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Raymond Chioma Achinonu • 3 years ago

Congratulation! At last there is peace in Israel government, At lest this is better. The world wide Jews are listening and watching. Once more Bibi, congrats!

NutalieDumsom • 3 years ago

Can Bennet and his party file for compensation as a victim of abuse?

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

but the Islamic Democratic Party: who was born to support the proletariat?
then, today, it ended up supporting the neoliberalism of Kissinger rothshild and Soros
they are a coup, a conspiracy!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Joshua sees only one other **** to Salman of Saudi Arabia] how can you
say I am the true religion (and this should be demonstrated through
love, goodness, justice ... Now prepare for the consequences!
Erdogan Islamic genocide to kill people with Turkmen al-Nusra have done the genocide of all Christians, etc. etc.. and the desecration of all the Churches, before ISIS appeared ... spa Giosue big satanists kerry satan BIDEN 322 owl Aru mazda JaBullOn talmud B'nai B'rith
if, the politicians are good and do not fall into the trap of the world
war, to the International Monetary Fund, SpA, World Bank, other
wear worse hem0rrh0ids
how Turcomans did the genocide of all Christians, etc. etc .. and the
desecration of all the Churches, before ISIS appeared ... while
satanists and communists face each other while satanists and communists
face each other, in reality with their jihadist galaxy sharia law it
grows day by day ... 1. public debt scam
2. bank seigniorage scam
3. fractional reserve fraud
https://satanqueenfagot blogspot com/p/lorenzojhwh-unius-rei

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

# 23April 1915 In the Ottoman Empire, in the night between 23 and 24 Armenian writers, intellectuals and men were exterminated in yet
another Islamic genocide Islamic Pharisee Masons
how Turcomans did the genocide of all Christians, etc. etc..
and the desecration of all the Churches, before ISIS appeared ...
Blind Pharisee purifies first inside the glass
Benjamin Netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin] I can successfully move the inevitable WORLD WAR, FUNCTIONAL TO WEAR NEEDS ...
Now prepare for the consequences!
322 Kerry 666 doesn't need Epstain's lolite

Now prepare for the consequences!
moderate OBAMA terrorists
my jhwh my jhwh Select 666 Country
yitzhak kaduri
my jhwh Select 666 Country: Select 666 Country criminal satanic country: my jhwh
my jhwh Select 666 Country Now get ready for the consequences!
Now prepare for the consequences!
I am King of Israel lorenzoJHWH
my jhwh Select 666 Country:
Now prepare for the consequences!How could you have preferred this seigniorage - masonry to the Kingdom of God?
Now prepare for the consequences!
all for him or against him = A and W
you didn't have to hate Jesus, he is love
my JHWH: sharia satanic and criminal country
burn satan ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ardMarduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA
burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in
Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ uniusrei @ protonmail com
Now prepare for the consequences!
B'nai B'rith

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Time Running Out For Religious Freedom Commission Act Now - Time
Running Out For Religious Freedom Commission ISIS continues to tear
across Iraq and Syria, ruthless ... to Salman of Saudi Arabia] how can
you say I am the true religion (and this should be demonstrated through
love, goodness, justice ...

burn satan ☦️shariah ☦️Allah ☦️owl ardMarduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA
burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in

Jesus's name amen ☦️alleluia ☦️ uniusrei @ protonmail com
Now prepare for the consequences!
B'nai B'rith
https://satanqueenfagot blogspot com/p/lorenzojhwh-unius-rei.htm

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

+++ 1. El poder demoníaco político de los Rothschild Morgan Rockefeller, de propiedad privada del Banco Central, reside en todos los SYNAGOGES y en el Sanedrín Supremo.

+++ 2. El mismo poder político demoníaco de la LEGA ÁRABE y su galaxia yihadista reside en todas las mezquitas:

+++ 3. el objetivo de estos dos demonios hipócritas cuando es despiadado es su aniquilación total a nivel de ganado Soy lorenzoJHWH Unius REI el Rey de ISRAEL expulsado de las redes sociales en todo el mundo

by lorenzoJHWH messia King Israel

Unius REI Governor WorldWide

https://satanqueenfagot blogspot com

Baruch • 3 years ago

Yemina the modern religious, Bnai Akiva, nationalists, ones who settle the land, brave soldiers , cream of society, moderates, sensible and smart lovers of Israel proud Jews Bibi did not take. But Haredim, Shas & Gantz he did. Not pleased about it.

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 3 years ago

Subcutaneous microchips arrive in Italy
May 14, 2020
Sanatoria Bellanova, Arab smugglers exult: "Thanks Teresa"

The tears of the Moroccan Bellanova trigger the anger of the Italians

Illegal amnesty is declaration of war: they must be stopped by any means

Clandestine amnesty, Salvini: patience is over
https://voxnews info/2020/05/13/le-lacrime-della-marocchina-bellanova-scatenano-la-rabbia-degli-italiani

The grillini lied, in the decree there is the amnesty of 600 thousand illegal immigrants
Soros NGOs are a deadly threat
Offenses against Silvia Romano (funded ISIS jihad Erdogan i Wahhabiti), Pm assesses racial hatred

Bellanova whines live because he has regularized illegal immigrants

"Trieste worse than Lampedusa": thousands on the march to Italy

Senior robbery immigrant: Thai Boxing champion blows him up - VIDEO

Furious policemen: government absent after police funeral killed, for Silvia Romano you had a party

China, new infections: whole city closed, 6 million in quarantine

Italians hate Aisha: wave of hate messages

Silvia Romano, Magistrate interrupts deposition to make them pray to Allah

Coronavirus: almost 200 dead in 24 hours, contagion boom in Molise 'thanks' to Roma

Fines for a kiss: DPCM Conte violation

Virologists monetize the coronavirus: how much they take on TV per minute

Blitz at home against children who want to study: € 1,600 fine - VIDEO

Immigrants: “Italy, nation of mer * a, we want a home” - VIDEO
May 13, 2020
Priest hosts immigrant who pounds him: "I forgive him, he drinks too much"

It houses the mother's killer for "spiritual obligation": he also kills her

Silvia Romano, Di Maio: "Onlus in Africa without informing the Farnesina"

Roma funeral triggers the infection: Saturday the encore in Florence

In Pakistan no masks and food for Christians: "First they have to convert"

Dajjal • 3 years ago

What will collapse this house of cards and when??