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Florence Kaplan • 3 years ago

“OBamas’ cunning Transition into Office”
America enjoyed the peaceful transition of power up until Islamic Traitor Obama came along! He should be forced out of DC and stopped from poking his nose into President Trumps agendas! With all his deceptive agendas and past illegal actions, he should be sitting in prison presently, if Congress did their job!
Obama did and continues to push hatred and division between The Democrats and Israel! Trying hard to erode bipartisan support for Israel! HE WILL FAIL TOGETHER WITH THE FRAUD SQUAD HE HELPED SNEAK INTO OFFICE! IN KEEPING WITH HIS STREET SMART UNDERHANDED CUNNING!

Ilene Zamler Malka • 3 years ago

Obama's Middle East policies were a disaster. He emboldened the Arabs and they never sat down or agreed to even talk peace or even recognize Israel's right to exist.
He made matters worse. The Republicans are tearing America apart and the Democrats seem to be determined to tear apart Israel!

Bear Jew • 3 years ago

Any American Jew who votes for Democratic party ..deserves what will come there way & I will not lift a finger to help them

Dajjal • 3 years ago

May Satan seize them by their hearts and drop with them into the fire!

Hank O'Hair • 3 years ago

JStreet is paved with good intentions.

Shihan2u • 3 years ago

J street! J for Jino? Jews In Name Only! Is this the Erev Rav in action?

ABD • 3 years ago

Since time immemorial, the greatest enemies of the Jewish people were and still are self-hating auto-antisemitic delusional so called Jews.

GABRIELLE • 3 years ago

You mean like Soros for example :(

ABD • 3 years ago

There are many in the US.

jackweb • 3 years ago

Know who your enemy is

Johnny Mardkhah • 3 years ago

Ever heard that US Jews are "Yellow Dog Democrats" ?

William • 3 years ago

These are just closet apologists for Arab terror who claim Israel as an ally but continue to throw them under the bus to appease intransigent ME racists for more leverage in the Gulf.

The annexation of Israeli towns in Judea/Samaria was always part of the Oslo Accords, especially large blocs of Maale Adumim and Area E1, and legal under UNR242. It is the Palestinians who violated their own agreements but demand Israeli concessions. That time is over and because of a Pally stalemate, Israel needs to move forward.

Al Miller • 3 years ago

American Jews are their own worst enemies. They forget that German Jews said they were Germans first, where did that get them? Doesn't the Jews learn anything from history? Without Israel we are screwed, voting for the Dems is like committing suicided.

yehudabendavid • 3 years ago

The Democrat party has become a party of Islamist's, antisemitic, anti-Israel,pro-China,pro-Iran and pro-Palestinian terrorists who claim a land that was never theirs and a people-hood that never existed in history. Ben Rhodes admitted to lying to the American people to convince them to support the "Iran Deal"Get ready people, the circus is coming to a town near you.

Les H • 3 years ago

Unbelievable WHY is ben rhodes still walking and breathing?????

Jack Patooti • 3 years ago

At least get the name right. It's K street for Kapo

Minniehaha • 3 years ago

Looks like I may not even vote. Neither party represents us anymore

GABRIELLE • 3 years ago

That is NOT TRUE ...ONLY the Democrats represent the culture of death and all the socialist agenda of the EU ..you Must vote ..is a G_d giving right ..I think is a SIN not to vote ..we all voted for Obama the first term ..not the second ..we saw the plan they had ..you must vote for a culture of LIFE ..

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Those who voted for Clinton & Obama should be stricken from the rolls: too stupid, ignorant and irrational to be trusted with the vote.

Minniehaha • 3 years ago

I understand what you’re saying but they’re both bad for Israel. trumps is awful for the USA but the Dems are awful for Jews too. Awful dilemma

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Trump is the best of a bad lot.

Earl Mann • 3 years ago

Kapos and Drek, one and all - Ben Rhodes, Martin Indyk....feh!

Iris Sapovits • 3 years ago

Nothing coming from J Street or a former Obama person should surprise anybody. Yet the Jews keep voting for the Democrats. Don't understand it. I walked away 11 years ago and so should they. It's time to wise up.

William • 3 years ago

Me too. 11 years ago, but I was already turning after the horrific trashing of Bush by Dems because their plans for domination were upset when Al Gore lost the 2000 election.

D Davis • 3 years ago

Maybe the answer is vote independent since Trump and the Republicans are tearing America apart and the Democrats should stick to America and not into the Palestinian issue, the Palestinians using America to build themselves and then they will throw America under the bus/bombs like all terrorists do.

Ruth Broch • 3 years ago

The only ones tearing America apart are the Democrats, you ignorant moron. They have been doing this way since before Trump was elected and have been doing it a thousand -fold since his election. Have you so quickly forgotten all the false investigations and impeachment attempts??! And now the latest attempt - trying to blame Trump for corona!! The Democrats are the party of pure evil, led by totally Jew-hating filth.

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

You have everything so backwards your head is probably where your tuchus belongs.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

The answers are:
1. Bring back the poll test so you damn fools can't cancel out the votes of informed and rational voters.
2. Take back our schools from the Unions and Communists so they will cease being indoctrination centers and resume teaching true facts.

Steve • 3 years ago

The Democrats not only allow illiterates and illegals to vote, they are using Covid 19 to allow mail in ballots and voter fraud on a massive scale- tens of millions of fraudulent ballots.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

There is no lower limit on their attempts to gain and retain power.

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

You've prepared an excuse for Chump already?

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Preare a spare crying towel, yer gonna need more than one Nov. 4.

Steve • 3 years ago

Oh, you're sooooooo "woke"!

Next time you're on the can, inhale deeply. Despite what you've always thought, it does smell.

Michael Paul • 3 years ago

For me it was 16 years ago. Thank you John Kerry for opening my eyes to the true democrat party.

Dajjal • 3 years ago


Arkady • 3 years ago

I still feel ashamed that decades+ ago I signed their post. Probably, my English was not good enough then. But America born Jews supporting Demo, slave driver, anti Semitic party...
Some capos of Nazi camps had ofsprings.

Jeffrey Lev • 3 years ago

Does this surprise anyone? Yet the American Jews will still vote Democratic!

Michael Paul • 3 years ago

Jeffrey you spoke the same words that I was about to speak. Most reform and conservative Jews are more for the democrat party and the likes of Omar, Tlaib and Cortez then they are for Israel and their own people. Sorry to say but true. There are exceptions but not too many.

Robert Sugar • 3 years ago

I, along with many Jews on this site are conservatives who support Israel and Trump. Don't lump us with the liberal reform Democrat Jews.

Steve • 3 years ago

And Tlaib, for instance, is quite open in stating her belief that Israel must be destroyed.

She and the rest of the squad should be anathema. Since they are not, I will never vote for another Democrat.

Nefarious420 • 3 years ago

Trump has been the best American President when it comes to Israel, though I think that along with the Democratic Party turning on Israel, as newer and younger Republicans enter political life, it is only a matter of time before Americana as a whole turns on Israel aand Jewery, and American Jewery will be too blind to see it.

Michael Paul • 3 years ago

I would agree but America needs an ally in the Middle East that they can trust and they won't find that in any other country in the Middle East so even the younger Republicans will support Israel.

Nefarious420 • 3 years ago

Hamas/CAIR will buy republican support, is only a matter of time.

Ruth Broch • 3 years ago

I disagree - but time will tell. My stance is: Israel is our only Homeland. It is the only place safe for Jews. I left America (NYC) about 50 years ago and thank G-d every day that I did so!

Nefarious420 • 3 years ago

They Muslim Brotherhood has a documented plan to take over the Republican Party, the Democratic Party just happened to be more willing and eager to accomplish their goals.

https://archives.frontpagemag. com/fpm/muslim-brotherhood-infiltrates-gop-jamie-glazov/

MALIK AK • 3 years ago

here we go with the vagabond post to cause hatred . Focus on current affairs !!!..

Jerald Groner • 3 years ago

What could be more current than the Woke seeking the destruction of Jews!

GABRIELLE • 3 years ago

Specially all over EU :(
President Trump does care about Israel and the Jewish people ..why do you think the media and NWO puppets hatevhim si much :(?

Dajjal • 3 years ago

'Cuz he is not one of them.

MALIK AK • 3 years ago

fake Hebrew scum , khazars belong in the Caucasus mountains just like your Palestinian counterpart . Keep america out of your stinking mouth , you both are parasites !!!.