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Bubster • 3 years ago

don't believe that for one second

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

eih CIA TROLL 666 cannibal NWO 322 FED IMF regime Bilderberg
deep State Satana Allah Lilit Marduch Aru Mazda
i am jewish messia
and any resistence? is futile!

Bubster • 3 years ago

Yeah , and I visited Massada national park
and there was No resistance from me , I enjoyed lunch there , and
I Browsed through the gift shop , I learned a lot about the events that
took place there . I went there twice as a matter of fact , I didn't walk up
the path , it was closed . have a nice day !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

your NWO are the heirs of Massada shoah
not me, I am the kingdom of ISRAEL
how you are the kingdom of Satan and Rothschild!

il tuo NWO sono gli eredi di Massada shoah
non io, io sono il regno di ISRAELE
come tu sei il regno di Satana e Rothschild!

Bubster • 3 years ago

Oops ,did I do something wrong ? I didn't mean to
it's on the list for things to do while your in Israel ,, While I was there ,
I went to En Gedi , the dead sea , , I went to see where
the dead sea scrolls .were found,& by the way you sound like you are
a run away Jew who just got off the the plantation !
and you sound like you know John the Baptized .? Simon the Zealot ?
he was Yeshua's disciple , he was part of a political movement among
the Jews who sought to overthrow the occupying Roman government .
take care

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Oops, you have only begun to be delirious!
you have only begun to be delirious!
Peter was never a zealot
and I'm a rational agnostic ..
and delusional failed donkey of religion like you?
everyone got bored!

you have only begun to be delirious!
hai soltanto incominaciato a delirare!
Pietro non è mai stato uno zelota
ed io sono un agnostico razionale..
e di falliti deliranti asini della religione come te?
tutti si sono stufati!

Bubster • 3 years ago

you didn't read my post , I didn't mention Peter , I
go back again and carefully read it again , .

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

yours is even worse
Simon the Zealot
he was not a friend of Jesus

Bubster • 3 years ago

you don't even understand what I posted

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

you can't keep your feet in conversation!
ask your specific question and I'll answer you
I am not a bad or impatient man!

Bubster • 3 years ago

Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus's disciple . He had 12 ,

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Simone "called the Zealot"
of course you're right,
but the zealots were a patriotic terrorist movement
which forced the Romans to destroy Israel in 70AD.
therefore, he had been removed by Jesus from this violent political movement and had remained with his nickname

Bubster • 3 years ago

Yes Yes !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

it is as if you say to me:
"let's go kill Rothschild, because Bin Salman prevents him from returning to his loving and merciful God"
Could you ever be my friend?

è come se tu dici a me: "andiamo ad uccidere Rothschild, perché Bin Salman gli impedisce di ritornare dal suo Dio innamorato e misericordioso"
potresti mai tu essere il mio amico?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Jesus of Bethlehem was politically very prepared and would deliver Israel from the Romans,
or, it would have gained enormous benefits for the people.
the Romans were not like the crazy Sharia Muslims
they gave freedom of religion to everyone!
What if the Romans weren't forced to keep soldiers?
taxes would have dropped by 60%

Gesù di Betlemme era politicamente molto preparato e avrebbe liberato Israele dai romani,
oppure, avrebbe ottenuto enormi vantaggi per il popolo.
i romani non erano come i mussulmani sharia pazzi
loro davano la libertà di religione a tutti!
e se i romani non erano costretti a tenere i soldati?
le tasse sarebbero calate del 60%

Bubster • 3 years ago

Shatia Muslims gave freedom of religion to everyone ? then whay are
they trying to kill everyone who disagrees with them ?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

"romans gave freedom of religion to everyone!"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin is your vaccine free from Bill Gates 666 metallic nano particles?

il tuo vaccino è libero da nano particelle metalliche?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

between covid made by them and infected vaccines? Bill GATES would have said he will kill a billion people! and he claims that the flu infected many people covid!

tra covid fatto da loro e vaccini infetti? Bill GATES avrebbe detto che ucciderà un miliardo di persone!
e https://holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/p/dottor-petrella-denuncia.html
lui afferma che l'antinfluenzale infetti di covid molte persone!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Jenna Jameson Says Jeffrey Epstein Is An 'Amateur' & Children Are 'Hunted' At 'Parties' https://humansarefree com/2020/07/jenna-jameson-says-jeffrey-epstein-is-an-amateur-children-hunted-parties.html
Jenna Jameson ha raccontato di aver "sentito cose terribili su "La caccia". Il che implica che le persone dell'élite sociale "cacciano" i bambini dai 4 anni, alle "feste".