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Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

I don’t get it! France always sides with Islamic terror against the Jewish state of Israel and in return The Jewish state of Israel protects France from Islamic terror? Is this nuts or what?

Jacob45 • 5 years ago

Actually, this time they were protecting Iranians trying to protest the dictatorship in Iran as well as Frogs.

Albert Reingewirtz • 5 years ago

True! How?

Photobug55 • 5 years ago

". . . .Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the attack when expressing amazement at continuing European efforts to keep up a relationship with Iran."

Oh, come on Bibi. You know more than to be amazed.

Beverly • 5 years ago

A lot of us are amazed that England, France, and Germany continue to support Iran and of Germany's relationship with Russia.

Lynnette • 5 years ago

I find it odd that Iran is being given so much consideration as it seems to be a very secretive nation. We don't really know what it's up to as far as the rest of the world is concerned. Yes it's made some improvements to the life of its people but how long will that last when a new dictator takes over as this guy won't live forever?

thereligionofpeace.com • 5 years ago

How has it improved the lives of its people? It spends a lot of money financing Islamic terror instead of helping its people.

Photobug55 • 5 years ago

The mullahs will just put forward a list of candidates, each a clone of the next one in line, and the people will chose which puppet of the religious order they prefer.

Peter Cohen • 5 years ago

The Europeans, as usual, have their heads up their...……………..

George • 5 years ago

The European countries deserve whatever happens there with their idiotic immigration polices and their siding with Iran.

Normando782 • 5 years ago

Supporting Iran is supporting terrorism. Macron is an idiot and the other European leaders are not much better.

chesapeakelax • 5 years ago

Messiah UNIUS REI JHWH, dude...keep smoking that sh*t. Everyone acknowledges you for the Troll that you are. Misinformation and fear-mongering are your best allies...LMFAO

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

io sono il Re di ISRAELE e chiunque, in tutto il mondo, pensa di opporsi alla mia giurisdizione mondiale, lui commette un delitto di lesa maestà e di alto tradimento,
i miei ministri ANGELI reagiranno a questa insubordinazione!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

io sono il Re di ISRAELE, il legittimo erede al trono di ISRAELE, scelto da Dio con potenza terribile, e io sono venuto a rivendicare il mio Regno con le buone o con le cattive agli usurpatori Rothschild Morgan Rochefeller Satana Bin Salman Allah tutti i loro demoni massoni e satanisti CIA 666 UK NATO!

paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

“Rivoluzione di Maidan farlocca e Crimea russa”: rabbia di Kiev contro Salvini: le cose vanno chiamate con il loro nome: Cia 666 UK NATO UE devono presentarsi al plotone di esecuzione per alto tradimento!

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19:02 21.07.2018 |
massimo, tu vedi israeliani in tutti i misfatti, perché così fai felice Straker?
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paypal.me/lorenzoJHWH • 5 years ago

Mossad foiled Iranian-led terror attack in Paris. anche IRAN come Saudi ARABIA finanzia: organizza e supporta logisticamente il terrorismo mondiale!