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alpcns . • 3 years ago

AP, huh. Disgusting article, carefully designed to exploit an honest mistake. Anybody who claims that Trump is a racist, is a hate-filled, blind imbecile. He's anything but a racist - to the contrary, he has accomplished more for all kinds of minorities than any other President - and certainly infinitely more than Zero, that "progressive" backstabbing Jew-hating abomination.

Techngro • 3 years ago

Doesn't matter. This was a big gaffe that could easily have been avoided. The President needs to have a team of people who can vet his tweets. This kind of stuff plays right into the media's hands and, if he doesn't stop making these kinds of mistakes, it will be death by a thousand cuts come November.

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

They tried to get to him sooner but he was too busy playing golf (at his own club and running up a yuuge bill for the taxpayers) and didn't want to be disturbed.

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

You can't be serious. Chump sure does make a lot of honest mistakes, most of which are called lies. He's just a stable genius and a perfect guy who's treated worse than Lincoln.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

I'm very serious. Of course Trump isn't perfect, not even me (imagine that!). He's brash and loud, but effective, and colossal (intentional) failures - like financing the nuclear Holocaust - I've not seen. If he does something I don't agree with, I name it too, but overall he's done very well - and extremely well in certain areas.

Sure, it is said that the media morons already have amassed, squirming with glee, no less than 18,000 "lies" - an average of roughly 16 a day. Not very credible, no matter how much one hates Trump - especially considering the well-documented complete lack of credibility and accuracy in reporting of the media. At less than 7% (credibility) they're rated even lower than Congress at 11%. Quite a feat.

What is hilarious is that they honestly think nobody notices. The latest polls are a good example of that same delusional thinking. You're correct - he's treated worse than Lincoln. The only thing they've not tried yet is an actual assassination attempt (although they tried when he was still campaigning).

OCI horror for all christian martyrs can be only destroy [open letter]
China, Russia, EU, US, India UN] open letter [Humanity that wins against Islamic Sharia barbarism (genocide and theology of UMMA substitution)
It was December 10, 1948 when delegations from 50 countries announced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the world. On a planet devastated by the bloodiest conflict in history, a few years after the explosion of the two atomic bombs in Japan, while the world community was shocked by the discovery of the Nazi genocide and millions of people mourned the victims of the war, the United Nations delegates they devised, discussed and published a document that can be considered among the most important in the history of humanity. Foundation of human identity, exaltation of the dignity of every woman and every man, expression of the culture, religion and civilization of every people. After seeing the darker side of evil, those delegates had the ability to gather the best of human civilization and summarize it in thirty points. Article one of the Declaration is written: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood ». This is followed by the enunciation of fundamental principles such as the right to life and family, education, work, housing, health care, freedom of speech, the press, religion, emigration ...
ARAB LEAGUE can only be destroyed!

ruben zagagi • 3 years ago

very biased anti-Trump article. Trump never said that immigrants commit more crimes than US born citizens. That's nonsense. Twisting Trumps words. Trump said that legal immigrants are welcome. Trump said that we need to have control of our borders in order to prevent more criminal from coming in.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

Facts don't matter these days... unfortunately.

that immigrants commit more crimes than US born citizens or european peoples?
this is a fact that cannot be disputed

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

You can waste the rest of your life trying to defend the guy but he's still incompetent and you're a sucker.

Michael Kohel • 3 years ago

The best way to get it under control is to stop Tweeting, he should have a while ago, too much chance for error and misinterpretation. He does better in person and doesn't need the Tweets.

what is that demon face in your AVATAR CIA troll
your master?

Cina, Russia, UE, USA, India ONU ] open letter [ L’umanità che vince contro la barbarie islamica sharia (genocidio e teologia della sostituzione UMMA)
Ogni individuo ha il diritto alla libertà di opinione e di espressione, incluso il diritto di non essere molestato per la propria opinione e quello di cercare, ricevere e diffondere informazioni e idee attraverso ogni mezzo e senza riguardo alle frontiere. “Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo” (art. 19)
la LEGA ARABA può soltanto essere distrutta
e deve essere fatto!

Trump deletes 'white power' tweet, Biden leaps on gaffe
pity that the priests of satan like Obama Biden
they cannot prove their claims

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

China, Russia, EU, USA, India UN] open letter [Humanity that wins against Islamic Sharia barbarism (genocide and theology of UMMA substitution)
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to be harassed for his or her opinion and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas through any medium and regardless of borders. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (art. 19)
ARAB LEAGUE can only be destroyed
and it must be done!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Cina, Russia, UE, USA, India ONU ] open letter [ L’umanità che vince contro la barbarie islamica sharia (genocidio e teologia della sostituzione UMMA)

il 10 dicembre del 1948 quando le delegazioni di 50 Paesi annunciarono
al mondo la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo. In un
pianeta devastato dal conflitto più sanguinoso della storia, a pochi
anni dall’esplosione delle due bombe atomiche in Giappone, mentre la
comunità mondiale era sconvolta dalla scoperta del genocidio nazista e
milioni di persone piangevano le vittime della guerra, i delegati delle
Nazioni Unite idearono, discussero e pubblicarono un documento che può
considerarsi tra più importanti della storia dell’umanità. Fondamento
dell’identità umana, esaltazione della dignità di ogni donna e di ogni
uomo, espressione della cultura, della religione e della civiltà di ogni
popolo. Dopo aver visto il lato più oscuro del male, quei delegati
ebbero la capacità di raccogliere il meglio della civiltà umana e di
sintetizzarlo in trenta punti. È scritto all’articolo uno della
Dichiarazione: «Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in
dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono
agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza». Segue
l’enunciazione di principi fondamentali come il diritto alla vita e alla
famiglia, all’educazione, al lavoro, alla casa, all’assistenza
sanitaria, alla libertà di parola, di stampa, di religione, di
la LEGA ARABA può soltanto essere distrutta!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

when you have little time
and copy and paste someone who was trusted in the past?
you can make involuntary mistakes ...
but it is the Democrats who once again demonstrate that they are dishonest on an intellectual level

quando tu hai poco tempo
e fai il copia incolla, di qualcuno che in passato era attendibile?
puoi commettere degli errori involontari...
ma sono i democratici che dimostrano, ancora una volta di essere disonesti sul piano intellettuale

Brooklyn Ease • 3 years ago

The difference is this gaffe came from someone else's mouth, so easily retracted. Biden never seems have that luxury. Trump should have stopped retweeting a long time ago. I'd rather find fault in what he says when objectionable, not someone else's thoughts and deeds.