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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

if the Chinese also disappoint me: then, it seems that there are few people who can survive in this human race
there is no conflict between the Christian and liberal communist society, if this conflict exists it is because there is evil that must be removed in the communist party: and on this principle I will begin to be intransigent!
CHINA falls from stupidity to lies! the Chinese authorities believe that the CROCI prevent the view and that closing the Churches is essential to clean up the city from crime and to eliminate evil!
then it is the Chinese Communist Party which claims to be both evil and crime!
This compromises my look of benevolence that I have always had in favor of the Chinese Government!
the Chinese authorities close churches and demolish the crosses: and this is not the most serious thing ....
the Chinese communist party believes that Christians can never become good communist patriots: and obviously this ideological crime by the CCP must immediately be corrected
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

se mi deludono anche i cinesi: poi, sembra che di questo genere umano sono pochi quelli che potranno sopravvivere
non esiste nessun conflitto tra il cristiano e la società comunista liberale, se questo conflitto esiste è perché c'é del male che deve essere rimosso nel partito comunista: e su questo principio inizierò ad essere intransigente!
la CINA cade dalla stupidità alla menzogna! le autorità cinesi ritengono che le CROCI impediscano la visuale e che chiudere le Chiese è indispensabile per ripulire le città dalla criminalità e per eliminare il male!
allora è il Partito Comunista cinese che dichiara di essere sia il male che la criminalità!
Questo compromette il mio sguardo di benevolenza che ho sempre avuto in favore del Governo Cinese!
le autorità cinesi chiudono chiese ed abbattono le croci: e non è questa la cosa più grave....
il partito comunista cinese ritiene che i cristiani non possano mai diventare dei bravi patrioti comunisti: ed ovviamente questo delitto ideologico dal PCC deve subito essere corretto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the "mornig star" newspaper reports:
in Uganda, a 20-year-old ASUMAN KAIRE Muslim who converted to Christianity was driven from his home by his stepfather and escaped miraculously over and over again!
Muslims surrounded the CHURCH in a threatening way and wanted to kill everyone as they cried out as demons, "Allah Akbar"
Satanists and criminals all over the world think that Christians are criminals!
but this can all be judged by faith in Jesus, which cancels offenses and crimes and strengthens loyalty to the State!
the antichrist everywhere hates truth and freedom! lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Islam Sharonia Demoniaco Erdogan Jihad Forces Us To Militarize Society: Saying Goodbye To All: Democratic And Civil Rights, Closing LGBT And Prostitution, etc ... the British are already walking on the edge of the knife!
Will Denmark become like Sweden? by Judith Bergman • 10 September 2019
Not only is Sweden exporting its bombings to Denmark. The group crime, with its shootings and murders, also crossed the border. Denmark is still relatively far from having reached the kind of criminal epidemic that is plaguing Sweden. However, given the proximity of the two countries, the open borders and the apparent free flow of criminals across the borders - not to mention the level of crime in Denmark - it seems that the situation in Denmark is not able to escape control and become more and more like Sweden. road and rail link between Denmark and Sweden. Denmark has suffered 10 bombings since February.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Islam Sharonia Demoniaco Erdogan Jihad zwingt uns, die Gesellschaft zu militarisieren: Abschied von allen: demokratische und bürgerliche Rechte, Schließung von LGBT und Prostitution, etc ... die Briten laufen bereits auf der Messerkante!
Wird Dänemark wie Schweden? von Judith Bergman • 10. September 2019
Schweden exportiert nicht nur seine Bomben nach Dänemark. Das Gruppenverbrechen mit seinen Schießereien und Morden überschritt ebenfalls die Grenze. Dänemark ist noch relativ weit von einer kriminellen Epidemie in Schweden entfernt. Angesichts der Nähe der beiden Länder, der offenen Grenzen und der offenkundigen grenzüberschreitenden Kriminalitätsfreiheit - ganz zu schweigen vom Ausmaß der Kriminalität in Dänemark - scheint die Situation in Dänemark jedoch nicht in der Lage zu sein, sich der Kontrolle zu entziehen und sich zu verschärfen wie Schweden. Straßen- und Schienenverbindung zwischen Dänemark und Schweden. Dänemark hat seit Februar 10 Bombenanschläge erlitten. Das letzte fand am 27. August in einem Wohnkomplex in der Nähe von Kopenhagen, Gersager, in der Region Greve, statt. Niemand wurde verletzt, aber das Gebäude wurde schwer beschädigt. In diesem Jahr wurden in der schwedischen Stadt Malmö 19 Bombenangriffe verübt. In einem Leitartikel der dänischen Zeitung Berlingske Tidende vom 16. August heißt es: "Niemand will schwedische Bedingungen, unter denen die Schießereien und Bombenanschläge ein extremes Ausmaß erreicht haben. Zusätzlich zu den Konflikten in der Bandenumgebung gab es Bombenanschläge auf Polizeistationen und Gerichte , ein Rathaus und die schwedische Steuerbehörde in Malmö in den letzten Jahren. "Lesen Sie den Artikel weiter

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

RIVLIN President PM Netanjahu ]
[ missing: 17 days to destroy IRAN with atomic weapons
Il presidente PM RIVLIN Netanjahu] [disperso: 17 giorni per distruggere l'IRAN con armi atomiche
Presidente de RIVLIN, Primer Ministro Netanjahu] [desaparecido: 17 días para destruir IRÁN con armas atómicas
RIVLIN-Präsident PM Netanjahu] [Vermisst: 17 Tage, um den IRAN mit Atomwaffen zu zerstören

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Abraham Hazan if you had to face a history exam? you would have been rejected!
Paul of Tarsus was a Pharisee who: is precisely like a Jew with a mandate from the supreme Sanhedrin who persecuted Christians: also to have them put to death.
Therefore: after the stoning of Stephen and the death of Apostle James always at the hands of Jews: be start the terrible Jewish persecutions of Jerusalem began: and all the Christians had to flee .. in fact John and the Mother of the Lord Jesus went to live in Ephesus!
for you "jesus J.C. was a Jew and gave a Jew at the hands of the Romans?" really? but it was the Romans who did everything to save HIM: while the Jews (alias: the clientele of the High Priests) shouted to Pilate: "his blood falls on us and on our children!"
God would never have wanted a struggle between Muslim and Christian Jews: the Synagogue and the Imams have imposed all this wickedness and satanism: of which, for the shareholders of the CENTRAL BANK AGENCIES (always the usual shareholders) having stolen monetary sovereignty is a clear specular example: of the wickedness cynicism and injustice of our institutions!

Abraham Hazan se, tu dovevi affrontare un esame di storia? tu saresti stato bocciato!
Paolo di Tarso era un fariseo che: è proprio come ebreo con mandato del sommo Sinedrio che perseguitava i cristiani: anche per farli mettere a morte.
Quindi: dopo la lapidazione di Stefano e la morte di Apostolo Giacomo sempre per mano di ebrei: iniziarono le terribili persecuzioni ebraiche di Gerusalemme: e tutti i cristiani dovettero fuggire .. infatti Giovanni e la Madre del Signore Gesù andarono a vivere ad Efeso!
for you "jesus J.C. was a Jew and died a Jew at the hands of the Romans?" really? ma proprio i romani fecero di tutto per salvarlo: mentre il popolo dei giudei (alias: le clientele dei Sommi Sacerdoti) gridava a Pilato: "il suo sangue ricada su di noi e sui nostri figli!"
Dio non avrebbe mai voluto una lotta tra ebrei musulmani e cristiani: la Sinagoga e gli Imam hanno imposto tutta questa malvagità e satanismo: di cui, per gli azionisti delle SpA BANCHE CENTRALI (sempre i soliti azionisti) avere rubato la sovranità monetaria è un chiaro esempio speculare: della malvagità cinismo e ingiustizia delle nostre istituzioni!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

that of the ARAB LEAGUE is a single conspiracy not only against Israel but also against the whole human race!
quella della LEGA ARABA è una sola congiura non solo contro Israele ma anche contro tutto il genere umano!
1. Islam are supernatural dogmatic demons: this of the ARABI LEAGUE OCI is an esoteric infestation and cannot be won economically.
2. mine would be a conspiracy thesis if the SAUDI ARABIA had not always opposed to carry out a war against IRAN, or it had not always opposed to the overflight of its territory from the Israeli fighters: for to hit the Iranian nuclear!
we see that Riyadh has nothing to fear from Iran's nuclear bombs!
1. Islam sono demoni dogmatici soprannaturali: questa della LEGA ARABA è una infestazione esoterica e non può essere vinta economicamente.
2. la mia sarebbe una tesi cospirativa se la ARABIA SAUDITA non si fosse sempre opposta a realizzare una guerra contro IRAN, o non si fosse sempre opposta al sorvolo del suo territorio da parte dei caccia israeliani: per colpire il nucleare iraniano!
si vede che Riyad non ha nulla da temere dalle bombe nucleari iraniane!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

but who is that traitor of the Italian people Roberto FICO: scam government LEU M5T LGBT PD? it was me who had to ask it !!
the same story as Boris Johnson
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to which Parliament has denied the elections,
but denying the elections: this is a subversive act is a Golpe:
this is why Rothschild Freemasonry must be criminalized all over the world: certainly in Italy, France and England and in the EU: power belongs to the Rothschilds and not to the people!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

my son did not pass the public law exam in Bari: Faculty of Commerce Economics:
for me the most serious fact:
it is because he can choose to study the exam by freely choosing several different manuals:
(this is already an element of disruption for the evaluation of the exam itself: in fact, how to study all the manuals?)
about the FIRST question on Parliament is its composition? his answer was precise.
but, he could not answer about who he was
1. Roberto FICO (question of topicality and general culture) certainly not question of the program;
and about how it was composed
2. Council of the Parliament. in this way the evaluation of a remarkable program was exhausted in a negative way!