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taxpayer22 • 3 years ago

Erdogan is reviving the religion of the Anti-Christ that will enable the Islamic Mahdi to declare “I Am God..”

H Shamir • 3 years ago

Erdogan has enemies. Let's support them.

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Erpagain is nothing but a normal evil muzslime demon! The vile creature should be hanged when izslime falls completely, if he is still alive in about seven years!

1.8 billlion devils leaving earth would be amazingly helpful in every way , shape and form. What a vile sub-human species that make apes look hi tech

If every there was a need for a coup, it is now in turDkey (as well iran of course..oh and ruskieland and chinxville)
erDOGan needs to receive many many piece of hot lead flying through his body

Conservative American • 3 years ago

We hope Erdogan will exercise The RIght of The Sword, with one up his touchas.

Fatu Tielu • 3 years ago

It is further proof that Islam is not a religion of peace but of war and wants to live by the sword. That is enough for those on the other side to think seriously about.

Israel: Stop your part in aiding the islamo-fascist terrorist dictatorship of turDkey with trade, tourism and especially technology. Expel all turDks in Israel and nationalism anything that kunttree owns there. Bar turDks from entering any part of Israel, especially terrroist east jerusalem and the pigsty squaters in Judea and Samaria.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Hagia Sophia: Erdogan BOIA ISIS jiadism as Ataturk, power target: new Ottoman empire. Bringing the cathedral back to the state of mosque Santa SOFIA? Erdogan tries to please deep and Islamic Turkey and, at the same time, to propose himself as a UMMA nationalist defender of the homeland and defender of all Muslims in the world: filling them with hatred against all the peoples of the world,
but the biggest scandal is to say that after the Byzantine genocide they bought the Basilica of Santa Sofia from the Byzantines: as if we do not know how the Muslims in these 1400 years of genocide have really behaved.
Ataturk with his "young Turks" exterminated not only the Armenians: but exterminated: all the minorange: Syrians, Chaldean Christians, Greek Jews ... to prey on their wealth.
The sultan Erdogan exploits the traitors of the Democratic Party: in the USA EU, the European antichrist masonries to put into practice their power obsessions: and to establish themselves as a superpower in the Mediterranean. and technocratic and neoliberal Europe is committed to kneeling.
While they protect their sacred Islamicity we build mosques, madrassas, minarets to these sharia assassins: who know no secularism and reciprocity. Here, however, we continue to let them all enter, to follow the Kalergi plan, soon your shops will be them, and you will be sitting on the sidewalk asking for alms
and they already bring the 4 euros per hour earned here by us, in their countries and will build their well-being in their country with money earned on the
Italian land. While the Italians have to pay taxes, they bring their earnings abroad and don't pay taxes. What can they give us
them in return? 4 shacks built for 4 Italian mobsters who go on holiday for 4 pennies in a resort built by
Italian mafiosi in Nigeria or the Maldives or in the Philippine Islands? You sold Italy! What was the great exchange of giving permits
to stay as if they were candy? What is the counterparty? The counterpart is that the mafiosi eat it, politicians eat it
above, with the funding of the reception, NGOs and cooperatives of the Democratic Party make money, and honest citizens pay the consequences. You sold: the civilization, the history, the dignity and the Italian culture, you sold the country, you sold the Italians .. sold lousy!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

lgbtq Biden Merkel, OCI, EU, Pd, NWO Deep State, Bilderberg Riyad regime, they are demonic possessed: mason's Rothschild, inserted into a supernatural demonic body called "the entity"
they are not wrong in communication, they are perfect,
the greatest threat to mankind

they are not human beings: they are Satanist masons
inserted into a supernatural demonic body called "the entity"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

the witchcraft of the democratic party, in New Zealand's new right to infanticide, an outpost of the priests of satan lgbtq in the NWO, it violates, the NATURAL LAW and also violates common sense is the only valid satanism EU tecnocracy neoliberalism Rothschild scam banking seigniorage!
their reasoning, however, is right: if the abortion of a fetus is valid? then the infaticide of an unwanted child is also valid, because it has not yet reached its autonomy (adult consciousness)
that they are still victims of euthanasia, in case of depression.
by lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

il nuovo diritto all'infanticidio della Nuova Zelanda, avamposto dei sacerdoti di satana lgbtq nel NWO se viola, the NATURAL LAW, viola anche common sense is the only valid satanism UE tecnocracy neoliberalism Rothschild scam banking seigniorage!
il loro ragionamento però è giusto: se è valido l'aborto di un feto? allora è valido anche l'infaticidio di un bambino indesiderato, perché non ha ancora raggiunto una sua autonomia (coscienza adulta)
che, loro sono comunque vittime della eutanasia, in caso di depressione.
by lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

for Salvini it is folly to prolong the state of emergency: "Who pays? Count? Toninelli?" the leader of the League lashes out against the contents of the new DCMP and a possible extension for the whole of 2020 (a coup): "The government wants to starve and despair those who have not died of viruses?" they are bringing in infected Afro Muslims to block the Nation!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Zionism is the true enemy of the NWO,
that's why the ARAB LEAGUE is the supporter of all Satanism

il sionismo è il vero de nemico Del NWO,
ecco perché la LEGA ARABA è il supporter di ogni satanismo

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Opinion: Erdogan executes 'right of the sword'

Erdogan è una minaccia mondiale
perché come ISIS segue il Corano in modo letterale

erDOGan need to be executed by the sword

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Islam = genocide UMMA

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Nikos Dendias, the foreign minister, plans to impose himself on the antichrist in Brussels, and speaks of "sanctions in case Turkey continues to show aggression"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA UE NATO ] [ prima che Erdogan si rivelasse al mondo come Hitler criminale pazzo? io lo avevo detto prima!
lui è il Corano e il Corano è UMMA OCI!! i mussulmani devono essere tutti sterminati!