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Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

Why be patient with Islamic terror? Nobody else would. Just cut off everything to Gaza and reopen in a month if no hostile move came out of Gaza. No if, no but at the first hostile move from Gaza from now on everything is shut of for a month and let the E.U. complain while their women are getting raped and the streets taken over by Islamic prayers.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

too rational and too zionist and too jewish for this shmeckel coward PM 5th columnist

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

You must have shown a lot courage in commando unit to write like this about courageous Bibi.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

he is a has been

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

You have never been anything to have been anything. Bibi has done more then any PM presenting the case for the Jewish state of Israel. Have some respect and talk your shoes off because you are on holy ground while speaking of our Bibi.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

thats the persona sold u by his PR people now he is a fake hero and real traitor to the jewish national cause he fakes it he lied to his voters

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

how do u know whom i have been , moron, representing the case for Israel is no qualification to be PM, he does not defend israel and allows hammas to win every battle and allows them to am to the teeth he is dangerous to jewish security

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

You think you could do better? Bibi is a great man, and a great leader for Israel.
He loves his country and is loyal to it. Much more than can be said for most so called 'leaders' in the world today.
I would joyfully have him as prime minister of this country.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

he is a fake rightist he lied to his own party and voters he stopped settlement projects and now does not respond to hammas he is a traitor to the jews

alpcns . • 5 years ago

Criticism is cheap and easy. Prove your opinions. I'd like to see more, too, but it's not as easy and simple as it looks. I don't envy Bibi. It's an ungrateful, grueling, horrible job.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

the let this incompetent shmeckel resign or thrown out of office he is a dangle to jews, the blood of mani jews is on his hands

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

thee are many loyal and true zionists , unlike him, the shmeckel PM that can do better

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

anyone who allows the killings of jews without response is not a leader he is a shmeckel hammas on his watch kills jews and destroys Israeli land with impunity he is the shame of the security community and laughing stock as well

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

showing courage in commando units is no qualification to be PM, moron

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

how do we know he has been courageous, because his PR people said so, think

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

u dont have to have served in any unit to see the light that this shmeckel PM has blood on his hand 4 allowing the killings of jews with impunity ,
grow up kido, he was in a unit which does not mean he knows how to command he allows jews to be killed and he is a menace to Israeli security and lives, he speaks well comes from a good family and served in the IDF special unit but he is a shmeckel when it comes to security hammas plays him like a violin and wins every battle under his watch , he signed off on agreement with hammas not to assassinate their leaders and not to cause them too much damage in IDF light bombings, a serious shmeckel, rabin would have not allowed this, he is the joke of the arabs .and of military people on the globe

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
the problem is not to fear to fear dying, but to have the awareness: to be already dead in C-r-i-s-t Jesus: where your life can become an act of love to him, because he has already: given his life to you: love with love you pay, and you are already immortal, elsewhere, here, and always, because he has risen as a first fruits and then you too have already risen enthroned glorified and deified, and in this the supernatural power of money it NOT can put you more to death!

il problema non è quello di temere di temere di morire, ma, di avere la consapevolezza: di essere già morto in Cr-i-s-t-o Gesù: dove la tua vita può diventare un atto di amore a lui, perché lui ha già: dato la sua vita a te: infatti amor con amore si paga, e tu sei già immortale, altrove, quì, e sempre, perché lui è risorto come una primizia e quindi anche tu sei già risorto intronizzato glorificato e divinizzato, e in questo il potere soprannaturale del denaro non ti può più insidiare a morte!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Palestinians continue violent riots, airborne arson attacks as Hamas rockets subside
as for any collettive simbiotic deminiac totalitarianism NOT exists in Islam the value of the life of the individual who is expendable for the final victory, only that here the final goal is too infamous must be hidden from hypocrisy! come per i totalitarismi NON esiste nell'Islam il valore della vita del singolo che è sacrificabile per la vittoria finale, solo che quì lo scopo finale è troppo infame deve essere nascosto dalla ipocrisia!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Yes! money is a spiritual phenomenon, and since today it is not owned by the bearer or the State, then it is always a demonic phenomenon! In this context, money from be, the technical instrument of economy and social life, finance rises to all-encompassing Moloch Nwo, taking control of the planet in the name of Satan and turning Allah into a demon

si! la moneta è un fenomeno spirituale, e poiché oggi, non è di proprietà del portatore o dello Stato, poi, è sempre un fenomeno demoniaco! In questo contesto, il denaro da strumento tecnico della economia e della vita sociale, la finanza assurge a Moloch totalizzante prendendo il controllo del pianeta in nome di Satana e trasformando Allah in un demone

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Bin SALMAN] obviously,
without me, you can only realize the world war, and this is the goal of ISLAM.
to take possession as a jackal of what advanced to the lion,
that Unius REI, it is precisely this that goes saying to the whole world:
"the nuclear world war is only the responsibility of the Saudis!"

Bin SALMAN ] ovviamente,
senza di me, tu puoi soltanto realizzare la guerra mondiale, ed è questo l'odiettivo dell'ISLAM.
appropriarsi come uno sciacallo di quello che è avanzato al leone,
che Unius REI, è proprio questo che va dicendo a tutto il mondo:
"la guerra mondiale nucleare? è soltanto responsabilità dei sauditi!"

Photobug55 • 5 years ago

Go to israeltrees(dot)org. They are restoring damaged orchards, and you can help.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

we shouldnt help. the coward shmeckel PM who is allowing this should help, and the resign

Photobug55 • 5 years ago

This is not helping Netanyahu. It is helping Israelis who are under attack.

nat cheiman • 5 years ago


David Lipsker • 5 years ago

dont destroy them just their leaders but we have coward shmeckel PM

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

send this to the shmeckel coward PM

lesrun5k • 5 years ago

The IDF struck two hamas post in the northern gaza strip?This soft playing nicey poo approach in their response is the main reason the terror / damage continues by the sand roaches,when the headlines read two hamas post,occupied by hundreds of hamas fighters was destroyed then,only then will the terror attacks,kites / balloons by fire will stop.Israel must stop worrying about the world's bias opinions,this is a war,not a politically correct popularity contest.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

shmeckel coward 5th column PM

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

That's all we ever hear from you.
If you have nothing meaningful to say, shut up and go away.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

what a moron u are, if u dont like a comment then u would like to shut the commentator up, u are no bette then the palestinian arab terrorists PLO

evangeline golding • 5 years ago

There's only one moron here, and that's you.
You seem to think that you can criticize a hard working, courageous man who has to make the most horrendous decisions on a daily basis, and no-one will call you on it?
And when they do, your first line of defence is to start slinging names and insults?
So do tell tell us, what have you ever done that's so vital or worthwhile?
You wouldn't have the courage to say any of this stuff to our faces, and definitely not to Bibi. He could disassemble you with one hand.
Go away, you horrid, spiteful, little creature.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

oy vei, another pots, its because of naive potses and morons like you that this PM who is a fake likud nick and traitor to Israels security was reelected after he lied to the jews and stopped construction of settlements and did not respond properly to hammas and has let hammas win every battle with Israel and is concerned mainly with his ratings with the goiim and the EU and with his re election campaigns and is not qualified in any to conduct the affairs of security 4 the jews and has become a serious danger to the lives of jews the blood of mani dead Israeli is on his hand and yours as well for coming to his defense notwithstanding the dangers he poses to the jewish nation u are an enabler

scherado • 5 years ago

Before you get today's top-most entry as New Kid On The Block (list), I'll tell that I read your entire post at timestamp=="worldisraelnews_com/palestinians-continue-violent-riots-airborne-arson-attacks-as-hamas-rockets-subside/#comment-4037706155" and it would be helpful--ignoring the conceptual content, for a moment--that you employ some punctuation, other than the comma, and appropriate--read, necessary--capitalization.

Further, and for the rest of the commentators who haven't employed there block-lists as a solution to the particular problem you pose, perhaps you might explain your objection to the man you call, "Bibi," OTHER than the moronic ones (objections) you enumerated in the aforementioned post with timestamp provided.

Welcome to the list.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

what an imbecilic shmeckel u too are, u too dont give a s........ it about dead isaeli jews, u need to be disassembled stupid, u must be presenting the palestinian arab PLO u must be a self hating jew who doesnt mind that Israeli security is falling apart under this shmeckel PM / s watch, u should go do some P R 4 hammas or the treasoner to Israeli security the PM lean a bit about the crumbling security situation in Israel before opening your garbage mouth again lean some manners and decorum stupid change prescriptions

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

what i say is the mot meaningful will read stupid u should go away till u lean about Israeli security and lack of it under this shmeckel PM

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

hammas certainly knows how to play this shmeckel PM like a violin

alpcns . • 5 years ago

Yeah, yeah, we get it - you hate his guts. It's obvious. BTW voting yourself up is not convincing.

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

dont hate his guts just hate his non leadership and abandonment of jewish security, and his allowing jews to be murdered and his giving terrorist bodies to PLO fo celebrations and his phomi balonyi persona generated b his PR to scam his votes into thinking he is on the iright of the political spectrum when in reality he defends the palestinian arabs by limiting jewish settlements in the land of Israel he is a fake and o o that must be gotten id of in the next elections

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

IDF have become yo yos under this coward shmeckel PM and his poodle the DM Yvette Lieberman

David Lipsker • 5 years ago

hammas has won and will win every battle against Israel under this incompetent shmeckel coward PM who has the blood of mani isaelis on his hands

Dajjal • 5 years ago

Cease fire my foot! I want the ulcer entirely healed, I do not want my foot amputated. But Gaza can not be healed. It must be amputated. Carpet bomb it immediately!!!

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

Crawl back into your hole!