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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

bonifica la palude massonico islamica del partito democratico!!! 130.469 islamici in marcia verso l’Italia, PD: “Accogliamoli tutti” –“Gli Stati europei – ha attaccato Salvini – mandino immediatamente soldati e mezzi militari per proteggere il confine greco-turco e quello bulgaro-turco. Da anni la Lega solleva il pericolo turco: l’Europa apra gli occhi prima che sia troppo tardi”.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

you clear the Islamic Masonic Rothschild swamp of the Democratic Party !!! 130,469 Muslims marching to Italy, PD: "Let us welcome them all" - "The European States - attacked Salvini - immediately send soldiers and military means to protect the Greek-Turkish and Bulgarian-Turkish borders. For years, the League has raised the Turkish danger: Europe opens its eyes before it is too late. "
the religion 666 UMMA jihad of peace

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

the neo-liberal usurocratic and technocratic parasitism Rothschilds corporations
designed the democracies:
1. to fall into anarchy and debt grinder ..
2. inside relativism and lgbt immorality.
that's why now for ISRAEL the time has come for the monarchy lorenzoJHWH and his government of national unity

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President Rivlin give me the mandate to build a national unity government

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

President Rivlin] noi non siamo la tirannia,

ma, noi siamo la libertà di coscienza, quello che è utile, viene creato
quello che non è più utile viene abolito!

Will-BWL • 4 years ago

Beings 99% of evidence in hearsay, Netanyahu will be cleared. Right Now certain Israeli official should not have indicted him because they hate and they see a fire at Netanyahu. Netanyahu, I pray to God this problem if God wills it.

Guest • 4 years ago
JasperFarnsworthy • 4 years ago

It's those Dunhill cigarettes talkin again, isn't it, Meshulam?? Nevertheless, living in a Dunhill fog is not necessarily a good thing.