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AlanWH • 3 years ago

38% thinks Biden has Dementia, the other 62% Know He Does!

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

I like your answer too!

Excuse me • 3 years ago

Well done, Alan.

VTS • 3 years ago

Democrat presumptive nominee: Joke Biden

C.Brian Ross • 3 years ago

I was going to post: "Only 38%?" Your comment is much better!

Tony Munro • 3 years ago

And 99% of Americans knows that joe is a Child Predator.

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

But around 50% of them are good with that, they would love to have a pedo as Pres.

Tony Munro • 3 years ago

Yes ,I think especially among the Demonrat jews ,their excuse is that TRUMP is kkk .So even if that was true ,they would vote against him and Israel, even if seeing what Don has done a 4 Israel .Selfish dummies .

VTS • 3 years ago

For Trump to be KKK he would have to switch party.

Guest • 3 years ago
VTS • 3 years ago

That is better then Governor Of Virginia Ralph Northam trying on the white hood every morning.

Tony Munro • 3 years ago


Excuse me • 3 years ago

Yeah, Trump is so slick. He's secretly a grand poobah of the klan. More fake news at eleven!

Tony Munro • 3 years ago

kkk was done by DNC also confederates. Clinton was informed endorsed by Grand Dragon Quigg and Trump denounced kkk and whitesuprem. You don't know you've been voting kk and confederates like personal friend of Biden ,Robert Byrd, also Clintons ,Gores ,G .wallace .hollings ,fabus. All dnc .SO ,DON'T GIVE ME EXCUSES NOT TO VOTE 4 TRUMP .BUDEN IS VERY SICK AND NOW HE WILL IMPOSE HIGH TAXES ON EVERYONE, EVEN SO PEOPLE ARD BROKE

Dajjal • 3 years ago

So? they'd re-elect Slick Willy in a landslide.

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Of course! AMERICA is very very SICK.

. rome [ wash dc ] burns.. a crooked & senile old man for president..? everything seems to be falling apart..

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

Any proof, or you just heard something about Chump and underage girls and have to accuse Biden of the same per Chump's playbook.

Tony Munro • 3 years ago


alpcns . • 3 years ago

According to Joe, 120 million Americans have died recently. He better organize early elections or nobody will be left.

His advisors stated that it's good that he sees about 1 or 2 persons per day in his basement. Yeah, he'd make one hell of a president. With the emphasis on hell.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

President Trump should challenge Vice President Biden to a chess torunament.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

LOL... the "progressives" would deem that "racist", because there's an equal number of black pieces on the board.

Stafford_Lou • 3 years ago

Well, they each have many pawns working for them.

WASHINGTON, JUL 1 - "As I see the pandemic spread and show its worst face all over the world, including the tremendous damage it has done in the US, I am increasingly angry with China": Donald Trump tweeted, in the midst of the storm over how his administration managed the coronavirus crisis
should be even more angry at:
Obma who exploited Chinese slaves and transferred our technologies to CHINA
to get the most deaths in the planned world war MORGAN KISSINGER.
and destroyed the world economy
with the purpose SpA FED NWO WW3nulear Rockefeller, Bin Salman
because the motto of 322 "skull and bones" is "worse is for everyone the better it is for us"
this is the deep state of the democratic party
and his Masonic judges

alpcns . • 3 years ago

Everybody should read and heed the powerful message that the great 3-star General Michael Flynn today tweeted out to the world.

https colon slash slash www dot youtube dot com slash watch?v=bZGPiJbmb0U

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Biden's problem is only what he is an old criminal and a longtime satanist

il partito democratico è anticostituzionale e Biden è un assassino
che ha deciso di non fare più comizi fino al giorno delle elezioni!

Tom Baker, M.D. • 3 years ago

38 to 55% polled think he has early onset dementia. 20% of Democrats believe that according to one poll. As a physician, I believe he has medical problems effecting his cognitive ability.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

It is obvious, but remote diagnosis without examination is unethical. Give him the Alzheimers test!!

lex • 3 years ago

Dangerous avenue. Biden can release his medical records. He undoubtedly has received excellent comprehensive medical care which would likely include evaluation of his mental state. If he doesn't do that, that might lead down a productive avenue. or a serious look at whoever he designates for the vice presidential nomination.

In any case, If I were Biden, I would demand that Trump undergo a psychological evaluation and, without diagnosing Trump (which in theory would be unethical), identify the symptoms of various psychological disorders that are demonsraetd by Trump's actions.

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

38% is about the number of Chump supporters. By any objective measure Joe is lucid and coherent despite the occasional gaffe, way more so than Chump. But don't take my word for it, we'll see in the debates.

Uri • 3 years ago

Biden's alleged dementia makes his possible election even more dangerous as he will surround himself with advisors who will actually be making all the decisions. Those 'advisors" will be untrustworthy and will merely control the country the way they want to. Wow be it to Israel if that happens.

Abe Simhony • 3 years ago

Here we go again, a nasty, lying propaganda piece of the RJC. Is World Israel News financed by the RJC, or another group of right wing pro Trump/Netanyahu fans?

Excuse me • 3 years ago

It is obvious to most observers that Biden is less than stellar mentally. I feel if he were to be elected, shortly after he would be declared non compus mentus to get a real radical running the Administration. Watch who will be his VP. Watch out who will be Speaker of the House. If it is a Conservative majority again, well, we might mitigate Joe's damaged brain.

Abe Simhony • 3 years ago

It seems to me that you should see a psychologist and soonest !!

mrtambourineman • 3 years ago

That's your reply? An ad hominem attack on someone with a different view, instead of respectfully debating his argument? Pathetic.

Shel_TR • 3 years ago

Abe is not entirely wrong.
Even when offering genuine, thoughtful, and thought-provoking discussion, so many on this website respond only with childish silliness that is barely appropriate to a school yard. Separately, I'm dealing with exactly the same thing.
These people ought not be mistaken for serious adults.

Abe Simhony • 3 years ago

The comment I replied to is pathetic. There is no way one can respectfully argue with such a pathetic comment.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

MES, Salvini increases the dose: "Mortgage on the future of our children"
The leader of the League on the "Corriere della Sera" responds to the letter from the secretary of PD Zingaretti on "la Repubblica". The refusal of the ESM is accompanied by criticisms for the majority: "To solve some economic problems, Europe is not needed but a just decent government".
think about getting into further debt, even for the coronavirus?
it means becoming hostages of the troika!

Denise Waterford • 3 years ago

Biden is just a typical Democrat. Don't laugh Republicans. Look at the last two Republican presidents.

Dajjal • 3 years ago

Bush & Shrub were losers. Trump is far superior to them and everything the 'crats have to offer.

Abe Tache • 3 years ago

Another wishful thinking disguised as news. Every poll on every subject shows the same percentage: 31 to 38 percent are fervent followers of the personality cult to Trump. I have attended two meetings where Biden has been a speaker. Trump does not come close to Biden's depth of thought and understanding of issues.

Excuse me • 3 years ago

But here is the good news. Trump is not a communist, nor is he in bed with communists.

I for one, find that refreshing, looking at the field of Democrats, and the polls that suggest huge percentages of leftwing voters want to dissolve the Constitution of the United States. That places them firmly in the camp of Islamist-terrorists, members of the Chinese Communist Party, and anyone else who see the destruction of the United States is helpful to their global agenda. (Apparently Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Oman, AOC and many more of the Congress are on the same destructive page. Even some Republicans, if their voting record is any indication.)

He wishes to protect the sovereignty of our nation at a time when nation-states are being dissolved and run by non-elected bureaucrats. He wishes to prevent our nation from being infiltrated by low wage workers that compete with our own low wage workers. (His policies led to the highest level of employment in decades, and that included black Americans.)

He also wishes to prevent the rising tide of Islamization seen across Europe, which has led to riots, bombings, vehicles used to murder swaths of pedestrians, gang rapes, and the dissolution of the rule of law in whole sectors of cities.

He also wants American business to be more competitive on the global stage. To that end he lowered corporate taxes somewhat. Not as low as some major trading partners, but it was a start. After all, Abe, corporations pay taxes, then pass the costs on to consumers. This strategy has repatriated business in the US, and was helping the economy until the Chinese allowed its citizens to infect the world with C19.

Much of Trump's behavior is theater to cause the media, and the Left to get apoplectic. It works every time. He is correct to call BS on much of their reporting. They are biased, in bed with a far left strategy to transform this country into what many observers say will be a near totalitarian Marxist State. We have history, and the current behavior of the Left to assess and consider, and the assessment points to fewer freedoms, more divisiveness, more Alinsky tactics, and the destruction of our Republic.

Look around. Where is the anti-Semitism coming from? BLM. Antifa. Members of Congress. Islamists actually installed in our Capitol. Wake up and smell the synagogues burning. I feel Trump remains a way to preserve this nation. Its faults are far outweighed by its benefits.

CHINA INDIA USA EU RUSSIA UN] [Afghanistan, 007 USA intercepted Russian funds
The Nyt writes, money from Moscow on the accounts of the Taliban
this looks like slander
but the US CIA support to world Islamic terrorism is certainly not a slander ..
now all this must end:
if the ARAB LEAGUE does not remove sharia? we have to destroy it!

the Palestinian state is an Islamic ideological-imperialist construction
the western rothschild masonic state is also the same,
therefore the just and fair solution is my Kingdom of ISRAEL! c
but I won't, if Egyptians and Saudis don't give me part of their desert to bring back all the Jews of the world
Why did the idea of ​​a Jewish state take hold legally in the early twentieth century?
As PLO leader Mohsen openly admitted in the Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977:
"The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today of the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests dictate the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.
"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot claim Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly ask for Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we claim the our right to all Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. "
When international bodies legitimize Palestinian claims on the basis of such nationalism, they ignore the artificiality of the concept. Added to this is the fabricated and long perpetuated myth of Palestinian refugees.
Finally, we must examine the real clash between current international law and the Islamic equivalent. We turn to these in the second part.
Dr. Denis MacEoin is a former academic in Iranian and Islamic studies.

the Palestinian state is an Islamic ideological-imperialist construction
the western rothschild masonic state is also the same,
therefore the just and fair solution is my Kingdom of ISRAEL! ma io non lo farò, se Egiziani e sauditi non mi daranno parte del loro deserto per far ritoranre tutti gli ebrei del mondo
but I won't, if Egyptians and Saudis don't give me part of their desert to bring back all the Jews of the world
Why did the idea of ​​a Jewish state take hold legally in the early twentieth century?
World War I ended with the defeat of Germany, but it was the overthrow of the vast Ottoman empire that prompted the League of Nations to save their former Ottoman colonies from chaos and anarchy creating the basis for nation states throughout the Middle Orient:
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine (considered to be the modern Jewish homeland).
There had never been anything like an Arab or Islamic state known as "Palestine".
The name derives from the Latin version of the ancient Romans of the earth for the Philistines and had nothing to do with Arabs or Muslims. At that time, the Roman emperor Hadrian was trying to make it seem that the land actually called Judea was purely Roman and had nothing to do with the Jews.
The use of the word in the 1922 British Mandate for Palestine was simply based on classical learning of the British learning and government classes.
Despite this, it is common today to find references to Palestine as a mainly Muslim Arab state that was allegedly "stolen" by the Jews, or promised but not given to those people who describe themselves as Palestinians. This is an immense misunderstanding, even if it seems to influence political and juridical thought at an international level, especially among people who would like to believe it.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), with its existing and blocked tendency against Israel, condemns Israel for its plan to extend Israeli right to disputed lands, in line with the peace plan of the United States revealed in 2020.
The refusal of the American plan by the UNHRC and others ignores the reality that it is one of the most balanced documents drawn up in favor of peace and the creation of a viable state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza.
Plans to bring peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinians have been manifold, yet none have succeeded - in all cases because of the Palestinian refusal. The worst case was the offer by President Clinton to the PLO leader Yasser Arafat, which would have asked the Israelis to deliver about 90% of the land to help create a state of Palestine. Arafat seemed to agree, then he left and, from 2000 to 2005, he led a terrorist campaign against the people of Israel known as the second intifada.

Iran - with the obvious complicity of most members of the United Nations - in its expansions to Iraq, Syria, Yemen to Lebanon, as well as its 41 years of threat to annihilate another UN member state, Israel.

"The Palestinian people do not exist.
The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.
In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today of the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests dictate the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism ... [T]
when to claim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. "
- PLO leader, PLO leader,
the Dutch newspaper Trouw,
31 March 1977. "The Palestinian people do not exist.

Maḥmūd ʿAbbās, conosciuto anche con la kunya Abū Māzen, è un criminale islamico internazionale
deve essere subito arrestato