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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

sam i am 666 said: Du drayt zich arum vie a fortz in rusel. Es kak, shtarb un gei in drerd...
Du grüßt mich dein MERKEL
Bald werdet ihr beide vor meinen Hof fallen!
you greet me your MERKEL
soon you will both fall before my court!
tu me saludas tu MERKEL
¡Pronto ambos caerán ante mi corte!
tu salutami la tua MERKEL
presto cadrete entrambi, davanti al mio tribunale!

Riva Shpak • 4 years ago

Goot araingezogt! Bravo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

what he says: your father Satan the cannibal?
is he happy with my job?

Mahmoud El-Yousseph • 4 years ago

Anyone her wonder why there are many US citizens are currently serving in the IOF. By federal law, any American who officially served a foreign country had to renounce her or his U.S. citizenship. Crime Minister Naziyahu has been an American citizen twice and has twice renounced his citizenship. When you serve in a foreign armed forces instead of your own, you are not only a traitor, but also a mercenary.

Conservative American • 4 years ago

That would certainly depend on the make up of the next elected Government of Israel. We will wait and see.
No matter what, remember, the future is in Hashem's hands, not ours!

Lloyd Dale • 4 years ago

God has a name, and no matter why you don't want to tell everyone what it is, he still has a name. No one has said that he should not say it anywhere in scripture. You and all the many folks who are so afraid of saying the great and wonderful name of God are doing yourself and others the diservice you so object to. In english his name is Jesus.

Conservative American • 4 years ago

That's your G-d, not mine. Feel free to worship who you wish. If you'd like to have a Theological Discussion...I've been studying Torah for thirty some years. What's your claim to Theological Superiority and Omniscience.
If you worship Jesus, that's fine...leave your beliefs to you. Jesus is not my G-d.

TUC • 4 years ago

No - His name is GOD, the one that gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN ] of internet or writing words?
of my physical body?
this doesn't matter to me!
Islamic sharia and their 666 FED FMI NWO ECB Masonic Satanists OTAN (Organizzazione del Trattato dell'Atlantico del Nord) OCI UN?
they go crazy because they can't understand my mystery!

di internet o di scrivere parole?
del mio corpo fisico?
questo per me non ha nessuna importanza!
islamici sharia e loro 666 FED FMI NWO BCE massoni-satanisti?
loro impazziscono perché non riescono a comprendere il mio mistero!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

signoraggio-spa 666 blogspot / President RIVLIN [how to remove the filters (lead cap) from my 120 blogspot and other sites? I wouldn't know how to do it!
draft blogger
President RIVLIN [ come togliere i filtri (cappa di piombo) dai miei 120 blogspot e altri siti? io non saprei come fare!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN [ what's wrong with your accomplices? here in the social networks? the first amendment has disappeared]my youtube com /user/noahNephillim/discussion
where do I publish all my comments?
he did return to me only 60% I write from other accounts

il mio youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
dove pubblico tutti i miei commenti?
non mi restituise che 60% che scrivo da altri account

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN [ what's wrong with your accomplices? here in the social networks? the first amendment has disappeared] facebook com / shalom (.) Jerusalem] channel: Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus [You have been temporarily prevented from using this feature because you shared unauthorized content on Facebook.
Your request could not be processed (this form was also blocked)
Your request could not be processed. Try later.
Facebook blocks: "I said I hate Jews, but I love Israelis!" but, your FB nonsense? they have no meaning for you!

President RIVLIN [ che cosa c'é di sbagliato con i tuoi complici? quì nei socialnetwork? è sparito il primo emendamento ] facebook com/shalom(.)Gerusalemme ] channel: Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus [ Ti è stato impedito temporaneamente di usare questa funzione perché hai condiviso un contenuto non consentito su Facebook.
Impossibile elaborare la tua richiesta (anche questo modulo fu bloccato)
Non è stato possibile elaborare la tua richiesta. Riprova più tardi.
Blocchi di Facebook: "io ho detto che odio gli ebrei, ma che amo gli israeliani!" ma, le tue FB assurdità? non hanno un significato per te!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN ] here there is a certain "Luca Settembrino" of secret agent who appeared to me and disappeared on this page
quì c'é un certo "Luca Settembrino" di agente segreto che mi è comparso e scomparso su questa pagina

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President RIVLIN] I yesterday from your Democratic Party: FED NWO FMI NWO Owl Baal Peor Bilderberg sharia: I have been deprived of my 4 twitter channels simultaneously:
@uniusrei @uniusrei1 @uniusrei2 @uniusrei3.
unfailing, through the sports use of transsexuals I have demonstrated scientifically: the absolute satanism of GENDER Darwin's philosophy #sessoFluido

Presidente RIVLIN ] io ieri dal tuo Partito Democratico: FED NWO FMI NWO Owl Baal Peor Bilderberg sharia: io sono stato privato contemporaneamente dei miei 4 canali twitter:
@uniusrei @uniusrei1 @uniusrei2 @uniusrei3.
infaatti, attraverso l'uso sportivo dei transessuali io ho dimostrato scientificamente: l'assoluto satanismo della tosofia del GENDER Darwin #sessoFluido

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Democracy has no hope of surviving ISLAM sharia,
that's why in NATO CIA NWO Bilderberg, they decided to militarize us and turn us into a police state!

la Democrazia non ha nessuna speranza di poter sopravvivere a ISLAM,
ecco perché nella NATO CIA NWO Bilderberg, loro hanno deciso di militarizzarci e di trasformarci in uno stato di polizia!
One of the favourite tactics of the far-left in the West today is to carry out hit-jobs by utilising the tool of 'adjacency.' This is the new only slightly fancy term for what has usually been known as 'guilt by association'. However, while UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn is endlessly pictured with Islamist extremists or a whole range of anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers, his proximity to the worst people is never evidence of 'adjacency': merely of saintliness at best, and bad luck at worst.
now they can apparently be held responsible for the views of anyone beside whom they once stood.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if democracy (from the Soros Democratic rothschild-Bilderberg party) gives Muslims the right to vote, it is only because they have decided to commit suicide!
The New Smear Machine: Guilt by Association
by Douglas Murray • May 30, 2019
During the speeches one of the representatives from 'Jewish Voice for Labour' (a shell organisation set up to defend Jeremy Corbyn from accusations of anti-Semitism) claimed that Jews are 'in the gutter'.

se la democrazia (del partito Soros Democratico Bilderberg) da ai mussulmani il diritto di voto, è solo perché ha deciso di suicidarsi!
The New Smear Machine: Guilt by Association
di Douglas Murray • 30 maggio 2019
Durante i discorsi uno dei rappresentanti di "Jewish Voice for Labour" (un'organizzazione della shell istituita per difendere Jeremy Corbyn dalle accuse di antisemitismo) ha affermato che gli ebrei sono "nella fogna".

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Islam can only be burned by the wrath of God!
Islam può soltanto essere bruciato dall'ira di Dio!
Until now, due to the 1999 Leahy Law, the "State Department and Defense Department are barred from providing military assistance to countries with a history of human rights violations." Algeria has an extremely poor record in this realm.

TUC • 4 years ago

You're weird.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

everything is possible with God!