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jefz • 3 years ago

Beinart is an enemy of the Jewish people. Sadly their are more individuals of his degenerate and hostile attitude towards the state of Israel. Germany in the 40's would have been a great place for him.

Uzi Kattan • 3 years ago

Another member of the erev rav coming out against the Jewish people as their time is coming to an end.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

why at your avatar is write "sponsored"?

Guy Sasson • 3 years ago

Hey Peter,do us all a favor and Go LIVE in Gaza,where you belong You Fking POS idiot!!!!!

Mike Solomons • 3 years ago


It's about as sensible as bringing the American revolt to an end, putting the U.S. back under British rule!

While we're about it, let's restore the British Empire.

Who is this strange character Beinart and why is anyone listening to his ravings?


montlasky • 3 years ago

He is a pathetic Jewish anti Semite and has always been so. I thought he had disappeared back into his ratHole. Sadly, no luck! He is a disgrace to the Jewish community at large....but virulently so! The worst and most damaging anti Semite of the ilk of Gilad Atzmon! if he wants to reject his Jewish birthright, -that's great-good riddance but just keep your trap shut! Perhaps the Arabs will help him do so!

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Yes the vile muzslime have a way of shutting traps! Ask the isis boys they are great muzslime representatives!

Ariram • 3 years ago

The one state solution will be a bi-national state - which means that Israel will not be the nation-state of the Jewish people. It will also bring the end of the Zionist project.
He is as wrong as he ca be.


VTS • 3 years ago

Dreams. Dreams. End America, end Israel. Re-elect Trump and give them nightmares.

Rahel • 3 years ago

It sounds like Beinart is best friends with Soros.

dante • 3 years ago

if the call hasn't come in already, beinart is probably waiting for that call. beinart is thoroughly committed to beinart. there is nothing that he won't do or say to get on camera. you should see him swoon, flash his goofy canine smile when a microphone is accessible. the hump knows that the only thing that will get him notoriety is denouncing Israel. he used to pretend to do that from a position as a purportedly committed Jew and Zionist. he doesn't much bother with the fiction today.

NITZAKHON • 3 years ago

The only argument this traitor needs, IMHO, is a .22 cal brain hemorrhage at the base of his spine.

chaim silver. • 3 years ago

all his brain cells are dead, excepting for one. that 0NE has been hung out to dry.

Wm • 3 years ago

Bullets do not kill narratives; honest media kills narratives.

Rahel • 3 years ago

I was thinking more along the lines of a .40 or .45.

NITZAKHON • 3 years ago

Same principle, different mess levels.

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len • 3 years ago

He thinks he's the head Jew of the Warsaw Ghetto and he's found the answer to convince The Eichmann's to allow the Jews to live in peace ! Unfortunately this guy has made his name and eats his supper playing the Kapo.I wish they would take him to the Umschlagplatz already!

B Maddigan • 3 years ago

UNlike Beinart...
Hallelujah! Our GOD IS Almighty & Sovereign!
He doesN't speak and or do STUPID .

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

He doesn’t speak?

B Maddigan • 3 years ago

UNlike Beinart
Sorry I meant, GOD does Not speak or do Stupid things

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

eih Satana, cosa ti succede?

veramente, tra tanti tuoi lgbtq jihadisti bilderberg, deep state, esoteric agenda: partito democratico, ANTIFA, sharia jihadh , massoni Merkel adoratori Lucifero-Allah,
tu non riesci a trovare piĂą nessuno che voglia venire a litigare contro di me?
allora non ti resta: che di venire, proprio tu in persona, a fare un ultimo disperato tentativo
per salvare il tuo regno: la FED IMF ECB NWO OCI Riyadh Iran


lupo IRAN? non mangia lupo TURCHIA, e lupo Mohammed non mangia: il lupo mannaro Erdogan

dante • 3 years ago

cosa c'entra questo con l'oggetto dell'articolo?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

this is my free office from Kingdom Israel
why your Rothschild with banking scam seigniorage and mortgage loan?

he stole everything from me!

Dean Blake • 3 years ago


paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

ok, let's see, now how could you defend SATAN's honor!

Dean Blake • 3 years ago

English? How many different people are using your nome de web handle?
ANSWER: Xtians defend Satan's honor by evangelizing Jews on the web.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

my ministry is universal ministry is whay i am 7 name

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

no! i am only can use my many name

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

your satan is all stupid!
and how do I build my third Jewish temple
if the Jews convert to Christianity?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Bin SALMAN ] certo [ non esiste un limite all'odio che può essere dato ai Rothschild,
non si faranno scrupoli a far morire tutti gli israeliani: ANCHE..

ma, proprio tu hai impedito loro ogni possibilitĂ  di redenzione!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

President RIVLIN ] affianco alla mia icona "avatar" appare la dicitura "sponsored"
chi mi ha sponsorizzato a mia insaputa?

President RIVLIN ] [ i miei commenti su mio
https://www youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
saranno visibili soltanto quando un supervisore li approverĂ !

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

BIN SALMAN ] [il supervisore del mio youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
ha deciso che questo commento non andava approvato

BIN SALMAN ] [ NON C'Ă© SOLUZIONE politica /pacifica in TERRASANTA, senza il mio Regno di ISRAELE
(tutti a tutti: un solo regno per tutti: palestinesi e israeliani)
e lo stesso schema si applica su tutto il pianeta:
per Unius REI (la abolizione della geopolitica)
ma, questa è una bella utopia soltanto, se prima non mettiamo fuori tutti i satanisti:
lgbtq, SpA coorporations, sistema massonico e sistema sharia

in TUrCHIA? tutti si sono messi i baffetti di Hitler
Ex vice primo ministro turco Cevdet Yilmaz, 9 luglio 2020
"Non permetteremo a nessuno di danneggiare gli interessi della Turchia"
Un'intervista con l'ex vice primo ministro Cevdet Yilmaz

David • 3 years ago

Actually, I think thats a good idea given the fact Israel isn't willing to keep Torah and the state of Israel is anti Torah, there is really no reason to continue it. Unless of course the religious Jews are willing to drive out the Erev Rav and the Arab occupation. Regardless the state of Israel must end and it will end, one way or the other. Either through the Gog u'Magog war or through Israels religious people ending the state and replacing it with a Torah nation or that everyone says, ok, we are not ready for implementing Torah in our lives just yet, lets evacuate the premises till we are.

As to this Beinart Erev Rav fellow, its because religious Jews aren't ready to remove the Erev Rav like this Beinart Erev Rav fellow and declare him and the others none Jews, that his suggestion, to dismantle the state of Israel for the time being, actually makes sense.

Raymond Chioma Achinonu • 3 years ago

Peter Beinart , There is only one word for you, "Behold it is written, HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER SO THAT YOUR DAYS WILL BE LONG ON EARTH YOU ARE LIVING.

bettyschneck • 3 years ago

Beinaer has a twisted neurology. He turns view to be recognized rather than relate the facts. One should turn a blind eye to his talk and not recognize him.

chaim silver. • 3 years ago

hoo hishtageia. hoo tzarich lalechet le azozel. beinart, there is no speed limit on the highway to hell. enjoy your trip.

Scott M Sykes • 3 years ago

You are right Peter Beinart " “The classic two-state solution is dead,”" WAS NEVER AN OPTION for SQUATTERS on the Land PROMISED TO YAHOVAH'S PEOPLE! What the WORLD SAYS and those CORRUPTED AND PERVERTED BY IT have NO AUTHORITY over YAHOVAH'S PROMISES! NO WHERE IN THE HISTORY of the world was there even such thing as "palestine" until AFTER THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE IN 70 AD. So ALL that "claim" to be "palestinian" are nothing more than SQUATTERS AND THIEVES on Yahovah's Land.

From the NIle to the Euphrates and from the northern sea to the southern this shall be the Promised Land given to those of the children of Abraham and those who call on Yahovah as their ONE TRUE GOD! All others need not apply for what does RIGHTEOUSNESS have to do with WICKEDNESS? For what does HOLINESS have to do with ABOMINATIONS? For this Land shall be PURE AND FREE of the disease and sickness of the perversions of the world. You leaders of Israel listen well for this is YOUR NOTICE remove from Yahovah's Land those who profane it. Those who WILLFULLY walk in their abominations and falsehoods shall be cast out from the Promise unless they repent of their ways BUT YOU LEADERS shall be held ACCOUNTABLE for EACH AND EVERY SINNER in Yahovah's land.

In Love, Be Blessed. Shalom

Al Talena • 3 years ago

He can take all his pro-Israel claims and shove it. He's traded in his Jewishness for a lefty agenda. He has become a useful idiot for the left and the fatah authority

Nichus Block • 3 years ago

Strange how the only free, stable, democratic state in the ME has its right to exist constantly questioned, while other failed states like Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq get a pass every time. The only explanation is anti-semitism.

alpcns . • 3 years ago

This guy not only exhibits abject ignorance, primitive reasoning and shocking immorality. He's simply a closet fascist, keen on the destruction of Israel. Of course he can't say that out loud (yet). But the fact that he's intellectually dishonest (not to mention intellectually lazy, with his corrupted and inaccurate sources) as well as manipulative clearly shows that he has something to hide - an agenda.

It's a well known "progressive" tactic. In his case, it's fascism.

Joint List, party of treason must be banned from government!!!

" And all that is somehow just a reflection of Jewish trauma."

It is a staple of those inflicted with the horrible mind eating disease mooooslum

No No No
Pally rats out one way or the other!
I call for an end to this idiot.

Efram Paul • 3 years ago

Why isn't anyone calling for an end to this momza?

Don Spilman • 3 years ago

Just another fool grabbing lots of “air time”. He has likely never had an original thought stumble into his feeble mind! There are a vast array of popular ignorant people these days it seems! It’s about to to end however very decisive things are coming soon that will alter the whole literal and sociological landscape!

A Tart • 3 years ago

ANSWER = "Hey Mossad we have a job for you".