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ewljr • 5 years ago

AIPAC & AIC sound like the pot calling the kettle black. It sounds like the author of the opinion, Noah Seigel, may be the terrorist instead of those he labelled... Working in the State Department (Hillary/Kerry) during the Obama cabal indicates he is a RABID left-wing globalist terrorist seeking to destroy the government of both the United States AND Israel...

"I know this because I made the case for his ban. In 2009, I was a U.S. Foreign Service officer in Tel Aviv fulfilling a tour in consular services. One of my duties was serving on the “Visas Viper” committee, an interagency working group at the embassy that evaluated individual cases in the country for potential threats to U.S. citizens. The committee consisted of field officers from the major intelligence agencies, including the State and Defense departments, CIA and FBI. With a majority of agency field officers in support at post, the committee generated requests to State Department headquarters. In concert with the other major agencies, Washington would respond with a security advisory opinion — a sort of no-fly list for visas."

Diana Boxall • 5 years ago

People tend to think that this conflict between Jews and Muslims is recent. It isnt. In the early 20th century there was a major outbreak of violence (again!) between these two parties and Balfour had to step in to try and ease the situation. Basically the Arabs were totally opposed to the creation of a Jewish state. I have recently read a completely apolitical and even handed history of Jerusalem, starting from 3000 years ago to the present day. The Temple mount has been a contentious issue not only between Islam and Judaism but also Christianity almost since it was first established. The situation should be left to the parties concerned - i.e Isreali Jews and Muslims and also Jordan who is responsible for the integrity of the site. I will probably annoy a lot of people here, but one thing that does need to be thought about is that most of the Palestinians are native to the area, but a great many Jews and Christians are fairly recent immigrants that are still coming in. And to be fair, it doesn't matter what you believe about the God given right to the land, how many of us would give up land that had been in our families for centuries just because a group of foreigners said God had promised it to them? It is also interesting that some European Jews are not directly descended from the original Jews who left during the diaspora. There is a book called the Thirteenth Tribe which gives a very interesting history of one branch of European Jews. The situation is not being handled well with many Palestinians being treated by the IDF in a similar manner to the way many European Jews were treated, and no one will ever convince me that this is the right way for people to be treated. If they have no hope, then they will - as the Jews eventually did - turn to what they feel is their only option - insurrection and violence. Remember the Irgun and the bombing the the King David Hotel? The Americans - and particulary Trump have interfered in this area for far too long. Hard as it may be, in the end the parties must try and sort it out for themselves.

Isahiah62 • 5 years ago

USA Democrats JEWS need to BUTT OUT of Israel elections. They understand nothing about living in Israel and surrounded by and fully infiltrated by muslims.

KAHANE WAS RIGHT- and instead of calling him a "racist" & "criminal" (like they do to Trump), if Israel had only done the separation, many, many, many, lives could have been saved.. Imagine and Israel with fewer daily stabbings, no bulldozers trucks or cars intentionally mowing down pedestrians? less 'workplace violence" , fewer bombs in pizza shops, a country where Jews can pray at their own holy place without muslims sitting atop them throwing rocks or being arrested by other Jews?? Where Jordan, 77% was enough and not Gaza now a rocket launching terror state on the border, a place Jews ethnic cleansed other Jews from?

Steve Allen • 5 years ago

It is disgusting to see an American organization, AIPAC, take sides on the Israeali political scene . How many AIPAC people have family living in Israel? Why cannot they realize that interfering in the internal affairs of another nation, especially Israel, should never be done? It is the Israelis who defend Israel with their lives, send their sons/daughters to the front line facing terrorist regimes. And it is Israelis who are killed indisciminately by terrorists on the streets of Israel. NO AMERICAN ORGANIZATION SHOULD HAVE ANYTHING TO SEE ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL BUT SHOULD SUPPORT ANY GOVERNMENT ELECTED BY THE iSRAELIS. If these AIPAC people (an I heard, also ADL) really want to influence the gov. of Israel, then MOVE to Israel and be part of the political scene there.

lesrun5k • 5 years ago

Well said ,AIPAC needs to support Israel / Jews but not try to influence outcome of the elections.

henri lewkowicz • 5 years ago

so you can turn Israel into a Theocracy .....very close to Fascism which would be contrary to the will of Israel FOUNDING fathers , which were all SOCIAUX DEMOCRATS . IN WHICH case Israel woud loose sa reason d etre ......P S
WITHOUT the support of American JEWS , I SRAEL WILL NOT LAST ....

Mike • 5 years ago

Labor Zionists were certainly the largest factional group, but there were also General Zionists, Religious Zionists and non-zionists (e.g. Agudat Israel who supported a Jewish state but did not want to affiliate with any zionist executive), none of whom could be accurately called social democrats.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Antonio Tajani: "but how will the Government solve the economic chasm?" ANSWER. simple! you must print the SIMEC as a national currency for internal service! this is why the M5S were born and find their genetic purpose: or they will end bad: like Democratic Party!

Antonio Tajani: " ma, come farà il Governo a risolvere la voragine economica?" ANSWER. semplice! deve stampare il SIMEC come moneta a tiratura nazionale di servizio interno! per questo i M5S sono nati e trovano il loro scopo genetico: oppure faranno la fine del Pd!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin Salman] [if I blame Putin and Erdogan? I do not slap all the Russians, and / or all the Turks: because all the peoples are mine!

Bin Salman ] [ se io do una sberla a Putin e a Erdogan? io non do una sberla a tutti i russi, e/o a tutti i turchi: perché tutti i popoli sono miei!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Cardinal Marx accuses the Vatican, destroyed dossiers on pedophile priests] Pope FRANCESCO is in tragic error: the greatest sin is not ped0philia: but, it is apostasy: to have castrated priests: to betray the first 1000 years of Church's history .

cardinale Marx accusa il Vaticano, distrutti dossier su preti pedofili ] Papa FRANCESCO è in tragico errore: il più grande peccato non è la ped0filia: ma, è la apostasia: di avere castrato i preti: per tradire i primi 1000 anni di storia della Chiesa.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Nigerian mafia wants to kill the policeman of Salvini in Macerata. The complaint Storace in a complaint article in which he launches an appeal to declare war on drugs and, above all, to those who sell it. Which in this historical phase is: the immigrant. Above all Nigerian, fake refugee, and arrived with the boats.

Mafia nigeriana vuole uccidere il poliziotto di Salvini a Macerata Lo denuncia Storace in un articolo denuncia in cui lancia un appello a dichiarare guerra alla droga e, soprattutto, a chi la spaccia. Che in questa fase storica è: l’immigrato. Soprattutto nigeriano, profugo, e arrivato coi barconi.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Imam: "Rome will be Islamic, Muhammad promised"
or what a fear: I was afraid Imam Obama had said it!

Imam: “Roma sarà islamica, l’ha promesso Maometto”
o che paura: temevo lo avesse detto Imam Obama!

Krzysztof Marks • 5 years ago

Let Rome be Islamic. This is the seat of Satan.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

finché rispenderà una lampada ad olio davanti ad un tabernacolo questo non si può affermare. una cosa è il Vaticano Rothschild Bilderberg e altra cosa è il popolo di Dio. e poi se arrivano gli islamici a Roma tu dove pensi di poter sopravvivere?

Krzysztof Marks • 5 years ago

La Chiesa cattolica non è il popolo di Dio. Sono persone povere ingannate dai preti.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the IMF 666 FED and its Government Ombra Bilderberg, ie the 322 NWO? demonically coincide with satanism: SpA Central Bank: in the transnational Freemasonry.
Islam has finally proved itself to be the same Satanism:
but, the Catholic Church after 640 useless excommunications, after 400 years of foundation of the Bank private Rothschild 's of ENGLAND; ie, 400 years of destruction war: and death has had to bend to the NWO: Bilderberg, etc ..
therefore, today it is not possible to know what the Catholic Church is:
because the synagogue of satan crushed her!

il IMF 666 FED e suo Governo Ombra Bilderberg, cioè il 322 NWO? demonicamente coincidono: nella massoneria trasnazionale.
Islam ha finalmente dimostrato di essere il satanismo stesso:
ma, la Chiesa Cattolica dopo 640 scomuniche inutili, dopo 400 anni di fondazione della Banca di INGHILTERRA; 400 anni di distruzione e morte si è dovuta piegare al NWO: Bilderberg, ecc..
quindi, oggi non è possibile sapere cosa è la Chiesa Cattolica:
perché la sinagoga di satana la ha schiacciata!

Krzysztof Marks • 5 years ago

You can, It is possible. Just read the Bible. With faith and understanding. Daniel and Revelation. There, the Catholic church is precisely described.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

the prophecy is a dangerous profession, and for the unwary like you? it can be an infamous profession! Babylon the great h a r l o t is the USA and I am taking care of them!

la profezia è un mestiere pericoloso, e per gli incauti come te? può essere un mestiere infamante! Babilonia la grande m er et ric e sono gli USA e io mi sto prendendo cura di loro!

Krzysztof Marks • 5 years ago

I understand the prophecies of Daniel and John as written in the Bible. I do not invent twisted and whimsical interpretations.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

con Babilonia USA hanno ( for ni cato) tutti i Re Salman Saud Mohammed (petrodollari)della terra sharia: in lei fu trovato il sangue di tutti i martiri di Gesù di Betlemme e tutto il sangue degli israeliani: e della shoah nazista anche. di tutti loro? io mi sto prendendo cura!

Krzysztof Marks • 5 years ago

Pertanto, ti auguro buone. E tanta gioia.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

genocide: Soros Rothschild Obama Imam Mandela in South Africa] [He wanted to help a friend in need, but he paid his generosity with life. Hanna Cornelius, a 21-year-old from Cape Town, was raped for hours and then stoned by a gang who was bothering her friend. The girl had noticed the young man in trouble and approached trying to remove his tormentors, but at that point she became their target.
The student had stopped with her car to help the classmate in difficulty: he saw that the gang was mocking and provoking him, but his gesture triggered their anger and the resulting barbaric violence. The two boys were kidnapped, taken to the suburbs where the girl was first raped and then killed. Before her, her friend was brutally beaten and then left agonizing on the ground because he believed dead, as reported by the local press.

The alarm was launched by the boy who, after the removal of the band, managed to stand up and alert the rescue workers. The police have identified four men between the ages of 27 and 30 who were put in jail, it seems that their intention was to rob the boy, the 21 year old intervention would have triggered their madness. The attacked young man is healing, while for his friend there was nothing to do.
Wednesday 17 October 2018,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

genocidio: Soros Rothschild Obama Mandela in Sud Africa ] [ Voleva aiutare un amico in difficoltà, ma ha pagato la sua generosità con la vita. Hanna Cornelius, 21enne di Città del Capo è stata violentata per ore e poi uccisa a sassate da una gang che stava dando fastidio a un suo amico. La ragazza aveva notato il giovane in difficoltà e si è avvicinata cercando di allontanare i suoi aguzzini, ma a quel punto è diventata lei il loro bersaglio.
La studentessa si era fermata con la sua auto per auiutare il compagno di studi in difficoltà: aveva visto che la gang lo stava prendendo in giro e lo provocava, ma il suo gesto ha scatenato la loro ira e la conseguente barbara violenza. I due ragazzi sono stati sequestrati, portati in periferia dove la ragazza è stata prima violentata e poi uccisa. Prima di lei il suo amico è stato picchiato brutalmente e poi lasciato agonizzante in terra perché creduto morto, come riporta anche la stampa locale.

A lanciare l'allarme è stato proprio il ragazzo che, dopo l'allontanamento della banda, è riuscito a mettersi in piedi e ad allertare i soccorsi. La polizia ha individuato quattro uomini tra i 27 e i 30 anni che sono stati messi in galera, pare che la loro intenzione fosse di derubare il ragazzo, l'intervento della 21enne avrebbe innescato la loro follia. Il giovane aggredito è in fase di guarigione, mentre per la sua amica non c'è stato nulla da fare.
Mercoledì 17 Ottobre 2018,

futaiul • 5 years ago

PLEASE DON,T PUT MANDELA AND sOROS ON THE SAME CATEGORY! While Mandela was a fighter for justice,Soros is selfhater jew fighting his own people. A stinky s..t.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

It is easy to say that Soros is a madman, a maddening splinter: but this could never be the truth.
he Soros is a conspiracy: Masonic technocratic bureaucratic globalist: financial: born from Monsanto 666 Bayer: the IMF BM NWO FED BCE Nazi shariah regime Bilderberg technocratic .. which is the largest plot of history: to transform all mankind into a single pack of slaves with complicity of the democratic party!

è facile dire che Soros è un pazzo, una scheggia impazzita: ma portruppo non potrebbe mai essere questa la verità.
lui Soros è una congiura: massonico tecnocratica burocratica mondialista: finanziaria che nasce dal FMI BM NWO FED BCE regime Nazista Bilderberg tecnocratico .. che è la più grande congiura della storia: per trasformare tutto il genere umano in un solo branco di schiavi con la complicità del partito democratico!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

ma la sua giustizia (MANDELA ) ha ottenuto un genocidio Obama dei Bianchi, una NAzione Ricchissima il Sud Africa come il Venezuela distrutti e impoveriti da logiche corruttele massoniche sovranazionali

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

Throw the Jordanian wakf out of Yweroushalaiim and Har Habait.