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Don Spilman • 4 years ago

Mystery? What mystery? There is no mystery it was totally expected, if I had found a bookie I would have made bank on how soon they would murder the slime ball! Kan anyone say klintons????? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! A person would have lived longer being around Hitler, moosaleni and old stalin combined than being a “friend” of the Klintons!!!

Salvini answer Renzi "il mostro di Firenze"
Salvini said: "I answer to Renzi" ("the poltronaro Monster of Florence")

Riyad iran OCi this your world of: SpA FED IMF and sharia? it won't last! ] [there are no stupid creatures!
Russia China and India: depend on my protection!
the Jewish-Christian civilization will NOT collapse!
the ARAB League will find itself in a dead end: and when will your wickedness understand it?
then it will be too late!

the land of the BANANAS M5S & Pd
Immigrant rapes daughters of 10 year old neighbors: "If you say so I'll kill you" August 11, 2019
Reported in Libya and Tunisia 111 illegal immigrants headed for NGOs August 11, 2019
Catania, red thugs assault car Salvini - VIDEO August 11, 2019
5 asylum seekers rape a 13-year-old girl August 11, 2019
He lives near the reception center: raped in his garden August 11, 2019
Girl trusts immigrant and he rapes her: "She wanted it" August 11, 2019
Mayor League beaten to blood by the Roma: they smash his face - VIDEO August 11, 2019
Bibbiano Effect: Rom magistrate approves single adoption of 2 Africans

"By not shaving, women regain possession of their bodies" voxnews info/2019/08/10/non-depilandosi-le-donne-si-riappropriano-del-proprio-corpo/
New inevitable HuffPost service:
It is NOT a statistical loss: since we began to shave feminine men:
so women without males will do lesbians! the killer boss pimp wife: learns to crawl under the sole of her shoes !! "By not shaving, women regain possession of their bodies"

la moglie magnaccia: impara a strisciare sotto la suola delle sue scarpe!! “Non depilandosi le donne si riappropriano del proprio corpo”

#ANTIFA catto-communisti trogloditi: 75th Martyrs piazzale Loreto, Deputy Mayor Milan: "we need to tell ourselves anti-fascists": and look for the fascists in the #FdI and #Lega party? grotesque!
on the other hand they make the return of #fascism indispensable because they: betray the constitution by giving scam #bank banking 666 seigniorage to rothschild!

ANTIFA catto-comunisti trogloditi: a 75mo Martiri piazzale Loreto, Vicesindaco Milano: "abbiamo bisogno di dirci antifascisti": e cercano i fascisti nel partito di FdI e Lega? grottesco!
in compenso loro rendono indispensabile il ritorno del fascismo perchéé: tradiscono la costituzine regalando il signoraggio bancario a rothschild!

land of BANANA moon the donkey masons consociativismo #Soros Pd (democratic party) #italia #Ue #Anticrito Ursula Von Hitler Rothschild? it's no man's land! they face private Islamic armies! BRESCIA, 11 AUGUST - Maxi brawl between rival gangs yesterday
evening in a public park in the Badia district of Brescia. the protagonist is fifty 20 year olds and 30 year olds of Pakistani origins. The comparison had been scheduled for days. Five people are arrested while the others are
escaped when the police arrived. Among the wounded, the most serious is a young man shot in the arm with a crafted halberd.
from fighting techniques: they must have been enrolled by the Nigerian mafia, for drug dealing, theft, lace and prostitution

itaGlia di asini massoni consociativismo soros Pd (partito democratico) #italia #Ue #Anticrito Ursula Von Hitler Rothschild? è terra di nessuno! si affrontano eserciti islamici privati! BRESCIA, 11 AGO - Maxi rissa tra bande rivali ieri
sera in un parco pubblico del quartiere Badia a Brescia. protagonista una cinquantina di 20enni e 30enni di origini: pakistane. Il confronto era stato programmato da giorni. Cinque le persone arrestate mentre le altre sono
scappate al momento dell'arrivo delle forze dell'ordine. Tra i feriti il più grave è un giovane colpito ad un braccio con un'alabarda artigianale.
dalle tecniche di combattimento: devono essere stati arruolati dalla mafia nigeriana, per spaccio droga, furti, pizzo e prostituzione

Sexual violence on girls close to home, arrested - Lombardy
ansa it / lombardy / news / 2019/08/10 / violence-sexual-on-bimbe-arrested_265da088-edfc-4e83-bf69-04230837d30c
BUT antifa ANSA (democratic party media network satellite TV) DOES NOT SAY THAT IT IS AN IMMIGRANT
Cream horror. A 29-year-old ethnic immigrant worker is in the cell
Indiana. It was nailed by the footage taken during one of the
violence consumed in the garage. Yesterday total embargo on the ethnicity of the

Too many violent and premature deaths have happened to too many people who have approached CLINTON's private life closely:
because they are under protection of the Churches of Satan CIA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO

troppe morti violente e premature sono accadute a troppe le persone che hanno avvicinato da vicino la vita privata dei CLINTON:
perché loro sono sotto protezione delle Chiese di Satana CIA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO