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Angry_Abraham • 4 years ago

Do not make a mistake. It is a civil religious war. Haridim do not recognize State Israel. They are minority of Israelis, but have a big influential block in Knesset. They will not give up.
Without them Bibi can do nothing. This conflict is vital to the future of the state.

edan • 4 years ago

For heavens sake form a govt. Enough infighting. Isn't it enough half the World is laughing at Israel because it can't come together to form a govt. and it's enemies enjoying the dysfunction, and weakness it displays.

Grace Joy • 4 years ago

I don't trust the elections. This is a setup; because they can't harm Israel with Bibi in charge. Gantz will give too much to the Arab Mus-lims.

Tuvi Todd • 4 years ago

The two big parties should should discard their respective agendas, and
briefly unite, solely for the purpose of raising the Knesset threshold from 4 to 12 seats, so that:
{A} - Next time the elections results will be different, and also that
{B} - Government formation will be simpler, without so many small and demanding parties.

Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
Guest • 4 years ago
stevealevine • 4 years ago

You mean to say there's a question hidden in that pile of garbage verbiage? In what language?!