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A Tart • 4 years ago

Islamic Republic of Francaise

Luigi Rosolin • 4 years ago

France had many African & other immigrant that are often extremist Islamic, also the Nigerian like in Italy are become gang of organize crime. France is on a brink of a revolution like the 1968. Criminality & terrorist are not keep under control as the system is incapable to stop the unrest, strike terrorism. Citizen want another government but with not change nothing as who dictate the politic economic in EU is a powerful cartel that is acting for the German bank interest not the people!

A Tart • 4 years ago

Italians should rise up and do it for themselves...screw the Germans they have caused 2 world wars and they are still being a pain in the rear end.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

666 draft blogger ] si lo so, i motori di ricerca sono diventati un
servizio a pagamento google NSA NWO FED FMI OGM esoteric agenda:
Rochefeller, e quindi se, oltre ai compuer automatici della CIA (e loro
agenti x6x6x6) non viene nessuno sui miei blog?
io non mi devo lamentare!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Impeachment, iniziato l'assalto
Ecco le 2 calunnie contro Trump:
il Partito democratico è eversivo!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Sondaggio che terrorizza l'Ue:
l'Italia è Paese più euroscettico
la UE ci sta scortincando vivi.
noi abbiamo perso il 50% della ricchzza nazionale!
il sistema predatorio di Francia e Germania non perdona!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

L'Ue sotto il ricatto turco: ora non difende la Grecia
L'Italia adesso sfida Erdogan
Inviata nave militare a Cipro
il problema non è Erdogan: è il corano che è una Parola INCREATA!
.. e tira legalizzando, tutti i più infami e delittuosi istinti dell'uomo legalizzandoli

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

L'Impero del Sultano: ecco il sogno di Erdogan

e i soldati turchi quando vanno il Libia?
non escono più!
anche a Cipro vuole rubare il gas

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

L'ultima "gretinata" di Macron:
inventa l'ecocidio dell'ambiente
è vero per distruggere la cristianità israeliani e USA FED FMI Riyadh bloccarono l'energia dell'idrogeno estratto dall'acqua

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

"Cardinal Pell is innocent": now a Sky Australia documentary appears.
Sodoma asked for his sentence:
and NWO FED 666 FMI ECB: SpA Deep Stare sharia jihad said: "bravo bravo bravo"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Russiagate, la conferma di Barr
'Fbi in malafede contro Trump'

CIA e Partito Democratico hanno un solo difetto: "loro sono i satanisti"

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Saruman Rothschild Rochefeller Morgan] Liliana Segre said the prayers to you this morning, standing up, or, did she it say on his knees?
lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah
3 days ago
Removed Removed Removed Removed
Scala: applause for Liliana Segre upon her arrival
Liliana Segre demonstrates that diaspora Jews are parasites and traitors, they
are a mortal threat against the peoples of the planet!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

Removed [ ] Bin SALMAN tu non dovresti essere così infantile!!!

lorenzoJHWH KINGDOM messiah
3 days ago
Removed Removed

Bin SALMAN ] il tuo satana dorme, oppure è in coma catatonico!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 4 years ago

600 mayors in a procession in Milan for Liliana Segre: "hatred has no future" then, they sang "Bella Ciao"
open letter to: Satana RIVLIN Saruman Rochefeller Morgan Rothschild Bilderberg Merkel Marduch] but Liliana Segre said the prayers to your gods this morning?

Israeli Student Beaten on Crowded Train in Vicious Paris Anti-Semitic Attack

We are unable to post a comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
unitedwithisrael? worldisraelnews?
I certainly won't take it against these good guys! we have fun together!

Nessie • 4 years ago

This will be more and more "normal" now that a precedent was set with Sarah Halimi's murderer not being tried for murder because he had weed in his system while saying verses of the quran while torturing the poor woman. France gave a green light for evil people to bring harm to good people.

I hope Yogev's wounds heal completely (physical and emotional).

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

The world needs to just start killing muzslime. The nasty damned things are never going to stop their vile evil murderous ways. I don’t even call their actions hate, I don’t think they are capable of human emotions such as love and hate! All they are is “obedient” slaves to all lala (satan). They are more like brain dead robots or zombies than anything!

Nessie • 4 years ago

I agree with everything except the first line. What the world needs to do is discuss Islam honestly and help to deprogram Muslims from a belief system that was concocted by a really bad man. Muslims are just people who take their religious/spiritual/moral ques from a psychopath. Once Muhammad is perceived as the evil simple man that he was, more and more Muslims can be liberated from the hate and system that has oppressed them. Muslims are victims of Islam, most are descendants of people who were violently forced into it. We should not become what Islam is trying to create - so your first line has to go. Kill Islam - liberate Muslims.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

That FEELS. Sweet and kind but muzslime do not respond to sweet and kind. The ONLY thing muzslime understand is power over them. If they perceive any opportunity to murder you and take all you have they will wait until they believe they can act on that opportunity. The word reason or debate does not exist in their vile belief system. So tell me how are we going to contain millions of the evil vermin without killing a lot of them? They sure have no compunction to murdering us! They are planning on taking over the West very soon, they have weapons and reason to kill if we can’t match that with superior strength they will get their way and literally set up HELL on earth! No I guarantee you there is going to be much death on both sides! Are you ready for that?

Nessie • 4 years ago

Some Muslims are closet "apostates." Some just consider themselves Muslim without understanding the real meaning (they practice some form that has been adapted to not be so horrible, even though the root of it always will be). Muslims that adhere to Islam are certainly either tormented by it, or benefit from it while tormenting others. There needs to be more brave people (like the EXs) to talk their relatives out of the horrid obedience system concocted by a psychopath. (without getting themselves killed). "I Squared" should host a debate debunking what Muhammad is perceived to be by those who actually value the influential criminal.

I can't stand Islam. It only has brought harm to this world to all except the few who use it to extract from others. The way to defeat it is through the mind - not by becoming the killers that Islam teachers its followers to be. Yes - many Muslims are brainwashed - but not all. Even my approach will bring horrors as Muslims who value Muhammad get violent when the ugly and embarrassing facts about him are displayed. But rather the birthing pains to a more civilized world than the birthing pains of more Islamization.

Don Spilman • 4 years ago

ALL muzlime are LIARS I will never ever trust anything any of the vile creatures say about anything!Truly Dedicated X muzslime I will trust! As long as a muzslime remains a muzslime, just know they are lying!