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Dajjal • 4 years ago

Sabotage? Only if it was an inside job! The image I saw looked like bomb damage. Mine? Rocket? VBIED? In any case, the act must be answered with overwhelming force.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

qualcuno mi aiuta a capire questo ragazzo? does anyone help me understand this guy? worldisraelnews com/hezbollah-terror-group-blasts-us-new-iran-sanctions/
Lion Judah ☦️ king @UniusRei vs Menashes •
who are you referring to? do you talk to me hermetically?
but I hate kabbalah
and I hate all hidden things

Lion Judah ☦️ king @UniusRei • 2 days ago
if in italy there was work? Afro-Muslims: they would destroy the labor market by working: at 3 euros an hour! but since there is no work: there is nothing left to do: what to do: the Nigerian mafia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

@Monkeyt033 @UniusRei3 serious is ignorance of the Bible !!
the Bible says that all religions are a demonic spirit: a useless surrogate, in fact God is a Person with whom it is indispensable to have a personal relationship!
therefore the Prophet speaks of two eagles (God is vs religion): in Ezekiel 17

@Monkeyt033, @UniusRei3 grave è ignoranza della Bibbia!!
la Bibbia dice che tutte le religioni sono uno spirito demoniaco: un surrogato inutile, infatti Dio è una Persona con cui è indispensabile avere relazione personalmente!
quindi il Profeta parla di due aquile (Dio vs religione): in Ezechiele 17

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

@micelnera 💥 WARNING: THREATS EXPLICIT TO OUR COUNTRY Con "With Allah we will conquer Italy and then arrive in Europe, even in North and South America!"
"This is the religion of converts or I will kill you!"
We must stop voting for politicians who take them lightly! pic twitter com/YxM30f12yn
@rrotas1_ @micelnera
The # Islam is tolerated in #Europe only because it is called religion, in reality it is a political movement of conquest based on the #corano whose dictates would be outlawed by us. Try to make it clear before it's late. #global # M5S #EuropeanEvents2019 #government #Salvini #Italia
@ L90Albe @SoniaGrotto
Politicians do not take the situation lightly.
They are their allies of the invasion
@ saracino58 @mariamarilucen
Rome is already Islamic. Italy in a little while

@micelnera 💥 ATTENZIONE: MINACCE ESPLICITE AL NOSTRO PAESE 💥"Con Allah conquisteremo l'Italia e poi arriveremo in Europa, anche in Nord e Sud America!"
💥Questa è la religione del convertiti o ti uccido!
Dobbiamo smettere di votare i politici che li prendono alla leggera!
@rrotas1_ @micelnera
L'#islam è tollerato in #Europa solo xchè si chiama religione, in realtà è un movimento politico d conquista basato sul #corano i cui dettami sarebbero da noi fuorilegge. Provate a farlo capire prima che sia tardi. #global #M5S #ElezioniEuropee2019 #governo #Salvini #Italia
@L90Albe @SoniaGrotto
I politici non prendono la situazione alla leggera.
Sono loro alleati dell'invasione
@saracino58 @mariamarilucen
Roma è già islamica. L’Italia fra un po’

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

in fact: the communists who have avoided religion have killed 100 million innocent people: in 100 years: in peacetime .. Kim the God Jong-un? still doing it!
ok they suck: but, eliminating religions is always a notorious bad action!

in effetti: i comunisti che hanno evitato la religione hanno ucciso 100milioni di persone innocenti: in 100 anni: in tempo di pace.. Kim il Dio Jong-un? ancora lo sta facendo!
ok fanno schifo: ma, eliminare le religioni è sempre una azione famigerata!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

in NAZI Imam sharia facebook lgbt NWO kalergi democratic party Merkel Bilderberg regime #IVreich
I said I hate diaspora Jews and that I love Israelis only and they blocked me for 30 days

in NAZI Imam sharia facebook lgbt NWO kalergi partito democratico regime Merkel Bilderberg #IVreich
io ho detto che odio gli ebrei della diaspora e che amo gli israeliani soltanto e mi hanno bloccato per 30 giorni

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

@AntonioDvx yes this is also a form of censorship. Facebook blocked me for 30 days for 1 video I posted.
I complained, on May 10th I was reactivated. because it took them 10 days to realize their error.
pic twitter com/jMph42gYXX

@AntonioDvx si anche questa è una forma di censura. Facebook il 1 maggio mi ha bloccato per 30 giorni per 1 video che ho postato.
Ho fatto reclamo, il 10 maggio sono stato riattivato. perché ci hanno messo 10 giorni per rendersi conto del Loro errore.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

but all the saints (of every religion) have said that God is infinite love, but then, they have not been well received by the Masons, communist Muslims!
it is true that as Unius REI I have to improve all things, so I have to improve all religions: but maybe it is not with a rational agnostic politician like me: that you should talk about these religious arguments

ma tutti i santi(di ogni religione) hanno detto che Dio è amore infinito, ma poi, non sono stati accolti bene dai massoni, mussulmani comunisti!
è vero che come Unius REI io devo migliorare tutte le cose, quindi devo migliorare tutte le religioni: ma forse non è con un politico agnostico razionale come me: che tu dovresti parlare di questi argomenti religiosi

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

it is very serious that: you have lived so many years and have not yet discovered the purpose of your life! certainly the only explanation to the complexity of the universe can only be God: and this is the concept of the ARCHè of ancient Greek philosophers: God must surely be beautiful justice good

è molto grave che: tu hai vissuto così tanti anni e non hai ancora scoperto lo scopo della tua vita! certo l'unica spiegazione alla complessità dell'universo può essere soltanto Dio: e questo è il concetto dell'ARCHé dei filosofi greci: Dio deve essere sicuramente bello giusto

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

traitors: scam banking seigniorage FED IMF ECB NWO: Pd M5S: Freemasons: catto-communisti rothschild bilderberg freemasonry have damaged the primary: almost destroyed the industry: they have indebted and devitalized us!
they have impoverished the people: the only answer can be martial law!

traditori: signoraggio bancario: Pd M5S: massoni: catto-comunisti rothschild bilderberg massonerie ci hanno danneggiato il primario: quasi distrutto l'industria: ci hanno indebitati e devitalizzati!
hanno depauperato il popolo: l'unica risposta può essere la legge marziale!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

kalergi synagogue FED IMF ECB NWO criminal democratic party bilderberg UE Tecnocratici Junker Soros Rothschild! then: 150,000 who are unable to be born, as 150,000 who are forced to emigrate: 5 million unemployed and 5 million poor people: you tell them: "die!"
Afro-Muslims and criminals know that they will live at our expense in the hotel by raping and enjoying the Nigerian mafia

quindi: 150000 che non riescono a nascere, altrettanti che sono costretti ad emigrare: 5milioni di disoccupati e 5milioni di poveri assoluti: tu gli dici: "morite!"
afro-islamici e criminali sanno che vivranno a nostre spese in albergo spacciando, stuprando e godendo della mafia

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Hello "Lion of Judah",

You have a lot to say - and although most of it is probably true, it makes painful reading because of the way you write it. Your Italian is probably more precise - but your English makes difficult reading. Putting a "hash" or a "star" before a word e.g. (#global # M5S #EuropeanEvents2019 #government #Salvini #Italia) only serves to make it more difficult to understand what you are trying to say. If you are "listing" names then why not simply put a "semi colon" (;) after each name?

It would be better if you used a sentence to explain what the problem is with each name.

e.g. "Bilderburg wants one world government and Angela Merkel wants Germany to be at the head of one world government" or "Islam wants religous dominance and will kill to achieve it".

I like reading your comments because I think that you are widely read on all these "conspirators" who are working to bring the USA and UK down. Some are, I believe, doing it for their own selfish gain or career progression - whilst others spend a lot of their own money to satisfy their political or religious aims.

Keep posting - we are reading.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I hope I have answered all your questions!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

there are two demonic pyramids (NWO and Sharia): and now a third demonic pyramid is being organized: that is communism!
within these pyramids: there is a competition for supremacy!
these three pyramids have a common character:
1. they will not have peace until Israel is destroyed
2. and until the last Christian has been killed!

TODAY all over the West (as in ISRAEL)
1. the sovereign forces: populist patriotic: they are on the right (Netanjahu Bolsonaro Trump Orban: Salvini, etc.)

2. while the demonic forces: Obama sharia Hillary Bush are on the left
(democratic party: Freemasons Rothschild Bilderberg M5S (which is an
Italian party) lgbt Sodom perversion: banking scam seigniorage usura FED

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Thank you Lion of Judah

A little mor enlightenment please.

Who or what is FMI, BM, NWO, seigniorage usura?

All the rest I think that I can work out for myself.

Many thanks - and keep posting.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

God sent me and Bin SALMAN: not to punish the Jews:
but to free them all from Satanism:
that he God says:
freedom from the shadow of death!
Your pact with death will be broken!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

when Jesus was resurrected: after the PENTECOST: all the Jews wanted to become Christians: then, the supreme synedrium (which was already since the slavery of Egypt, a Rivlin masonry: for Baal, the satanic talmud)
they ordered all Jews to switch to maternal genealogies: so in fact all Jews were cursed and they too became goyims!
Thus the Supreme Sanhedrin transformed the Jewish religion into occult Satanism and all ended up in Freemasonry and in the FED FMI BCE Banking scam seignorages: BM NWO: the real: leaders of satanists in the world? they are all Jews

quando Gesù è risorto: dopo la PENTECOSTE: tutti gli ebrei volevano diventare cristiani: allora, il sommo sinedrio (che era già dal tempo dalla schiavitù dell'Egitto una massoneria Rivlin: per Baal, il talmud satanico)
hanno ordinato a tutti gli ebrei di passare alle genealogie materne: così di fatto tutti gli ebrei sono stati maledetti e sono diventati goyims anche loro!
Quindi il Sommo sinedrio ha trasformato la religione ebraica in satanismo occulto e sono finiti tutti nella massoneria e nella Banche FED FMI BCE BM NWO: i veri: capi dei satanisti nel mondo? sono tutti ebrei

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

this is Satanism: banking seigniorage (FED) Islam (sharia) and Communism (democratic party): these three demons form the beast, in which every power in this world can be represented

questo è il satanismo: signoraggio bancario(FED) Islam(sharia) e Comunismo (partito democratico): questi tre demoni formano la bestia, in cui può essere raffigurato ogni potere in questo mondo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

ok well!!!
FMI = IMF: ie: international monetary fund
BM = word bank;
NWO = new world order.
central banks shareholders (Freemasons Rivlin Bilderberg: Juncker: Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild Dupon etc ..) have realized the epic of the demon Marduch:
they have transformed themselves into invisible gods: and they have transformed the human race into a single pack of slaves: goyims!
their accomplices are the Saudis who have dhimmis slaves!
their accomplices are the Hindus who have slaves: dalit!
that the scam communists? they are all slaves of the oligarchs: like Kim Jong-un: the ruthless executioner of innocent people.
the most unhappy of all the victims?
they are Christians!

azionisti banche centrali ( massoni Rivlin Bilderberg: Juncker: Morgan Rochefeller Rothschild Dupon etc..) hanno realizzato la epopea del demonio Marduch:
hanno trasformato se stessi in divinità invisibili: ed hanno trasformato il genere umano in un solo branco di schiavi: goyims!
loro complici sono i sauditi che hanno gli schiavi dhimmis!
loro complici sono gli induisti che hanno gli schiavi: dalit!
che i comunisti della truffa? loro sono tutti schiavi degli oligarchi: come Kim Jong-un: lo spietato carnefice di persone innocenti.
i più infelici di tutti le vittime?
sono i cristiani!

Noel Kelly • 4 years ago

Hello again everybody,

As long as there are so many organisations, (mentioned by "Lion of Judah") "doing their own thing" and each trying to be the "head" and not the" tail" , it give the rest of us the opportunity to work quietly spreading the "Gospel of Salvation" , and leaving the Internaltioal political problems for God to sort out.

Keep talking to God - He does answer.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I will answer all your questions in this one
page: worldisraelnews com/campaign-launched-to-reverse-disengagement-rebuild-jewish-communities-in-samaria/
and in order not to compromise you I will not do your name!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

I am the Kingdom of God: in political form: that has appeared: in this world!
and politics can always exercise coercion!
even though I am a Christian for myself:
actually official: I am Judaism only: within my Jewish people!
in fact: I have read for 4 years, for 4 hours a day: only the torà (because it is impossible to become a Christian: if you do not first learn to become a Jew):
before obtaining this political ministry: which had its own evolution that: I could not imagine!
I am a young man: almost 60 years old:
I am healthy: without diseases, and I am endowed with an enormous strength (which comes from God JHWH): I was also 15 hours near the computer: every day: from 13 years: uninterruptedly: without being damaged (for this): yet: I do not do sports, and I do not get distracted even a moment from my mission!
sure: I always speak with God: and I write only for him,
this has sent all the agents and tools of the domonio into total panic: Satan Allah and communism of: this planet: that in reality: (this is a concept more difficult to understand) even if they fight each other: I am always a single antichrist of NWO !
I have decided to build my third Jewish temple and there is no one who can stop me!
and this is a threat of explicit death: against the empires, the dominions, the rebellious dominations that are in this world!