joy • 3 years ago

Yes, well, Islam does all sorts of things to honor Satan. I am so grateful G d sent His Son for those of us who would repent & be saved..

ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

Burgess Meredith was all alone, which, for a naturally social animal, such as humans are by design, would not be comfortable for any extended period. Even his love of reading was denied him when his glasses broke. His existence was awful because it was not balanced to accommodate his needs. However, setting aside "The Twilight Zone" story, this article really didn't do justice to the notion of self-sufficient earth-sheltered community living, because of its focus on "doomsday" as envisioned by the builders of the original missile silos. Even its focus on "the super-rich" is misleading, simply because the costs to build an entire community and suitable public facilities from scratch are very high and the builders couldn't figure out any other way to fund it except to appeal to individuals who possess such funds.

Guest • 3 years ago
LeahLG • 3 years ago

Seriously? So you're a Christian Talmudic Scholar? Yeah, where do you study it? Have you read all of it?

ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

You seem awfully upset about the Talmud, NB. It would seem that you don't understand its purpose or how it is supposed to work. Like any literature of sufficient bulk, it can be misused and misrepresented; and certainly that has been done often enough during the past 12 or 13 centuries. But that doesn't invalidate it, any more than misuse of the Tenach or the apostolic writings invalidates them.

But just on the off chance that you might consider an explanation, consider that Talmud does not claim for itself any revelatory status, but only a purpose that illustrates a wide range of very human discussions on many subjects. It reflects indirectly some of the worst conflicts in history that have afflicted Jews, because it is a Jewish-centric literature. Your mistake is to take too seriously some of its folkloric aspects, because they, too, have been misused. It generally is not a source of texts to prove something; and even the Tenach is sometimes misused in this way. It is a literature, however, from which much can be learned -- and *that*, my friend, is its purpose.

Guest • 3 years ago
ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

Whence do you derive the false notion that Talmud replaces anything, NB? You complain about the fact that it includes, in its vast body of discussions, citations of folklore that arose out of antagonism to those who atrociously misused their religious views as an excuse to invalidate Judaism and to persecute Jews. It is not a lie that such stories existed and were repeated and circulated. The apostolic writings about haRav Yeshua ben-Yosef also cite a folkloric falsehood about his body having been stolen and hidden by his disciples, circulated by folks who couldn't accept that HaShem resurrected him. Those were probably Sadducees, by the way, because such an event would contradict their disbelief in the Pharisees' recognition that resurrection is promised in the Tenach. Nonetheless, I doubt that you would complain that such a story is cited in the apostolic writings. Talmudic citations of such stories needn't be deemed any more of an "atrocity" than that. In fact, an entire collection of such stories in a work called "Toldot Yeshu" need not be deemed anything more than just such a polemical fiction. One need not get all bent out of shape just because people write such antagonistic nonsense. One can protest, of course, if anyone tries to take it seriously, or out of its proper historical or polemical context. One can certainly refute the falsehoods of such stories on a historical basis, decry their antagonism, and analyze them "six ways from Sunday" (old idiomatic expression). But one should not exaggerate such material out of proportion to its nature or treat it as if it had any validity. So you shouldn't upset yourself about Talmudic citations of material that can be similarly analyzed. You're certainly welcome to expatiate on what is historically accurate and what is false or merely folkloric. You can even infer that some of the contributors to the Talmudic compilation may have had their own axes to grind. That is certainly true about human nature in general. But you shouldn't demonize an entire vast literary work just because it contains material with which you disagree, nor demonize the people who contributed to it or who compiled it. Just refute what should be refuted, and be ready always to defend what is true, and right, and worthy of good report (as Kefa recommended in 1Pet.3:15 and Rav Shaul described in Phil.4:11).

Grace Joy • 3 years ago

I don't understand your choice of verses, maybe a typo:

1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Chr st as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

Philippians 4:11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Thanks for "Toldot Yeshu," PL. It must be the "understanding" with which a poster here wanted me to agree. When I didn't agree, he was greatly offended that I didn't accept his opinion.

ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

Please accept my apology for a misleading typo, Grace. I meant to reference verse 8, not verse 11, which says: "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." I meant this verse as an amplification of the concept excerpted from 1Pet.3:15 -- "... always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you ...".

Grace Joy • 3 years ago

No apologies necessary, PL, I wondered if you'd meant verse 8, but I didn't want to presume. I make typos all the time (why there's often "edited" next to the post).

I understand your connection, but I respectfully point out that "whatever is True," etc., isn't a book that includes Toldot Yeshu, it's Colossians 3:2 "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." And "hope that is in you / that you have" references our salvation through G d's love, grace, and mercy in sending His Son to wicked sinners like ourselves.

1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the G d and Father of our Lord Jesus Chr st! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Chr st from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by G d’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

Guest • 3 years ago
ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

Let's be accurate, NB. Your "claim of contradiction" was levied against the entire corpus of Talmudic or rabbinic literature rather than against specific material contained therein. As such, your claim is severely inaccurate, as are your notions of replacement and of an either-or antagonistic approach to literatures that you deem man-made or divinely-inspired.

Your reference to material that could be freely available in a children's section of a local library is also falsely demeaning and an egregious failure to recognize that there are good reasons why polemical material should be safeguarded by mature minds rather than disseminated to children who will respond to it wrongheadedly or emotionally.

As for intellectual honesty, surely you recognize the challenge of developing mature minds, as well as that of interacting with them and with material that requires their skills to handle it properly.

Guest • 3 years ago
ProclaimLiberty • 3 years ago

Neither of us can change what was written many centuries ago, NB. What we *can* do is learn from it. What can we learn? We can find out why it was written and try to ensure that the conditions which produced it never recur. We can try to ensure that no one misuses it for enmity or antagonism. We can show what is true and what is false. You miss the whole point when you focus on "contradiction". That's just superficial and obvious. What matters is what we do about it. Broad-brush dismissal and enmity is not a solution. It merely prolongs the duration of an historical error (actually, a bunch of 'em).

Do you yet begin to understand, even in the smallest degree?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

the Talmud is the idol of jealousy, and from it was born, both the Koran and the Bible of Satan.
with your religious syncretism you only feed your hypocrisy and your wickedness!

il Talmud è l'idolo della gelosia, e da esso è nato, sia il corano, che la Bibbia di Satana.
con il tuo sincretismo religioso alimenti soltanto la tua ipocrisia e la tua malvagità!

LeahLG • 3 years ago

Shades of Logan's Run!!

Grace Joy • 3 years ago

Thanks, Leah, I never watched Logan's Run. Here it is for any who are interested: archive.org/details/LogansR...

Unfortunately, many SciFi "fiction" stories seem prescient: Remember Soylent Green? "Swedish Behavioral Scientist Introduces Eating Human Flesh At Food Conference As Emergency Measure For Climate Change. Easier sells ... include pets and insects, but human flesh was the central topic ... the term 'mannisko-kotts branschen' is introduced ... 'the human flesh industry.' ... 'Are we humans too selfish to live sustainably?' ... Is cannibalism the solution to food sustainability in the future?... Can consumers be tricked into making the right decisions?" theepochtimes.com/swedish-r...

LeahLG • 3 years ago

Good gawd, yes! I remember that movie! Very creepy.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

ISIS oil islamic satanist and assassin sharia jihad genocide Erdogan visits Hagia Sophia, the frescoes will be covered during prayers -le-prayer /
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is braving the sky!

islamico satanista e assassino sharia jihad genocidio Erdogan visita Santa Sofia, gli affreschi saranno coperti durante le preghiere https://it sputniknews com/mondo/202007199326140-erdogan-visita-santa-sofia-gli-affreschi-saranno-coperti-durante-le-preghiere/
Il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan sta sfidando il cielo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

i am jewish MESSIA King Israel
all resistance is futile
there are no safe fallout shelters!
even mice die in their burrow traps

Hadassah Miriam Gold • 3 years ago

You forgot to take your meds.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Ringo star 666 CIA troll lgbtq? is your friend
you will quickly go to hell!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

https://twitter com/i/status/1284816290117562368
here are the witches of Planned Parenthood

Aquí están las brujas de Planned Parenthood

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

https://disqus com/by/hadassahmiriamgold/

shame and contempt for you: criminal
vergogna e disprezzo su di te: criminale

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

why do you insult a stranger without offering a reason
you may not arrive alive in your nuclear refuge:
or you could die inside, being forced to
eat your children's meat ..
a minister of God is not insulted
with impunity!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

why do you insult a stranger without offering a reason
this your reaction?
it is senseless and dangerous
because you don't know and you don't believe
about, who am I!